How does a pimple with pus form?

Everyone strives for clean and beautiful facial skin, so the appearance of acne on it is always frustrating, brings embarrassment and discomfort, worsens the quality of life and leads to the development of complexes.

Particularly unpleasant are purulent formations that appear unexpectedly, always hurt, grow to large sizes and take a long time to mature.

What it is

Purulent acne (pustules) is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and the adjacent sebaceous or sweat gland. They appear either singly or en masse on any part of the body, but most often on the face.

Visually, edema, swelling and a small white head are visible at the site of their formation. There is a purulent core inside, which causes discomfort, itching, and pain throughout the entire development stage. Unpleasant symptoms disappear after the formation is opened and the purulent mass comes out.

Is it possible to press

Doctors also do not recommend this manipulation for the following reasons:

  1. You can become infected with furunculosis.
  2. Dirt and dust can get into the wound from unclean nails and hands, which will lead to infection of the deep layers of the skin and damage to the sebaceous glands.
  3. Inflammation can quickly spread to healthy areas or cause blood poisoning.
  4. Scars form.

Opening a pustule can only be trusted to a cosmetologist. For self-treatment, there are now a lot of products that can be freely purchased at the pharmacy.

Causes of purulent acne on the face

Usually the reason for the formation of purulent acne is skin irritation or clogging of pores with dust. But it is not only insufficient hygiene that is to blame for this.

Often, many internal and external conditions affect their appearance, even if hygiene procedures are carried out regularly and efficiently.

In men

At the age of up to 20 years, purulent rashes are provoked by hormonal activity, which is characteristic of puberty. Almost 60% of young people are susceptible to this phenomenon.

Factors that cause acne are also:

  1. disruption of hormone levels;
  2. hereditary predisposition;
  3. low sexual activity;
  4. pathologies of the digestive system;
  5. hyperkeratosis is a skin disease that is accompanied by thickening of the stratum corneum;
  6. physical weakness;
  7. psycho-emotional fatigue;
  8. long-term use of hormones (anabolic steroids) or certain medications (for example, antibiotics);
  9. poor nutrition, as well as violation of eating habits;
  10. skin irritation after shaving.

The child has

In babies under six months of age, neonatal pustulosis is considered normal and occurs in every second child. Usually pimples are located on the face and head, rarely on the neck and ears.

The exact reason for their appearance is not known. But doctors are considering 2 versions: changes in hormonal levels and adaptation of the child’s body in a new environment (anhydrous). The formations do not bother the child in any way and pass quickly.

The list of reasons why rashes appear in children under one and a half years old is expanding. These are mainly “childhood” diseases, although poor nutrition, poor hygiene and low immunity cannot be ruled out.

Conditions in which an abscess is one of the symptoms include:

  1. Milia – a skin disease that manifests itself due to weak functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Diathesis - the predisposition of the child’s body to manifest a pathological reaction to an external stimulus or is a harbinger of a certain disease.
  3. Intertrigo - a skin disease that occurs when the skin is regularly exposed to a damp environment.

In children of kindergarten and primary school age, the rash appears due to:

  1. insufficient hygiene;
  2. microtraumas;
  3. poor nutrition;
  4. digestive problems.

Among women

The formation of pustules is explained:

  1. Wrong choice of caring and decorative cosmetics or their low quality.
  2. Hormonal changes in adolescence, before menstruation, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and entering menopause.
  3. Skin infection.

Timely adoption of measures to eliminate many of these causes will help reduce the likelihood of the formation of purulent acne.


Doctors never cease to repeat that the best way to prevent disease is prevention. This also applies to the appearance of ulcers on the face.

To prevent their occurrence, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not use expired cosmetics.
  2. Maintain cleanliness and promptly change sponges, powder, and brushes.
  3. Remove all makeup at night.
  4. Do not squeeze pimples yourself.
  5. Adjust your diet by eliminating or reducing “harmful” foods.
  6. Use antibacterial skin care products regularly.
  7. Lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

How to use acne gel on face? More details here.

How to treat

Treatment of ulcers involves an integrated approach to the problem, and in addition to eliminating the external manifestation, it implies getting rid of the cause that caused their appearance.


The choice of medications is extensive, and without the help of a doctor you can get lost in their range. All funds are selected individually. Also, a treatment regimen is developed for each patient, depending on the causative factor.

External means

Vishnevsky ointment

Has strong healing and regenerating effects. The principle of its action is to warm the abscess and skin area, which accelerates the breakout of the pimple and draws out pus from the wound.

