How to quickly get rid of acne on your face

Having more or less dealt with acne, we solve another difficult problem: how to quickly get rid of post-acne and remove the traces left after acne - scars and hyperpigmentation. And what to do with enlarged pores? Let's find out.

  1. What is post-acne
  2. Post-acne forms
  3. How to remove post-acne
  4. How to remove acne scars
  5. Basic rules of care
  6. Cosmetical tools

What is post-acne

Post-acne is persistent skin changes that appear after acne. Of course, not every pimple leaves a bad memory of itself in the form of a bluish spot or a chip on the face. But if teenage or adult acne has left marks in the form of scars, we’ll say right away: it’s not easy to fight them.

Acne does not always go away without a trace. © iStock

Whether pimples leave marks or not depends on several conditions, including our actions. So, post-acne is formed under the influence of the following factors.

Long-term acne. Inflammation attacks the skin for a long time, undermines its resources and irreversibly damages it.

Deep inflammatory elements (nodules and cysts). They are characteristic of moderate to severe acne and always lead to scarring.

Squeezing pimples. Yes, we often become the culprits of our own troubles: an inept, rude and untimely attempt to squeeze out a pimple ends up injuring the blood vessels (this is how spots appear) or drives the inflammation even deeper (this is how scars appear).

Post-acne forms

Having finally gotten rid of acne or achieved an overall satisfactory skin condition, a person has every right to celebrate victory. However, post-acne can overshadow the joy and require new efforts, as new problems arise on the agenda.

Scarring. After inflammation has subsided in the depths of the skin, replacement tissue is formed, which is located quite deep. This is why the scars look like pits or craters, due to which the skin texture becomes uneven.

Dyschromia. Often, areas of the skin where there were inflammatory elements change color and pigmentation appears.

Vascular changes. This is what causes the formation of red or bluish spots at the site of pimples, especially squeezed or injured ones.

How to remove post-acne

Traces left by acne are most often corrected in a beauty salon. But there are some things you can do at home.

Deep cleansing and renewal removes acne marks. © iStock

Enlarged pores

Deep cleansing products, as well as cosmetics with sebum-regulating effects, will help keep pores clean and make them less noticeable. Skin-renewing acids are also on your side.

Post-acne pigmentation (dyschromia)

It is better to deal with age spots that have arisen at the site of a former pimple together with cosmetologists and dermatologists. Specialists may prescribe a course of phototherapy or peelings. Proper home care also works. True, you will have to wait longer for the result.

Alexander Prokofiev, medical expert of the La Roche-Posay brand, advises paying attention to creams and serums with whitening components, the action of which is aimed at suppressing melanin synthesis: kojic acid, arbutin, glabridin, ascorbic acid, azelaic acid.

Post-acne spots

And again a problem for the cosmetologist. It's true, it's not complicated. Procedures should be aimed at improving local blood circulation so that stagnant spots resolve. For example, cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is effective. At home, it is recommended to use cosmetics with acids to speed up skin renewal.

Post-acne scars

There is no point in dealing with them at home, so we will talk about them separately.

How to remove acne scars

Retracted, sunken scars that make the skin look uneven are the most unpleasant reminder of inflammation. It is almost impossible to completely get rid of them. The scar tissue formed in the deep layers of the skin (plus, devoid of pigmentation, and therefore the ability to tan) will remain that way forever.

The list of procedures offered by dermatology clinics includes the following offerings.

Chemical peeling - a popular and quite effective procedure for eliminating acne marks. With the help of peeling, it is possible to renew the skin, stimulate collagen synthesis and make such scars less noticeable, and sometimes completely remove them (if the scar is fresh). We advise you to pay attention to the course of medium peelings.

Dermabrasion - one of the peeling options. With this procedure you can quickly get rid of hyperpigmentation, scars and post-acne marks. Typically, a device with several nozzles coated with abrasive is used for this. The depth of exposure is regulated by the doctor. Among the types of dermabrasion, laser, diamond, and mechanical are distinguished. The doctor decides which method is right for you during an individual consultation.

