7 ways to quickly cheer yourself up

Our mood can be affected by many factors, including diet, lifestyle and environment. If you feel that your mood is not in the best state, there are some simple ways that will help you lift it quickly and effectively.

  1. Gymnastics. Lie on your back, raise your legs and arms up and maintain this position for 5-7 minutes. This gymnastics normalizes blood circulation, relieves muscle tension and sends pleasant impulses throughout the body.

  2. To-do list. Make a list of all the things you have to do today or throughout the week. When you have completed any of the steps, mark it with a tick. Each completed task from the list subconsciously lifts your spirits and inspires you to complete the next one. Once you've done everything, treat yourself to a nice gift as a reward.

  3. Increasing the level of serotonin and endorphin in the body. For example, a 15-minute walk can help you get the dose of daylight you need to boost your mood. Also, do not forget about products that are true friends of a good mood. Eat oranges, tangerines and persimmons, green vegetables, bananas, cheese, oatmeal and berries.

  4. Color therapy. Treat yourself to color therapy and fill the surrounding interior with colors. Take out colorful T-shirts, bags and accessories from your closet and give yourself a colorful manicure. Colors such as red, pink and green are considered the most effective helpers for raising mood and vitality. Hang a picture in your room or pick up a brush and paint your own masterpiece.

  5. Massage of biologically active skin points. A simple massage of biologically active points on the skin can improve your well-being. Using your thumb and index finger, lightly massage the fold of skin between the thumb and index finger on your other hand. The procedure does not require a special environment and can be done both at home and in the office or transport.

  6. Communication with animals. Communication with animals promotes the production of happiness hormones and eases the psycho-emotional state. If you don't have a pet, visit friends who do. Or go to an equestrian club where you can ride horses.

  7. Sport. Play sports. To maintain a good mood, a person needs no more than 20 minutes of physical activity a day. Running and exercising on exercise machines will not only get rid of the blues, but will make your figure toned.

In conclusion, lifting your spirits doesn't have to take a lot of time and effort. Don't forget about your health, proper nutrition, physical activity, communication with friends and loved ones, as well as what surrounds you. Apply these simple tips in your life and you will definitely feel your mood rise to the next level.