What dandruff looks like on hair photo

Bad ecology, stressful situations, weak immunity, hormonal imbalance - all these are accompanying factors in the life of a modern person. Consequently, such an unpleasant pathology as seborrheic dermatitis.

This scourge is not dangerous to the life of the wearer, but, nevertheless, it looks far from aesthetically pleasing and may cause significant discomfort. The favorite location for this disease is the scalp.

Attention! If you do not contact a qualified specialist in time, the disease can develop into a serious problem, which can result in baldness!


Dermatologists There are two types of disease, which are localized in this area. These are oily seborrhea and dry seborrhea. You can see what seborrhea looks like on the head in the photo below in the article.

For now oily seborrhea is the most common disease. This type of trouble got its name because it occurs in areas where sebaceous glands accumulate in large quantities.

The fatty type of the disease is typical for patients who have entered puberty and adults who have suffered hormonal imbalance. In addition, factors, which are characteristic of causing this disease, are also:

  1. severe stress;
  2. dietary irregularities;
  3. hormonal imbalances;
  4. genetic predisposition;
  5. disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system;
  6. individual allergies to food products;
  7. vegetative-vascular dystonia.

First of all, oily seborrhea manifests itself by the presence of viscous and thick sebum of the skin. There is a significant expansion of pores. In the root zone of the hair, this type of disease is characterized by the existence of abundant white scales, that is, dandruff.

In turn, there is also a change in the color of the skin affected by the attack. The hair becomes rough and hard to the touch. For long-term illness severe hair loss begins followed by baldness. At the same time, oily seborrhea manifests itself not only on the hair.

During the course of the disease, the skin of the face turns off all protective mechanisms. This in turn leads to increased appearance of acne. The complexion also changes and takes on a dirty hue.

At the same time, the skin itself becomes externally moist and greasy. In addition, this type of seborrhea is localized in places such as the chest and back. Characterized by this disease in these areas of the skin an abundance of acne and blackheads. The skin itself around the manifestations of oily seborrhea looks gray or with a dirty gray tint.

Almost the complete opposite of oily seborrhea is the dry form of this scourge. This type of disease occurs when sebaceous glands are not activated enough to maintain optimal balance.

As a result, the process of sebum production actually stops. As a result, the scalp becomes rough, peeling processes begin, and the natural color of the scalp undergoes changes.

Everyone is prone to dry seborrhea categories of the population, regardless of age. The initial cause of this type of disease is a fungus that negatively invades the sebaceous ducts.

As a result of its activity, the metabolic processes that occur in the skin cease to function properly, which in turn is a factor in the spoiled appearance of the scalp. Besides, can lead to dry seborrhea factors such as:

  1. genetics;
  2. mental disorders;
  3. gastrointestinal diseases;
  4. diabetes;
  5. stressful situations;
  6. hormonal disbalance;
  7. problems with the functioning of the endocrine system;
  8. insufficient amount of vitamins in the body;
  9. severe excess weight;
  10. decreased immune system functions due to chronic diseases.

Usually dry type of seborrhea loves to hit the scalp, upper chest, neck and face areas.

First of all, patients who have developed this disease have dry and rough skin, as there is a loss of moisture in the skin. Lack of moisture becomes a source of microscopic cracks.

They gradually peel off and take on the appearance of small scales. A characteristic feature of the manifestation of dry seborrhea is the formation of spots that have a reddish-pink color. This indicates that the pathological process began to develop.

The curls, in turn, become hard to the touch, become significantly thinner, and the process of fragility begins. If you wash your hair with cold water, you will notice a strong itching sensation.

home hallmark of dry seborrheathis is the presence of fine dandruff, which in appearance resembles dust. When washing your hair infrequently, excessive exfoliation of the epidermis begins.

In addition to this, in addition to oily and dry seborrhea, there is a middle view diseases – mixed seborrhea. This type of disease is characterized by the predominance of both classical types of seborrhea, which are localized in different areas of the skin.

Thus, oily seborrhea spreads in the middle part of the face - the area of ​​the nose, chin and forehead. Dry seborrhea in turn appears in the cheek area. With this type of disease, excessive functioning of the sebaceous glands is observed in the forehead and crown area. The scalp shows signs of dry seborrhea.

What dandruff looks like on the head: see photo below.

What diseases are they confused with?