Microneedling - a safe and effective method. Its essence comes down to the effect of a mesoscooter on the skin - a special device with thin needles at the end. Many micro-punctures are created on the skin, due to which the active components of the drugs penetrate deeper into the skin.

There are also procedures during which the voids are filled with fillers, but in this case the result will be temporary and require regular correction.

Acid peeling smoothes the skin. © iStock

Basic rules of care

When caring for skin with acne, you need to clearly understand that the main task is not to harm. That is, do not take actions that can aggravate inflammation and provoke the formation of a permanent spot or scar.

Take your hands off your face

Touch it only when washing your face or applying skin care products. And only with clean hands.

Don't squeeze pimples

No matter how great the temptation, it is strictly forbidden to do this, especially in the presence of deep inflammatory rashes. If you touch a pimple, you are guaranteed to get a spot (or even a scar) and a new pimple to boot. As a healthy alternative to assault, use products to target inflammatory elements.

Products for spot control of acne.

Local action corrective agent Effaclar A. I., La Roche-Posay;

Remedy against local imperfections Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment, Kiehl's.

Disinfect your mobile phone

The gadget that you constantly press to your face is a breeding ground for bacteria. Regular disinfection will protect your skin from many problems.

Change pillowcases and towels more often

Better yet, ditch the face towel in favor of disposable paper napkins.

Wash your face twice a day

Don’t even think about skipping the morning and evening washing ceremony at least once. Your skin won't forgive you for this. And remember: acne requires deep, but not aggressive cleansing. Your friends are foams and lotions with acids, as well as masks based on natural clay. But it is better to avoid rough mechanical abrasives. You may like:

Products for cleansing acne skin.

A foaming cleansing gel for oily, acne-prone skin. Effaclar Gel, La Roche-Posay;

Cleansing toner for mature skin against imperfections Blemish + Age Solution, SkinCeuticals;

Cleanser Normaderm 3-in-1, Vichy.

Cosmetical tools

It is problematic to remove acne marks with the help of cosmetics, but it is your responsibility to provide adequate care for oily skin with acne and acne. Properly selected means will help keep the situation under control and will not allow inflammation to spread in breadth and depth. And therefore, they will serve as a prevention of post-acne.

Moreover, due to the renewing effect of acids, which are usually included in anti-acne cosmetics, imperfections can be corrected and visually improve the overall appearance of the skin.

So, we are interested in cosmetics that have:

exfoliating and renewing effect;

These products for the care of acne-prone skin take on the necessary functions.

Products for acne skin.

Moisturizes and corrects acne spots.

acids: dioic, caprylic-salicylic, salicylic, glycolic, citric

Hyperpigmentation (post-acne) is expressed in changes in skin color, the appearance of red and brown spots after acne. They usually form in the absence of proper treatment and disinfection of acne at the very beginning of their occurrence, as well as due to the neglect of the process. In addition, acne spots can remain on the skin of the face as a result of squeezing them out on your own.

The formation of spots on the skin occurs due to increased synthesis of the melanin pigment during skin inflammation. Changes in skin color after acne are temporary and disappear over time. However, the intensity of the color of the spot and the timing of its disappearance depend on the depth of penetration of the inflammation. Typically, moderate to severe acne leaves behind congested spots and red marks from pimples and blackheads. As a rule, they disappear on their own within a year.

To prevent the appearance of scars, scars and blemishes on the face after acne, you should not start treatment or squeeze them out yourself, and consult a dermatocosmetologist.

Acne marks. Red spots after acne.
During the consultation, the specialist will determine the causes of acne, prescribe the optimal course of treatment for post-acne, prescribing the necessary procedures. In cosmetology centers and clinics there is a whole range of procedures that effectively combat the effects of acne. These include microcurrent therapy and fractional photothermolysis (or Fraxel). These procedures heal the skin, help enhance metabolic processes, regeneration and renewal processes, enhance blood microcirculation and the skin's production of its own collagen and elastin, which smoothes and renews the surface of the skin, making it smoother, more vibrant, and even out the tone. In addition, when treating acne spots in cosmetology, a mesotherapy procedure is often used, which not only copes with the task perfectly, but also nourishes the skin and also restores regeneration processes.

