Human heredity

In all the theories of heredity we have studied, it is possible to identify individual elements that were later confirmed and developed on a larger scale in the genetics that developed at the beginning of the 20th century. The most important of them:

  1. identification of individual characteristics, properties or indicators in the human body, the inheritance of which is available for analysis using available methods;
  2. determination of these indicators by special discrete units of heredity concentrated in the structures of the cell (nucleus). However, these are only the makings that require further development.
  1. Genetics and heredity. Its impact on health and psychophysical state
  2. Laws of Heredity
  3. It turns out that the level of health and physical condition of an individual person actually depends on:
  4. Contents of the article:

Genetics and heredity. Its impact on health and psychophysical state

Suppose a child was born with negative (burdened) heredity, that is, he has a damaged mutant gene, which, being and circulating in the family even before the moment of his birth, marked his some hereditary characteristics - genotype. Does this mean that this child will definitely get sick? Is this inevitable? In fact, it turns out that not at all. This simply means that he has a predisposition, the implementation of which requires certain so-called provoking stimuli.

Currently, the influence of genetic factors on health and physical fitness levels has not been studied enough. It is believed that it fluctuates between 20-30%. According to Claude Bouchard, a world-famous Canadian physiologist, the level of physical fitness is determined by 25-40% by genetic factors. This point of view is shared by many scientists. Thus, there “remains” a 60-75% possibility of influencing the level of physical fitness with the help of physical activity, means of physical education and a rational diet and, consequently, influencing the state of health. Undoubtedly, there are people who are born with a more efficient heart and lungs and a more powerful muscular system. At the same time, they lead a fairly active lifestyle, exercise (train) with sufficient intensity and, therefore, can fully realize their genetic potential. If this potential is high enough, then with adequate physical training they can achieve great success in sports. At the same time, if a person is a hopeless couch potato, then even an excellent genetic structure will not be able to reduce the risk of developing diseases and will practically not protect him from bad habits. This is what modern experts in the field of genetics tell us. What other laws and postulates do genetics and our heredity dictate to us?

The work of genetic scientists has proven that under favorable circumstances, a damaged gene may not show its aggressiveness. A correct lifestyle and a generally healthy background of the body can “extinguish” its aggressiveness. But unfavorable environmental conditions almost always only increase the aggressiveness of pathological genes and make it possible to provoke a disease that would not manifest itself under any other conditions.

But if everything is fine with heredity, then how will events develop? What happens if the parents are perfectly healthy and at the same time they have an absolutely healthy child, does this mean that he will remain healthy all his life? This is not at all a fact, since you can inherit good health from your ancestors and still seriously deteriorate it in a few years. However, at the same time, it is quite possible to be born with poor health, but, with every effort, strengthen it.

It turns out that the level of health and physical condition of an individual person actually depends on:

  1. from the general genetic “background”,
  2. its life cycle stage,
  3. the body's ability to adapt,
  4. the level of his physical activity,
  5. as well as the total influence of external factors (including social) environment.

The level of health mostly depends on the laws of hereditary genetic predisposition, which a particular individual cannot radically change. However, recent studies show that with serious, targeted physical exercise, the functioning of individual systems of the human body can be improved within 15-30%. With a healthy lifestyle, an improvement in psychophysical condition by 10-12% is observed. This makes it possible to reduce the influence of unfavorable heredity when transmitting genetic information to next generations.

Studying the role of hereditary or acquired in the manifestation and development of the most important quality for a person - endurance (general performance), the basis of which is the capabilities of the aerobic energy generation system, scientists have identified the genetic determinism of changes in the main indicator of these capabilities - maximum oxygen consumption (MOC). It has been established that long-term training can significantly increase BMD, but the limits of its increase are limited by the individual genotype. According to available data, the increase in VO2 max, even with many years of rationally structured training, can be no more than 20-30% relative to the initial level. It follows that children who have endurance and maximum aerobic power, for example, 40 ml/kg/min at the beginning of sports, can increase its level only to 52 ml/kg/min through specialized training. At the same time, the MOC for qualified middle and long distance runners is 75 ml/kg/min or more.

A study of the issue of heredity and obesity revealed that in families where both parents are thin, the obesity of their children does not exceed 9%, with obesity of one of the parents - 42%, with obesity of both parents - 83% or more. It is known that 85% of obese daughters have the same body type as their mothers. In children with a family history of obesity, all the previously listed three groups of obesity factors contribute to the development of obesity to a greater extent and earlier than in others. However, as observations have shown, physical activity, balanced nutrition during pregnancy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for a child up to five years of age can reduce the rate of obesity in the family from 6% to 40%, depending on the level of obesity of the parents.

The transition from a sedentary lifestyle to a more active one will have a positive impact on health and increase the level of physical fitness within the limits of genetic potential. It is possible to determine your potential, but only by leading a motor active lifestyle. With age, the level of physical fitness increases up to 25-26 years in women and 28-30 years in men, then until 38-40 years, the level of physical fitness is approximately the same level and depends on physical activity. After 40-42 years, from the point of view of the functioning or preparedness of the cardiorespiratory system, the level of motor abilities inevitably decreases. However, even in this case, if you continue to live an active life at all ages, the person will remain healthy and physically fit.

The positive effect of physical activity “evens out” with weekly energy consumption of about 2100-2400 kcal. However, since the level of physical fitness and health status to a certain extent depend little on each other, then by continuing activities in which the level of energy consumption exceeds the specified indicator, you can count on an increase level of preparedness.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? Even if nature and Mom and Dad have not blessed you with excellent health, do not despair. All the same, each of us has every chance to correct these flaws, become stronger, more resilient, stronger, healthier and more muscular. And, of course, sports, and in particular fitness and bodybuilding, will help us with this.

Contents of the article:

Human heredity.

Genetics and heredity.

Laws of heredity.

What does our health depend on?

The influence of sport on the body.

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