How to get rid of bruises after a massage

Massage refers to manual therapy and has various techniques. Each technique has its own purpose and therapeutic effect. After the procedure, bruises may appear on the skin, but this phenomenon is not very common. In any case, the resulting hematomas must be properly treated.


Massage therapists are often approached with pathologies in the spinal column and back to strengthen muscles, relieve pain and tension. During the session, a professional will try to strengthen your blood vessels and relax your muscles. If after a regular massage there are often a lot of bruises on the body, this is not normal. The vessels on the back are located deep and are difficult to damage.

There are two main reasons for bruising:

  1. Injury to blood vessels and capillaries due to strong pressure (with a fist).
  2. Severe pinching of the skin, which leads to damage to blood vessels.

Manipulations should be relaxing, and the pressure exerted on the skin should bring pleasant sensations. Sometimes after a session the patient feels a slight pain in the muscles, which quickly passes.

Bruises - benefit or harm

Some types of massage have consequences after their implementation in the form of bruises. Cases of slight darkening of the skin during anti-cellulite massage are normal. The technique of deep impact on the subcutaneous layer during massaging causes minor hemorrhages. The main thing is to take the right steps to treat them after the session.

Patients must distinguish a bruise from a hematoma. A slight blue discoloration of the skin will not harm the body and will go away quickly. A hematoma is a deep hemorrhage with large skin lesions. Such marks on the human body are unacceptable and can cause irreparable harm.

Types of massage where bruises are the norm

Should there be a bruise after the procedure if the massage is performed correctly? From a medical point of view, a bruise is a wound where a vessel is damaged. When it appears, immune cells rush to this place and begin the healing process. The blood that comes in has a beneficial effect on the surrounding tissues and has a therapeutic effect. In Eastern medicine there are techniques based on such therapy.

There are species where the appearance of bruises and other unsightly marks is considered the norm.


Refers to cosmetic procedures. It was invented in Tibet to treat various ailments. When it was noticed that after it the skin became smooth, they began to use it to improve the condition of the skin. Vacuum anti-cellulite massage is used to combat “orange peel”. Helps get rid of subcutaneous fatty tissue and tighten the skin. For this, a special vacuum apparatus or jars are used.

When performing manipulations, the specialist must take into account the condition of the skin and the depth of the blood vessels. The procedures leave marks, small bruises occur after the massage, and even hematomas, like a bruise, as well as severe pain. With each session, the patient’s body gets used to it, and there are fewer and fewer consequences on the skin.


This type of massage is also cosmetic and helps patients get rid of skin problems. It uses the healing properties of honey and special techniques. After a honey massage, bruises often remain due to the procedure.

Honey is applied to a dry body. Apply cotton with the entire palm to the area where honey is applied. The palm becomes glued and you have to tear it off with a sharp movement. In this case, a microvacuum is created, blood rushes to this place, and the blood vessels dilate. Therefore, a trace of bruising remains on the body. It occurs more often in patients who are heavy and have an advanced form of cellulite, or those who have very sensitive skin and close proximity of blood vessels.

How to prevent

During the manipulation process, you should follow the recommendations to avoid bruising:

  1. Before manipulation, it is advisable to steam the body by taking a hot shower and using a scrub for cleansing. You can use ordinary ground coffee;
  2. Before the session, stretch your body with your hands and use a massager;
  3. When performing a honey massage, it is useful to use additional essential oils;
  4. at the end of the session, rub the body with lotion, then apply a soothing cream.

Specialists must carry out treatment procedures with great care. Deep hemorrhages disrupt tissue repair and slow down the treatment process.

What to do if

If bruises remain after the massage and nothing was done about them, they will be visible on the body for 10 to 30 days. The following procedures will help dissolve blood clots faster:

  1. Immediately after the procedure, apply ice to the damaged area. It will help stop its spread.
  2. Special ointments with vitamin K, which act very quickly, will help get rid of hematomas. The pain goes away within three days.
  3. Ointments based on arnica and bodyaga, as well as heparin. Effectively used by athletes and dancers.
  4. Bruise massage.
  5. Warming vodka compress: apply soda soaked in water and cover with a cloth.