Acne scars and acne scars.
The consequence of deep inflammation on the facial skin is crater-like acne scars. In this case, the damaged skin is not always completely restored. Over time, atrophied acne scars become flatter, but the scars never completely disappear.

Treatment of acne spots (post-acne), acne scars is a whole range of procedures developed individually for each individual patient, taking into account the duration and form of acne, severity, skin characteristics, as well as the ability to recover and the type of scar tissue.

An effective way to smooth out acne scars is a chemical peeling procedure with a 10-35% solution of trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid. Carrying out chemical peels in combination with retinoids (retinol) gives the best results in the treatment of acne spots (post-acne): the skin becomes smooth, beautiful, even, acquiring a well-groomed appearance. This is due to the fact that with this combination, healing and tissue regeneration proceeds much faster.

It is also possible to get rid of acne scars by using collagen injections into the subcutaneous tissue. In the treatment of the consequences of acne, acne scars and acne scars, the possibilities of cryotherapy are well used.

Microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing can be used as other procedures to eliminate the effects of acne and skin inflammation.

Cosmetic creams and medications.
Frankly speaking, store-bought creams may help get rid of acne spots, but the course of treatment will last indefinitely.

The main medications used are drugs whose action is aimed at inhibiting the process of melanin synthesis: azelaic acid (in particular Skinoren cream), which can be combined with substances such as hydroquinone, glycolic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, arbutin, magnesium ascorbyl -2-phosphate. In addition, a two percent solution of salicylic acid is used for these purposes.

Therapeutic creams, gels and ointments.
Products in this category can only be purchased in pharmacies. These can be medicinal drugs and pharmaceutical cosmetics. When it comes to medications, a pharmacist or pharmacist usually offers several options to choose from. After reading the annotation, you choose the product that is most suitable for you. As a rule, there are not very many funds in this category.

In the process of treating acne spots, you should remember that it is necessary to protect the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which stimulates the process of melanin synthesis.

How long will the spots last?
They can last from several days to a year and a half, depending on the type of skin, regenerating properties, lifestyle, the nature of the mark and the depth of the pigmentation lesion, as well as the means by which this spot is eliminated. For example, when squeezing out pimples on your own or mechanically cleansing your face, the spots are characterized by damage to the skin, so they usually go away in a few days to a few weeks. It's impossible to say for sure. For deep and persistent spots, if peeling or laser skin resurfacing is performed, they can be cured within several months or six months.

You can try to eliminate less complex stains yourself using folk remedies.

Traditional medicine recipes.
A green clay mask will help get rid of acne and acne stains. To prepare it, you need to mix a tablespoon of green clay with a small amount of water to obtain a homogeneous paste-like mass, into which then add three to four drops of rosemary oil (you can use tea tree oil). The composition should be applied to areas with stains and left for ten minutes. Rosemary oil can be used as a stand-alone treatment daily to lubricate acne spots and scars.

This remedy will also help lighten stains: beat the egg white and add two teaspoons of lemon juice to it. Apply the composition to problem areas for fifteen minutes.

You can also use this remedy: mix half a tablespoon of white clay with two teaspoons of freshly prepared lemon juice and add water to obtain a creamy mass. Apply the composition to problem areas and leave for fifteen minutes.

Carefully combine a tablespoon of ripe tomato pulp with a teaspoon of starch. Apply the mixture directly to the stains and leave for fifteen minutes.

Tea tree oil, either in its pure form or in combination with lemon juice or lavender oil (the components are taken in a 1:1 ratio), can help get rid of acne spots. Wipe stains with oil daily.

Medical paraffin is an excellent way to eliminate any traces of acne: you need to melt a small piece of paraffin in a small bowl and apply it directly to problem areas with a cotton swab. Once the paraffin has hardened, it can be removed. Before applying paraffin, the skin should be lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream with vitamins A and E. The same should be done after the procedure. This remedy is contraindicated for people with spider veins on the face.

Castor oil helps well in treatment. It should be applied to the affected areas of the skin, preferably at night. No need to rinse off. It perfectly heals wounds and promotes skin restoration. The use of lavender oil gives good results.

Currant or strawberry juice has excellent whitening properties. After cutting the berry, wipe the damaged areas of the skin.