Used according to the scheme:

  1. Fold sterile gauze into 4 layers.
  2. Apply a little ointment to it.
  3. Apply a compress to the problem area.
  4. Cover the top with polyethylene and secure with adhesive tape.

The ointment is also used to prevent the formation of pustules: you need to lubricate the area that is bothered by pain and itching, and after 30-40 minutes. wash off. The product is not recommended for use with highly sensitive skin.

Video: Vishnevsky ointment - all about the drug

Baziron AS

The gel stops the proliferation of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, thereby eliminating the main cause of acne.

The application rules are the same as the previous product with the only difference that “Baziron AS” is applied with massage movements 2 times a day: in the morning and at night.

In addition to the above mentioned remedies, you can use ichthyol, syntomycin and salicylic ointments to eliminate ulcers. Metrogyl, Levomekol, Zinerit, Skinoren-gel dry and heal the wound well.


The following medications are prescribed for internal use:

  1. Antibiotics: Erythromycin, Levomycetin, Metronidazole.
  2. Hormones in birth control pills: “Yarina”, “Jess”.
  3. Retinoids: Roaccutane, Retinol Palmitate.
  4. Probiotics: “Lactofiltrum”, Linex.”
  5. Vitamin and mineral complexes.

The results of using each remedy are individual and depend on the cause, characteristics of the body, immunity, and also on the severity of the condition.

Folk remedies

In alternative medicine, there are recipes that help eliminate purulent acne on the face. But their use is possible only after consultation with a doctor and his approval.

Well proven:

  1. St. John's wort. Prepare a decoction: 2 tbsp. l. pour the flowers of the plant with 2 tbsp. water, simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. After cooling, strain and wipe the skin twice a day.
  2. Sagebrush. To prepare the infusion 2 tbsp. l. 500 ml of dried plant is poured. boiling water, infuse for 8-9 hours. Afterwards, the product is filtered and used as directed 4 times a day.
  3. Plantain. The juice of the plant is a strong antiseptic and has an effect on wound healing. It can be used to treat both the inflamed area and the entire face for preventive purposes 4-6 times a day.

To combat purulent formations, you can also take mustard powder, iodine, tar soap, chamomile, oatmeal with lemon juice, calendula, aloe, etc.

What not to do

To at least somehow protect yourself from the occurrence of rashes on your face, you cannot:

  1. ignore proper hygiene;
  2. use other people's brushes, brushes and expired cosmetics;
  3. touching your face with dirty hands;
  4. delay treatment of systemic diseases;
  5. self-medicate, as well as exceed the dosage and course of taking medications prescribed by a doctor;
  6. eat “junk” food.

Skin care

Measures to prevent the formation of pustules also include proper skin care.

To keep it healthy and beautiful, it is enough to understand a few simple rules:

  1. Drink at least 2 liters. water every day.
  2. Don't forget to remove your makeup before going to bed.
  3. Regularly moisturize your skin with special products.
  4. Be careful and moderate when applying makeup.
  5. Use cosmetics that are suitable for your age and skin type.
  6. Protect skin from ultraviolet rays.
  7. Clean it regularly.

Problematic skin is not always a harmless phenomenon that goes away with adolescence. Small pimples can transform into ulcers, which become inflamed and take a long time to heal. Some adults periodically complain of a rash on the face, back, chest and thighs. If you squeeze stubborn pimples, there is a risk of infection, which will require you to take antibiotics for acne. In addition to the ugly aesthetic appearance, purulent acne is harmful to the condition of the body as a whole. The inflammatory process can affect nearby areas and spread through the bloodstream to other organ systems.

Why do purulent acne occur?

The human body cannot always work smoothly, like a clock. The skin and condition of the oral cavity are of important diagnostic importance. A good doctor should first examine the patient’s external condition, and then order additional tests to find possible causes of the disease. Often, purulent acne on the face and body is a signal of improper functioning of the food system; hormonal disruptions are also possible, which occur during adolescence.

The reason for the appearance of purulent acne on the face is dense blockage of the sebaceous ducts of the skin with subcutaneous fat.

Factors that provoke the appearance of rashes on the face and body include:

  1. increased work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, resulting in clogged pores;
  2. hyperkeratosis (coarsening and expansion of the horny ball of the epidermis);
  3. hormonal medications (for example, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
  4. frequent use of antibiotics, which causes resistance of microorganisms to the external environment, so pus forms faster;
  5. before menstruation and during menopause in women;
  6. chronic stress, causing disturbances in the functioning of the body, as a result of which large ulcers appear.

Modern man has a very busy rhythm of life. Popular films and videos in the twenty-first century are full of fast movements. It is not always possible to go to a special salon for peeling. Many people don’t have time to think about how to remove external defects. A modern person trusts the choice of a sales assistant or a friend, who rarely pays attention to skin type.