Common cases where seborrhea is confused with dandruff. But it should be noted that dandruff is a phenomenon both independent and characteristics of already progressive seborrheic dermatitis. Plus, dandruff is easy to spot.

It is a peeled layer of the epidermis in the form of white scales. As a rule, it goes away quite quickly with complex treatment. Seborrhea, in turn, is a much more complex disease. The exfoliated skin has large scales that are yellow in color and have a structure that is hard to the touch.

Important! Seborrhea treatment should be prescribed only qualified dermatologist! If this disease occurs, you need to visit him as soon as possible so as not to cause complications! Complicated seborrhea can cause infectious lesions and purulent inflammation!


Degree and complexity of the course seborrhea of ​​the scalp depends on the state of the body and the patient's own immune system. To avoid such a scourge, the following preventive measures must be observed:

Maintaining personal hygiene standards.

You should not use other people's personal hygiene items. You should regularly wash your hair and scalp, and also take care of your skin using products that are individually suitable for your skin type.

Healthy lifestyle.

Seborrhea loves an unhealthy lifestyle. To prevent its occurrence, full and high-quality sleep is necessary. You also need to follow proper nutrition techniques. Physical activity will also come in handy. Patients who have already been affected by seborrhea are advised to spend a short time in the sun and take long walks in the fresh air.

Strengthening the immune system.

Carrying out such activities is a very important rule in the prevention of seborrhea. You should prevent inflammatory processes in the body and take medications aimed at strengthening the immune system.

Less nervous.

It is noteworthy that problems with nerves can also cause seborrhea. To do this, you need to try to keep the nervous system calm and not react sharply to external stimuli.

Proper nutrition.

You should not eat fatty, fried and spicy foods in excess. It is necessary to adjust the balance of carbohydrates in the diet. It is necessary to include fruits, vegetables, foods rich in fiber and vitamins in your diet.

By following this technique, you can avoid the appearance of seborrhea and improve your quality of life and your health.

Useful video

The video below provides additional information about the causes of dandruff and its treatment:

How to identify tubular dandruff

Dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis is a disease of the sebaceous glands and scalp. It can have different appearances depending on the mechanism of development and the severity of the disease. Some people, more often teenagers, experience what is popularly called tubular dandruff. What it is? This type of dandruff looks like tubes tightly attached to the hair shaft, which makes it look like nits. However, the disease has nothing in common with pediculosis.

Why does tubular seborrhea develop?

The reason is a disruption of the sebaceous glands, often in the direction of increased secretion production. At the same time, the activity of opportunistic microflora changes and the vital activity of fungi of the genus Pityrosporum increases, which further intensify inflammation of the scalp. The condition is aggravated by the presence of any skin pathologies or immunodeficiency conditions.

What factors lead to the launch of pathological mechanisms that contribute to the formation of dandruff?

  1. Metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis;
  2. Insufficient hygiene (skin contamination or, on the contrary, washing your hair too often);
  3. Poor nutrition;
  4. Excessive emotional and physical stress;
  5. Skin pathologies: psoriasis, eczema;
  6. Viral hepatitis, HIV, chronic pathologies accompanied by decreased immunity.

Tubular dandruff is more often observed in adolescents during puberty and is associated with hormonal changes. Hormonal changes can also occur in adults, for example, in men with pathologies of the adrenal glands and testicles that disrupt the balance between estrogens and androgens.

This is what psoriasis looks like on the elbows. Even if the disease has not spread to the scalp, tubular dandruff can develop due to a breakdown in the skin barrier. The same goes for others

In women, pathology occurs against the background of frequent use of aggressive styling products, as well as during periods of serious hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause). Dandruff in children is not uncommon, especially if the child is often sick or has a weak immune system.

Seborrhea can also occur against the background of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, with uncontrolled use of medications or the need for long-term medication for any chronic disease. Dermatologists note that almost every person suffering from tubular dandruff has stomach problems of varying severity.

What does seborrhea look like?

The manifestation looks like a small droplet sitting firmly at the base of the hair. The scalp may be inflamed (hyperemic).

To make it clearer what tubular dandruff on the head looks like, the photo is presented below.

Elongated scales linked to the hair shaft - this is what tubular seborrhea looks like

It can be seen that in the photo tubular dandruff can be confused with nits.