To get rid of dark spots, you can take Ascorutin, which has a positive effect on the circulatory system. Because one of the reasons for the appearance of blue spots is weakness of the vascular system.

Some patients believe that the more bruises, the more effective the procedure. But this is not so, and can only speak of the unprofessionalism of the massage therapist. Make sure your session is performed by an experienced chiropractor, and be sure to treat the damage after the session.

Bruises after anti-cellulite massage: pathology or normal. How to get rid of them and prevent their occurrence.

Cellulite is the name given to pathological changes in the subcutaneous fat tissue, which are accompanied by circulatory disorders and stagnation in the tissues of excess fluid, lymph and breakdown products formed as a result of metabolism. The most problematic areas prone to cellulite are the buttocks, the back and sides of the thighs, and the abdomen.

Anti-cellulite massage helps normalize metabolism in tissues and remove toxins, stimulates blood circulation, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Photo: Manual massage

There is a very common myth that bruises after an anti-cellulite massage indicate the effectiveness and high-quality implementation of the procedure.

However, many women notice painful and sometimes very extensive bruises on their bodies after a massage. In some cases, the reason for their appearance lies in the increased sensitivity of the skin and the close location of blood vessels and capillaries to the surface of the skin.

But much more often, the real reason for the formation of bruises is the low qualifications of the massage therapist.

If the skin is well prepared for massage and warmed up, the technique is chosen correctly and the massage therapist performs his work professionally, there should be no large bruises on the treated areas of the body. Only small single hematomas are acceptable after the first procedures of the course, when the skin has not yet adapted to intense external influences.

Photo: Hematoma after massage

Here it is necessary to pay attention to the following: the tissue subjected to anti-cellulite massage is already traumatized, since it contains adhesions, disturbances in the outflow of lymph and fluid, and spasm of small vessels. Any impact on it that causes pain increases vascular spasm and impairs blood circulation.

The formation of bruises is inevitably accompanied by rupture of capillaries, inhibiting and disrupting tissue regeneration.

Subsequently, adhesive tissue forms at the site of healing, and new blood and lymphatic capillaries are formed, their number increases. And the more terminal lymphatic capillaries, the more lymph in the tissues. Consequently, extensive multiple bruises in the future will only increase the external manifestations of cellulite.

What happens during procedures

The main goal of anti-cellulite massage is to enhance drainage and activate blood microcirculation, stimulating metabolic processes in adipose tissue. It differs from classic therapeutic massage in that the physical impact is aimed primarily at subcutaneous fat tissue, and not at kneading muscles.

There are two main types of anti-cellulite massage:

  1. Manual, which is performed using fingers, palms and fists;
  2. Hardware, carried out using special devices.

So is it normal for bruises to appear after a massage? Since there are different types of anti-cellulite massage, each of which has its own specific effect on the skin, their final result, as well as side effects, may be different.

But in any case, the occurrence of severe bruising is unacceptable.

Cupping (vacuum massage)

The formation of small blue discolorations after a vacuum massage is considered normal. In this case, these are not ordinary hematomas.

Due to the difference in pressure in the subcutaneous area, which occurs when the can is suctioned, liquid from a zone of lower pressure rushes into a zone with increased pressure. The integrity of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries is not compromised; blood leaks through the walls and enters the intercellular space.

This causes characteristic red spots to appear on the skin. The stronger the jar is suctioned, the more intense the flow of blood and lymph from deeper tissues to this place.

First of all, the effect extends to insufficiently elastic vessels, around which there is already congestion. Therefore, during cupping massage, small, pinpoint, unnoticeable subcutaneous hemorrhages are acceptable.

Details on how to do anti-cellulite foot massage. Recommendations, photos and videos.

With the vacuum method, a protective-restorative process is activated in the tissues, which activates the immune system response and the regeneration mechanism. Thus, bruises in this case may be in places with impaired lymph outflow and poor blood circulation.

With repeated massage sessions, blood circulation normalizes and bruises become significantly less.

Contraindications to cupping massage are blood clotting disorders and increased fragility of blood vessels.

Manual massage

Massage with hands crushes and breaks down fat deposits, has a lymphatic drainage effect, eliminating stagnation of lymph and fluid in the tissues. Such a massage must be performed by a qualified specialist who knows the technique and has knowledge of the location of the lymph nodes and vessels in the body. Otherwise, the massage will do more harm than good.