Mix a teaspoon of olive oil (if you don’t have it, you can use any vegetable oil) with two drops of rosemary oil and add a drop of essential oils of clove, mint and lavender. Apply the resulting oil composition directly to spots and acne scars several times during the day. Or you can try this mixture of oils: combine three or four drops of frankincense, lavender and neroli oils.

To get rid of acne spots, you can use regular apple cider vinegar. Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar with three tablespoons of water. Wipe problem areas of the skin with the resulting solution every morning.

St. John's wort tincture can also help solve this problem. To prepare it, you need to pour two tablespoons of dry St. John's wort herb into 200 ml of pure medical alcohol, place in a dark place and leave for ten days. Then strain the tincture and use it daily as a rub on the affected areas of the skin.

Soak a cotton pad in low-fat kefir and wipe your face. This procedure should be carried out daily several times a day. Kefir contains lactic acid, which is famous for its whitening properties.

Mix a tablespoon of white clay with the same amount of cosmetic bodyagi (can be purchased at a pharmacy) and add hydrogen peroxide until a paste-like mass is formed. Apply the composition directly to the stains and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. After rinsing, it is recommended to treat the skin with a mixture of calendula and aloe tincture, taken in equal proportions, and then apply a moisturizer or castor oil. For sensitive skin, this product may not be suitable, since during exposure to the composition, slight tingling of the skin and redness may occur.

Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in three teaspoons of water. Then add two teaspoons of any cosmetic clay (white, orange, blue, green). The result will be a slightly thick mass. Apply the composition to the affected areas of the skin, wait twenty minutes and rinse with water. After this, lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

Combine a teaspoon of white or green clay with a small amount of water to form a creamy mass, then add a small teaspoon of cinnamon to it. Apply dotted strokes to damaged areas of the skin and leave for twenty minutes, then rinse and lubricate your face with a moisturizing cream.

Pour boiling water over a bunch of fresh parsley and leave for ten minutes. Pour the cooled infusion into an ice tray and freeze. Every morning and evening, wipe your skin with ice cubes from parsley decoction. In addition, this method perfectly tones the skin.

Means Action Active Ingredients
Cream-gel Effaclar Duo (+), La Roche-Posay lipohydroxy acid (LHA), niacinamide
Serum for correcting acne and age-related skin changes Blemish+Age Defense, SkinCeuticals Reduces greasiness, evens out skin texture, helps prevent rashes and post-acne manifestations.

Acne in itself is an unpleasant thing. But the worst thing is the fact that after the rashes there are traces that spoil the face more than any acne or comedones. The fight against aesthetic defects is not an easy task, but it is doable. The magazine “Your Face” will tell you how to get rid of post-acne at home, making your skin smooth and clean.

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Reasons for the formation and manifestation of post-acne

Teenage rashes do not always leave irreversible consequences on the skin. In some cases, acne goes away without a trace and is forgotten after hormonal levels normalize. Why do persistent changes in the epidermis sometimes occur? There are many reasons for this, and you can reduce the impact of some of them. Dermatologists identify the following factors that determine the formation of post-acne:

  1. High density of rashes. To reduce the intensity of the rash, provide proper skin care and cleansing, adjust your diet by reducing the amount of sugary foods, and treat associated diseases of the digestive system.
  1. Deeply located acne. To ensure that the rash elements are located superficially, pay attention to peeling. Use scrubs twice a week, and once every 2 months undergo a professional mechanical, chemical or laser peeling procedure.
  1. Rough squeezing of pimples and comedones. Improper squeezing leads to the fact that the purulent contents spread into the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis. Trust a good cosmetologist to clean your face, and for home squeezing, get a Uno spoon.
  1. Chemical burns. Cauterizing pimples with aggressive substances quickly relieves suppuration, but leaves behind scarring. Use only proven mild products.
  1. Cosmetology procedures. Electrocoagulation, which is often used to treat closed comedones, leads to the formation of atrophic scars if the technique is violated. Chemical peeling and mesotherapy, carried out without taking into account solar activity, can leave behind pigment spots. A competent cosmetologist will help you avoid these troubles.