This picture is a schematic representation of tubular dandruff

Dandruff is distinguished by the following features:

  1. Characteristic changes that accompany seborrhea are redness of the scalp, hair changes, and increased oiliness.
  2. Identification of fungi of the genus Pityrosporum. The presence of microorganisms that cause seborrhea can be detected using a Wood's lamp. The specialist directs the light of the lamp to the affected areas and determines the green glow (this is how fungi of the genus Pityrosporum manifest themselves).
  3. Good response to therapy with topical antifungal agents.

Tip: Crush the scale with tweezers; the nit will make a cracking sound.

Treatment and prevention of the disease

To treat the disease, local agents and, in severe cases, systemic therapy are used. Local treatment is provided with antifungal shampoos. The components of the shampoo have a local effect and are not absorbed into the blood, therefore the drug does not have the ability to cause side effects. The shampoo can be used both for treatment (2 times a week for a month) and for prevention (1 time a week for a month) of seborrheic dermatitis.

An effective remedy against tubular dandruff - Diflucan

Oral medications are prescribed in a short course for 7-10 days. The antifungal drug Fluconazole is used. It is an antimycotic substance that acts against a wide range of fungi, including the genus Pityrosporum. Fluconazole is quickly absorbed into the blood, where it produces an effect. The substance is used by many pharmaceutical companies that produce their drug. For example, in Russia the drug is produced under the name Diflucan, in India - Fucis. The specialist selects the drug and its dose depending on individual data.

Since pathology is often found in diseases of the stomach, sorbents and probiotics are prescribed for oral administration along with local therapy.

As a preventative measure, you should properly care for your scalp, select shampoos depending on its needs (different for oily or dry skin), and also treat concomitant diseases in a timely manner. You should not buy antifungal shampoos to prevent dandruff, since in the absence of an application point for their active substance, they disrupt the natural protective layer of the skin and provoke the appearance of seborrhea.

It happens that on your curls you begin to notice white grains at the roots. And suspicions immediately begin to creep in, what if this is not ordinary dandruff, but unfortunate nits that can spread exponentially. So how can you tell dandruff from nits? In this article we will tell you how to identify lice larvae and not confuse them with normal peeling on the skin.

What's happened

Dandruff is a flaking of the skin underneath the hair. Its causes are malfunctions of the sebaceous glands or excessive drying of the skin. Of course, such manifestations do not pose a particular threat to the owner’s health, but they give the hair an unkempt and completely unnatural appearance.

Therefore, dandruff needs to be combated with various cosmetic methods and through proper nutrition.

They produce oily dandruff, which involves gluing of scales. Men and women experience severe scalp itching, and after washing, their hair looks dull and dirty. But there is one positive thing about this type of dandruff - it is hardly noticeable.

Important point! If oily dandruff covers large areas of the scalp, the scales begin to flake off and damage the curls. This situation can cause excessive hair loss.

Dry type of dandruff accompanied by severe itching and the abundant appearance of white powder, which directly falls out of the hair at the slightest movement or combing.

The causative agent of severe peeling of the skin is Pityrosporum oval. This microorganism begins to actively multiply during malfunctions of the sebaceous glands, since favorable conditions are created for its existence.

The distinctive signs of dandruff are:

  1. small scales on the curls, which somewhat resemble white snow;
  2. peeling is noticeable on the scalp, accompanied by itching;
  3. hair color loses brightness and curls begin to fall out;
  4. hair acquires excessive gloss, becoming greasy (in some cases);
  5. if dandruff is not treated, the process of keratinization of the dermis becomes more intense, so the number of white grains increases;
  6. with a severely advanced form, dandruff spreads to the eyebrows and interlash space.

The appearance of dandruff is caused by the fact that little subcutaneous fat is secreted. Therefore, if you have dry skin, split ends and brittle hair, be prepared for dandruff.

It is important to distinguish dandruff from other dermatological diseases, namely:

  1. psoriasis, which appears along the edge of the hairline;
  2. ringworm, which has clear boundaries and local foci;
  3. streptoderma, which at first is very similar to dandruff, but over time manifests itself as ulcers and the formation of a yellow crust;
  4. seborrhea pemphigus.

Dandruff is very easy to confuse with ringworm, especially at first. But over time, the latter turns into a circle or oval, at the location of which curls fall out and pus appears.

Nits on hair: their difference from dandruff

People consider lice eggs to be nits, but from a medical point of view, they are the white shells in which the insect lives. They are attached using specially produced glue at a distance of a couple of centimeters from the hair roots.