Unlike a vacuum procedure, bruises after a manual massage, as well as unpleasant pain during it, in most cases indicate that it was performed incorrectly. A properly performed massage should not injure, but strengthen blood vessels, stimulate blood circulation, and the production of collagen and elastin in tissues.

Honey massage

The honey massage technique is as follows: honey is applied to problem areas of the body and kneaded with patting movements, during which the massage therapist’s palm briefly sticks to the body and then abruptly comes off.

At this moment, a microvacuum is created in the subcutaneous tissue, due to which the vessels dilate and blood flow to the problem area increases.

In some places, blood vessels and capillaries burst, and small hemorrhages form. The appearance of small bruises is considered normal and safe for this type of massage.

Their resorption occurs without negative consequences for the skin, simultaneously stimulating blood microcirculation. The more pronounced the manifestations of cellulite, the more painful the honey massage procedure and the higher the likelihood of bruising.

A professional massage therapist controls skin tension and ensures that the massage procedure is comfortable for the patient.

To reduce the risk of subcutaneous hemorrhages, various essential oils are added to honey, preferably citrus fruits, for example, lemon oil.. This type of massage does not bring such quick results as other types, but it is the most useful.

How to prevent bruises

In addition to the correct choice of the specialist himself, it is important to competently select the intensity and duration of the course. The optimal interval between procedures is 2 days, so that the skin has time to rest and recover. If after the first sessions bruises appear on the body, it is better to wait with the next session until the marks on the skin at least partially disappear.

It is also recommended to adhere to the following rules during the massage course:

  1. Do not drink carbonated drinks, including mineral water, or alcohol;
  2. Maintain moderation in food;
  3. Try to set aside time every day for physical exercise.

This will help increase the effectiveness of the massage and reduce the likelihood of negative side effects such as bruising on the skin.

Anti-cellulite massage does not require any special preparation, but you can pre-peel it to cleanse the skin. After the procedure, it is recommended to drink green tea or clean water and rest for half an hour.

How to get rid of bruises after anti-cellulite massage

It is recommended to apply ice to the bruises immediately after they appear. Cold stops subcutaneous bleeding and prevents hematomas from enlarging. However, this method is effective only within three hours after the formation of hemorrhages.

In the future, in order to remove bruises after an anti-cellulite massage, the affected areas should, on the contrary, be warmed up using a regular heating pad with hot water or a special lamp. Additionally, you can take medications to strengthen blood vessels (Ascorutin, Troxerutin).

Skin care

Skin care after massage procedures primarily involves the use of various ointments and creams. The following remedies can help speed up the resorption of hematomas:

  1. Ointments containing the substance heparin, for example, Lyoton;
  2. External products for bruises containing bodyaga or arnica;
  3. Creams and compresses made from infusions of medicinal herbs;
  4. Iodine, which can be used sparingly to lubricate bruises;
  5. Creams with vitamin K;
  6. Troxevasin ointment and other drugs prescribed for venous insufficiency.

Here is a recipe for a homemade ointment for bruises: take a medium-sized onion and pour 100 g of vegetable oil into it, put on fire and boil until dark. Then remove the onion, cool and squeeze into oil.

Hardware vacuum anti-cellulite massage. Watch the video.

Grate the laundry soap and add 1 tbsp to the oil. a spoonful of soap, as well as 100 g of melted wax. Mix well and store the resulting ointment in the refrigerator. It should be remembered that anti-cellulite massage alone will not solve this aesthetic problem.

Video about the acceptability of bruises after a massage

The fight against cellulite requires an integrated approach: regular physical activity, diet and systematic body care. Otherwise, the effect of the massage will be minimal, and the negative side effects will outweigh its positive aspects.

Cellulite is deformed subcutaneous fat tissue. Outwardly, this manifests itself as tubercles and irregularities on the skin, which greatly spoils the aesthetic appearance. Therefore, many techniques have been developed to combat cellulite, among which anti-cellulite massage occupies one of the leading places. But they say that bruises always appear after it. Should this happen?