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If you follow all the recommendations, even if you develop post-acne, treatment at home will be faster and easier, since the severity of the changes will be less. The optimal means of correction should be selected taking into account the prevailing manifestations, which may be of the following nature:

  1. Unevenly enlarged pores – for treatment you should choose exfoliating and pore-tightening components.
  1. Persistent redness and rosacea are difficult to treat on your own, but the manifestations can be smoothed out by strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  1. Scars are reduced under the influence of specific medications, as well as systematic peeling.
  1. Unevenness of the relief - retractions and tubercles, which require high-quality skin polishing with chemical and mechanical peeling.
  1. Pigment spots are removed using acid-containing recipes for scrubs, masks and peels, which reduce the activity of melanocytes and promote exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis.

As a rule, skin changes are of a combined nature and require an integrated approach to solving the problem. Be prepared for long-term treatment, since, according to reviews from dermatologists and cosmetologists, it is possible to get rid of post-acne on the face almost completely if you start the fight early.

How to get rid of acne on the face using pharmaceutical products

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Modern pharmacology offers effective drugs that help soften and resolve scars. They destroy connective tissue fibers, improve blood supply and nutrition of the dermis, stimulating the regeneration of normal tissue structure. Try using these local remedies:

  1. Contractubex is a gel based on onion extract and heparin, registered as honey. drug for the treatment of scar changes. People who are looking for a way to get rid of post-acne have quite positive reviews of this product, because it allows you to almost completely get rid of fresh scars. Contractubex is used for a course of 1 to 6 months, 3 times a day.
  1. Heparin ointment improves local blood flow, dissolves microthrombi in the area of ​​damage and ensures restoration of the normal structure of the epidermis. It is most effective when applied to a spot at the stage of scar formation. It should be used 2-3 times a day, the total duration of the course should not exceed 2 weeks, since after this there is a risk of developing systemic rather than local effects due to the accumulation of heparin.
  1. Salicylic acid - has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and due to its pH, it ensures the dissolution of the upper layer of the scar, which activates regenerative processes in the dermis. Used in the form of a 1-3% solution to wipe the face. The duration of treatment is not limited.
  1. Solcoseryl - the drug is available in the form of an ointment or gel, which can be applied either locally or to the entire face, depending on the density of the changes. It should be used 2-3 times a day; after 30 minutes of exposure, the area of ​​application should be blotted with a napkin, removing excess drug. The duration of use is not limited.
  1. Lyoton or troxevasin are used in the presence of fresh changes, as drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots and tissue nutritional disturbances. Spot application 3 times a day is recommended.

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According to reviews, it is quite problematic to get rid of old, long-existing post-acne at home. In this case, it makes sense to contact a cosmetologist for more radical procedures, and only after that eliminate residual changes yourself.

Grinding and polishing: home peeling in the fight against post-acne

Removing the affected layers of the epidermis is one of the main stages in eliminating the problem. Considering that post-acne scars are small in size and do not differ in color from healthy tissue, simple leveling of the relief is enough to make the changes almost invisible.

Chemical peeling with home remedies

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The essence of the technique is to apply acidic compounds that destroy the upper, affected layers of the skin. This allows you to both get rid of post-acne spots and smooth out the relief, softening the scar tissue. You can buy ready-made cosmetics presented both from luxury brands and in the mass market. For those who decide to prepare their own peeling composition, the recipes presented below will be useful.

Based on boric acid

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The composition is quite aggressive, so it is not recommended to use it more than once a month. One of the best ways to quickly get rid of acne, but you will have to visit the pharmacy to buy the ingredients. You will need:

  1. boric acid – 5 g;
  2. camphor alcohol - 2 tbsp;
  3. ammonia 10% - 2 tsp;
  4. hydroperite – 2 tablets;
  5. glycerin – 2 tbsp;
  6. baby soap – 2 tbsp;
  7. calcium chloride 10% - 2 ampoules.

Grate baby soap and add all ingredients except calcium chloride. Stir until smooth and apply it to problem areas. After the composition has dried, remove it with a cotton swab soaked in calcium chloride. Wash your face with plenty of warm water. Don’t be alarmed if redness and then peeling appear the next day, because this is what will bring you relief from post-acne.