Pustular acne is often formed due to improper care of the face and body. Cosmetics must be suitable for a specific person. Do not overuse foundation, powder and blush. If you are indifferent to your own health, an allergic reaction may occur.

Large layers of cosmetics clog the skin pores, which is why a purulent pimple occurs. In case of facial skin lesions against the background of reduced immunity, a bacterial infection may occur. Blackheads should not be touched with dirty hands; squeezing them out is also not recommended.

What are the types of rashes?

Inflammatory processes on the skin first appear in the form of small red dots, which transform into tubercles with the subsequent formation of a purulent pimple. If the skin is prone to the appearance of various defects, it is worth taking preventive measures to clean pores, dry out acne, and relieve allergic reactions. What does a purulent acne consist of? A core forms inside it, which matures over time and takes on a clear shape. Since if personal hygiene rules are not followed, the sebaceous glands become filled with bacteria, inflammation occurs, resulting in the formation of pus in acne. The development cycle of a rash, starting with a small red dot and ending with painful inflammation and swelling of the skin with acne, lasts several weeks. The larger the formation, the more dangerous it is to squeeze it out yourself due to the risk of a scar defect.

Due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, which produce fat in large quantities, the skin becomes clogged and acne occurs.

Purulent acne on the face and body can take different forms:

  1. papules (slightly raised above the surface of the skin);
  2. pustules (a single pimple with pus or many of them in the form of balls, the surrounding tissue reacts with redness);
  3. nodes (arise as a subsequent stage in the development of pustules if their treatment is ignored);
  4. cysts (painful pimples with pus that cluster and affect a noticeable area of ​​the skin).

As you can see, a minor rash that festers affects the underlying balls of skin and surrounding tissue. Several small nodules, without appropriate treatment, can merge to form cysts. Therefore, it is best to treat the rash several times when it is pinpoint in nature and has not turned into serious inflammation. The shape varies from almost flat to spherical, they are almost always filled with purulent masses.

Treating acne at home

Many people make the serious mistake of carelessly squeezing pus out of a pimple, without following the rules of antiseptics. Before you remove the pus yourself, you need to thoroughly wash your hands before this procedure and disinfect the inflamed area.

You should be extremely careful to avoid touching the skin of injured hands with dirty nails. There is a risk of a scar appearing in the place where there used to be pimples with pus. Some areas (for example, the bridge of the nose) contain a cluster of vessels, the entry of bacteria into which will cause infection of the entire body. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to squeeze out a purulent pimple on the face, back or chest on your own. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to cope with problematic skin on their own.

Specialized beauty salons offer a number of procedures:

  1. treatment of purulent acne with liquid nitrogen;
  2. the use of water that has succumbed to ozone or distillation;
  3. mesotherapy (subcutaneous injections, which are widely used in the fight against acne and aging);
  4. treatment using ultrasound, which helps remove damaged epidermal cells;
  5. peeling using a scrub or individually selected chemicals;
  6. mechanical facial cleansing.

Beauty salons offer treatment for pustules in a variety of ways, using an individual approach to each client. If purulent pimples appear after depilation, it is necessary to treat them with an antiseptic. But topical products are not always enough. If acne persists, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. You should be wary if the rash is accompanied by fever, aching joints, and lack of appetite.

This may be a signal of a viral infection. Chicken pox, rubella, and measles are characterized by a certain type of rash; only an experienced doctor can make the correct diagnosis and decide how to treat the disease. Hormonal and immune disorders in the body can provoke large purulent pimples, so therapy should not be purely local, but comprehensive.

How to quickly get rid of acne at home:

  1. A proven and inexpensive remedy is ordinary iodine, which must be smeared on the damaged area of ​​​​the skin. It dries out the skin, so this drug should not be abused. It is not recommended to use Brilliant Green or Methylene Blue as they leave behind a corresponding coloration.
  2. Purulent pimples on the face, in the armpits or other places where blood vessels accumulate are easier to cure using natural remedies. These include: ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment. It is better to apply the medicine at night under a bandage to ensure moderate warming of the damaged skin area. They are excellent at drawing pus out of pimples, which facilitates quick treatment.
  3. Stronger products can be applied pointwise. This is a zinc ointment that contains zinc oxide, and Vaseline as a base. It simultaneously dries out pustular pimples, fights germs and prevents the skin from drying out. A fairly effective ointment that does not contain a hormonal component is Skinoren. For local treatment of inflammation, you can use salicylic acid
  4. Herbal remedies include the well-known tincture of chamomile, calendula, and tea tree leaf. You can apply aloe or a leaf of a medicinal plant called golden mustache to the area where there is a large purulent pimple. Making lotions using propolis tincture, as well as using birch tar, is still effective. If you have a question about how to treat acne, you should first try herbal remedies.