Why bruises may remain after a massage

Cellulite is the result of lymph stagnation and poor circulation. Anti-cellulite massage stimulates blood flow and improves lymphatic drainage. In addition, during the session the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands is activated, muscle tone is increased and the layer of keratinized cells is eliminated. All together this helps fight cellulite deposits.

Anti-cellulite massage can be hardware or manual.

Hardware procedures are carried out using vacuum or brush massagers. Vacuum devices create a suction effect. During brush massage, the bristles irritate the skin, improving blood circulation in small vessels and the movement of lymphatic fluid.

However, the most effective is manual anti-cellulite massage, which consists of stroking, rubbing, pressing and pinching movements, as a result of which the skin is effectively warmed up and its temperature rises by 1–1.5 °C. This helps to open the pores and activate the body’s excretory function, since excess fluid is removed through the pores.

Many women found huge hematomas on their bodies after a massage session. At one time, this was considered the norm when performing anti-cellulite massage, because the massage therapist has a rather intense effect on the skin. However, at the moment, experts say that there should be no large bruises on the skin after an anti-cellulite massage. must. After all, a bruise is damage to small capillaries located in the skin and subcutaneous tissue as a result of injury. Blood from these vessels penetrates into surrounding tissues. The color of the bruise depends on the intensity of the injury and the amount of blood that came out of the capillaries. The stronger the injury, the darker the coloration of the changes on the skin.

Therefore, hematomas after anti-cellulite massage are possible only for two reasons:

  1. weak or close to the skin surface blood vessels;
  2. incompetence of a specialist. Incorrectly selected mode for hardware massage or unprofessional exposure to the skin with hands leads to rupture of capillaries and the appearance of bruises.

After the first procedure, only minor bruises are acceptable, since the massage therapist is just getting to know the client’s skin.

Video: a specialist’s opinion on bruises after a massage

How to get rid of hematomas

If bruises still appear after an anti-cellulite massage, it is necessary to take certain measures to eliminate them. Otherwise, the bruising will take quite a long time to disappear.

Pharmacy drugs

Ready-made medications effectively help speed up the process of hematoma disappearance.

  1. Bodyaga and ointments based on it. Bodyaga is a freshwater sponge. The powder from it contains organic compounds and has absorbable properties, therefore it is an effective remedy for bruises. Bodyaga is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. A cotton pad is moistened in the resulting mixture and applied to the bruise as a compress, and the disc should be bandaged on top. The compress can be left on for 12 hours. Bodyaga is used in many creams and ointments for hematomas: Express Bruise, Badyaga Forte, Badyaga 911. These products should be used according to the instructions.

Traditional methods

To combat bruises, you don't always need to run to the pharmacy. The means at hand will also help get rid of bruises.


In the first two hours after the appearance of a hematoma, it is recommended to apply ice or another cold object (metal spoon, coin, etc.) to the problem area, at short intervals. Cold blocks the spread of edema, constricts damaged blood vessels and has an analgesic effect. Ice cannot be used to remove the hematoma, but you can stop its increase and, accordingly, reduce the time to eliminate the blue discoloration.

On the second day after the swelling has gone down, heat should be applied to the bruise. This will accelerate blood circulation and the flow of leukocytes to the injured area, which promotes the regeneration of damaged tissue. As heat, you can use multilayer cotton fabric heated with an iron or coarse salt (or sand) heated in a dry frying pan. Salt should be poured into a bag (you can use a regular sock) and applied to the bruise every 2-3 hours. Keep warm for 15 minutes.

Vodka ice cubes

Vodka, which should be mixed in equal quantities with water, effectively eliminates bruises. The solution must be poured into ice cube trays and frozen. It is recommended to apply the resulting cubes to the bruise as often as possible so that it goes away faster.

Iodine mesh

Iodine has anti-inflammatory and warming properties. It also activates blood microcirculation.

To reduce bruising at night, you need to draw a grid of iodine. By morning it will be completely absorbed, and the blue discoloration will be significantly reduced.

Cabbage leaf or plantain compress

Cabbage leaf relieves inflammation, swelling and blueness. Plantain leaf has the same properties. Cabbage or plantain must be lightly beaten with the blunt side of a knife to soften and allow juice to appear and wrapped in gauze. In this form, the leaf is applied to the hematoma as a compress at night. You can secure the compress with bandages or tight-fitting clothing.