Based on bodyagi

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For those who are faced with the problem of post-acne, algae powder will help get rid of it at home. Simple masks made from bodyaga diluted with water will not provide deep enough peeling, so use the following recipe:

  1. Place 2-3 tbsp in a small bowl. bodyagi powder. Add 3% hydrogen peroxide solution little by little until you get a creamy consistency.
  1. Roll small balls of cotton wool and cover your nostrils with them to protect the mucous membrane from burns. Protect your hands with gloves or use a brush.
  1. Apply the mixture onto your face, avoiding the red edges of your lips and the area around your eyes. Let the peel work for 20 minutes, then remove the composition with a cotton pad and plenty of warm water.

If intense peeling appears the next day, then one session is sufficient. Otherwise, repeat the mask daily until visible peeling occurs, since post-acne can only be gotten rid of with deep peeling.

Based on fruit acids

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The mildest remedy for combating post-acne, it will not help get rid of scars completely, but will reduce pigmentation and skin unevenness. A bonus for you will be the pleasant aroma and naturalness of the ingredients.

  1. fresh or frozen berries - 1 cup;
  2. lemon or orange – ½ piece;
  3. chicken egg white – 1 pc.

It is preferable to use fresh seasonal berries: strawberries, raspberries, currants, lingonberries or viburnum. Beat all ingredients with a blender until smooth, apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with plenty of warm water. Finally, rinse your face with cold water to close the pores.

Scrub recipes for mechanical peeling

A simple, affordable and safe way to get rid of acne on your face at home is to regularly scrub your skin. Natural ingredients provide additional nutrition and toning, so this procedure will also provide facial care.

Olive salt recipe

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Salt causes the skin to dry out, and adding oil is designed to neutralize this effect. If the goal is to get rid of post-acne, reviews from cosmetologists indicate the advisability of using a scrub 2-3 times a week. Prepare the following ingredients:

  1. fine or medium-ground sea salt – 1 tbsp;
  2. olive oil – ½ tbsp;
  3. lemon juice – ½ tbsp.

Mix all products and immediately apply to damp skin. Massage thoroughly, paying attention to the affected areas. Rinse off with plenty of warm water.

Nut recipe

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In this case, the abrasive component can be nuts of any kind, the main thing is that they are well dried and sufficiently crushed. You will need the following components:

  1. nuts – 2 tbsp;
  2. nut butter – 1 tbsp;
  3. lemon juice – ½ tsp.

It would be good to use pine or walnut oil, but it is quite acceptable to replace them with any vegetable type. Grind the nuts in a blender or coffee grinder, mix with juice and oil. Apply to damp face, massage and rinse with warm water.

Post-acne: how to get rid of it with masks

A pleasant, albeit not the most intensive, method of dealing with the problem. Apply a mask to your face and relax as if you were in a spa - what could be better? Steam your face first to open the pores and ensure deep penetration of the active ingredients.

Strawberry mask

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The appetizing name fully corresponds to the essence of the recipe. For the mask you don't need anything other than fresh berries. Puree the strawberries with a masher or blender, apply to a cleansed and steamed face, and enjoy for the next 25 minutes (licking is not prohibited). Wash off the mask with a cotton pad soaked in cool water.

Clay mask

Blue clay perfectly tightens pores, and is suitable in cases where they are the leading problem. Dilute the clay powder with warm water until creamy. Apply the mixture to your face, paying special attention to problem areas. The recommended exposure time is 25 minutes, after which remove the mask with warm water and a cotton swab.

Tomato mask

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If there are post-acne pigment spots on your face, the acids contained in fresh tomatoes will help get rid of them. Grate the tomato finely or puree it with an immersion blender. Measure out 2 tbsp. puree, add the same amount of starch, mix and immediately apply to the skin. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse off the tomato mask with water.

Aesthetic defects after acne are highly resistant, so the key to a successful fight will be daily procedures and a systematic approach. Don’t expect quick results; if post-acne is severe, the fight against it can drag on for many months. But your efforts will definitely be rewarded with the beauty and smoothness of your skin!

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