Unfortunately, the problem may be much more serious. When a bacterial infection occurs, it is appropriate to prescribe antibiotics, primarily to combat Staphylococcus aureus. If a white nodule appears on the lip, this may indicate the presence of a herpes virus. The traditional drug in the treatment of this disease is Acyclovir. So, how to get rid of acne can sometimes be quite difficult, pharmacological agents are prescribed: baziron, levomekol, dalacin.

To remove purulent pimples, you should never squeeze them: this can cause great harm to the skin, the formation of scars and the transfer of pus to other parts not damaged by infection, as well as the spread of infection.

Opening a purulent pimple can only be entrusted to a professional cosmetologist in advanced cases. For self-treatment, you can use products that break pus to the surface of the skin.

Causes of purulent acne

  1. Increased secretion of subcutaneous fat. The cause is hormonal imbalances or diseases of the internal organs. Due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, which produce fat in large quantities, the skin becomes clogged and acne occurs.
  2. Hyperkeratosis, thickening of the skin layer. When fat forms, active proliferation of bacteria and suppuration of the skin occurs.
  3. Abuse of antibiotics, steroids, hormone-containing drugs and contraceptives.

Where do pimples appear on the body?

On the face

On the head

On the back

Types of dorsal purulent acne:

  1. papules – the lightest form, externally reminiscent of balls, red;
  2. pustules – red inflammation with a purulent ball inside;
  3. nodes – inflammation goes deep into the skin;
  4. cysts – inflammation of a bluish color, painful sensations occur on palpation.

On the lip

Causes of purulent pimples on the lips:

  1. improper skin care;
  2. use of expired, low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  3. failure to comply with hygiene rules, touching lips with dirty hands;
  4. habit of holding foreign objects in the mouth: pens, pencils, etc.

On the pubic area and intimate places

Purulent rashes in intimate places can be both harmless, occurring during puberty, and serious, resulting from skin or sexually transmitted diseases.

On foot

Reasons for the formation of purulent acne on the legs:

  1. inflammatory processes caused by viral infection;
  2. mechanical injuries, for example, during leg hair removal;
  3. hair growth defects – when a hair grows into the skin;
  4. problems with blood vessels, varicose veins.

On the forehead

Reasons for appearance:

  1. problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. non-compliance with the principles of proper nutrition;
  3. hormonal changes;
  4. reduced immunity;
  5. frequent face washing;
  6. allergies, skin irritation from using new cosmetics;
  7. poor facial skin care.

On the chin

On hands

On the chest

Reasons for appearance:

  1. disruption of the functioning of internal organs and systems of the body;
  2. frequent wearing of clothes made from synthetic materials;
  3. neglect of hygiene;
  4. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, genital organs;
  5. poor nutrition;
  6. constant nervous tension;
  7. long-term use of antibiotics;
  8. allergy.

On the butt


  1. excessive dry skin in the buttock area;
  2. insufficient oxygen supply to the skin;
  3. sedentary, sedentary lifestyle;
  4. hormonal imbalances;
  5. prickly heat, allergies;
  6. hypothermia;
  7. venereal diseases;
  8. reaction to new food, cosmetics, cleaning products.

In the nose

On shoulders

Also, the cause of the appearance of pustules on the shoulders may be non-compliance with hygiene rules and excessive use of tanning.

On the neck

On the stomach

Purulent acne on the abdomen is a consequence of infectious diseases:

  1. measles;
  2. chicken pox (colloquially “chicken pox”);
  3. rubella;
  4. syphilis.

Treatment of purulent acne

Before starting treatment for purulent acne, it is necessary to establish the original cause of its occurrence. Then a comprehensive treatment is prescribed aimed at eliminating this cause: procedures for cleansing, restoring skin cells and normalizing the body’s hormonal levels are selected.

Treatment methods:

Ultrasound therapy

The skin pores are affected by high-frequency vibrations, as a result of which the skin “opens” and is well cleansed of excess skin, impurities, and dead cells. Ultrasound also has an anti-inflammatory effect, so damaged areas heal quite quickly.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling using one of three types of acids: salicylic, glycolic, phenolic. The active substances penetrate deep into the subcutaneous layer and affect the source of inflammation.

Features of the treatment of purulent acne in children

To treat purulent acne in a child, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Follow the principles of proper nutrition.
  2. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  3. Take additional vitamin complexes.