Onion composition

An effective remedy for eliminating bruises is a paste of one medium onion. To it should be added 1 tbsp. l. salt. Apply the onion mixture to the bruise for 30 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a day. Usually on the 4th day the hematoma goes away.

Starch mask

Potato starch can also help get rid of bruises after a massage. For this you need 1 tbsp. l. starch dilute 1 tbsp. l. water at room temperature. The resulting mass must be applied to the problem area and washed off after 30 minutes.

Vinegar lotions

It is suggested to do lotions with vinegar twice a day for 15 minutes. To do this, mix 100 ml of vinegar, 1 tsp. salt and 3-5 drops of iodine. Moisten a gauze pad in the resulting solution and apply it to the bruise for 30 minutes. The vinegar mixture works great even with purple bruises.

Banana remedy

A fairly simple but very effective remedy for hematomas is banana skin. It should simply be applied to the bruises several times a day with the inside and held for 15–20 minutes.

Honey cake

Bruising can be eliminated by applying a lozenge containing the following ingredients:

  1. egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  2. honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  3. flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  4. vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

All ingredients should be mixed and formed into a cake. It needs to be applied to the hematoma for 30 minutes.

Cosmetic clay

Cosmetic clay is often used to eliminate bruises as it promotes microcirculation.

  1. cosmetic clay - 2 tbsp. l.;
  2. apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.

You need to mix clay and vinegar. Apply the resulting mass to the skin and leave until the clay hardens completely. Then everything needs to be washed off with warm water, and after 2 hours, repeat the procedure again.

Horseradish remedy

Horseradish helps to activate blood microcirculation, and hence the resorption of hematoma.

  1. honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. melted butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  3. grated horseradish root - 1 tsp.

All ingredients need to be mixed and the resulting mixture rubbed over the surface of the bruise. After 30 min. rinse off the composition with warm water.


I myself am currently undergoing an anti-cellulite massage (at this stage, procedure 12) - there are no bruises. Loading every other time: that is, today it crushed me a lot, and tomorrow it will practically just stroke me. By the 5th procedure the result was already noticeable. In short, ask your massage therapist to take care of your blood vessels.

Glamorous bunny

The part of the body being massaged is smeared with anti-cellulite cream and the EXECUTION begins. Girls, I am such a patient person... But this is VERY painful. Then the master takes a special vacuum suction cup and begins to move it over problem areas... It’s also not very pleasant. After the first session, smoothness and tenderness of the skin have already appeared, it has become pleasant to the touch. Small bruises remained - just a few in the field of view... They quickly passed. Problem areas were hypersensitive for 3 days! After the eighth session the effect is even more noticeable.


The massage therapist said that today the first session will work at half strength so that it doesn’t hurt too much right away. Girls, it was very painful, but I endured it, I thought I would get used to it with time, and she calmed me down with the same words. In general, at the end of the session, my body hurt as if I had been kicked for a long time and hard. Already when I was getting dressed, I saw that bruises were appearing on my body. My skin is sensitive and bruises form quickly. But when I came home and decided to take a shower to wash off the oil, I was afraid of my image in the mirror. The stomach, thighs, butt were a complete bruise. In general, I didn’t go for a massage for two days, my body hurt, I couldn’t touch it, I couldn’t sit. But two days later I went for a massage again, I’m strong, persistent, and soon I will have a smooth butt and thighs! The second session was even worse, imagine a massage on a tortuous body, it was brutal! Even though the massage therapist practically stroked me, the pain was terrible. Then I started going for massages every other day. The body did not get used to it, the pain did not become less, old bruises turned yellow, new ones appeared. At the sixth session, I lay and cried, persuading myself to come to the seventh. But I didn’t go anymore, I couldn’t! Analyzing the situation later, I came to the conclusion: either I got a bad, unprofessional massage therapist, or anti-cellulite massage is not for me. It’s better that I fight it myself at home, quietly and carefully.


After an anti-cellulite massage, bruises and hematomas should not appear. This can only happen if the specialist is incompetent or if the patient’s capillaries are weak. To eliminate emerging hematomas, you can use ready-made pharmaceutical products, as well as use folk recipes. If you do nothing, the bruises will take a long time to disappear.