Furunculosis is no joke.

I would like to once again draw your attention to the importance of personal and public hygiene when practicing bodybuilding and fitness. We have already discussed this topic several times on the pages of our website, and here is another instructive story for you...

An athlete I know constantly trained in a perpetually greasy T-shirt and the same sweatpants. Having sweated thoroughly during training, after its completion he simply dried his sports clothes, and did not think at all that at least sometimes it didn’t hurt to wash them...

As a result, after some time, he developed furunculosis. And this thing is not at all a joke, as it might seem at first glance. And not even many doctors really understand what to do with furunculosis. Sometimes there are such difficult cases that you need to contact very knowledgeable specialists and be observed by them for a single month, adjusting your diet with all kinds of pharmacological drugs, which naturally does not benefit us at all.

Remember: furunculosis is not a joke. Never forget this. Follow the rules of personal hygiene. And then all kinds of skin diseases will bypass you, without interfering with your progress in training and new achievements in fitness and bodybuilding. Be healthy!

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