It is not possible to eliminate the unfortunate cocoons with regular hair washing. The sticky substance securely fixes the egg on the hair, so even if you try to remove it with your nails, you cannot always achieve the desired success.

It happens that parasites are removed from a person infected with lice. If he still has nits, then over time new inhabitants will appear on his hair and you will have to deal with them again. Therefore, it is recommended to use products to combat lice and nits.

If you have nits you:

  1. you will see millimeter grains on the head, reminiscent of dandruff;
  2. you will feel an unpleasant itch;
  3. You will notice that your curls seem dirty even after washing.

As you can see, at first glance, nits are very easy to confuse with dandruff.

Let's look at the phases of the life cycle of a blood-feeding parasite. There are 4 stages:

The adult sucks human blood and actively mates. During one examination, from 50 to 100 nits can be detected on the head of a person affected by lice, which immediately lead an independent lifestyle.

Important! The incubation period for the appearance of nits is 5–8 days from the moment the insects mate. The temperature for nit maturation should be high, 30–35 degrees.

As soon as the larva, imprisoned in the shell, matures, it pushes through its cocoon and gets out. When the parasite leaves, the nit does not dissolve and continues to be on the hair.

Thus, if you don’t fight the bloodsuckers in time, you can get a heavy millimeter snowball on your head and, even worse, develop serious infections.

Every day, one female louse can lay up to 4 eggs. Each of them is located at a distance of 1 cm from the roots; as the hair grows, the capsule moves down towards the ends. The nit itself turns into a louse after 14 days.

Distinctive characteristics

It is not very difficult to distinguish nits from dandruff. You just need to provide good lighting (it is better to use a lamp to direct the light flux in the desired vector), arm yourself with a fine-toothed comb and, preferably, a magnifying glass. Take half an hour of free time to make sure that you are not infected with parasites.

By location

Nits are located at a distance of 1–3 cm from the hair roots. Because high temperatures are required for offspring to mature, female lice instinctively lay eggs in warm areas - on the back of the head, behind the ears. Dandruff is located throughout the hair.

By type, size

The appearance of nits resembles whitish oval-shaped balls. They have a light gray and even brown tint. Dandruff, in turn, has a color close to white. The peeled scales always have different sizes, but the nits are almost the same.

Nits are elongated white translucent capsules.

By itch

Itching is a companion to both diseases, but with dandruff it is not felt so clearly. If there are nits and lice, a person scratches his head vigorously, one might say, until he bleeds.

By sound

Sound makes it possible to distinguish living nits from non-living ones. If you press your fingernail on the capsule in which the insect is located, you can hear a clear cracking sound. This way you can check for parasites.

By combing

So nits or dandruff? You can find out very easily. Dandruff can be easily combed out with a regular comb, but nits are difficult to remove from hair using this method.b, since they are firmly glued to them.

Advice. The pharmacy sells special combs for combing out lice. They are used on damp curls. But, unfortunately, you will not be able to eliminate all nits with such a comb, because they are tightly attached to the hairs.

In count

The scalp always flakes off in large quantities, which is why you may notice a large amount of dandruff. Nits usually appear in small quantities. Only if you are too infested with lice can you see a significant number of capsules.

How to distinguish whether a parasite has hatched from an egg or not

As we have already said, even after the lice leave the capsules, the shell is still fixed on the hair and, if certain actions are not taken, only goes away when it falls out.

The difference between nit capsules with and without an individual:

  1. a non-living capsule is deprived of its original shape, so it is flat;
  2. a dead nit has a dull color, while a live one is shiny;
  3. after the louse emerges from the cocoon, the color changes from pronounced white to cloudy with a yellow tint;
  4. If you press a fingernail on a live nit, a characteristic cracking sound will follow.

What to do if you have head lice

If you suspect head lice, the best decision would be to go to a doctor, who will conduct an examination and prescribe the correct treatment.

If for some reason you do not want to see a doctor, go to the pharmacy, where they will recommend that you buy the right product to eliminate nits and lice.

To avoid infecting others, take the following precautions:

  1. do not go to crowded places and enclosed spaces;
  2. tell people you have had contact with recently about your illness;
  3. You should check for lice those who live in the same room with you;
  4. activate hygiene: clean, wash linen and clothes, as well as clean bedding and carpets;
  5. It is prohibited to use other people’s personal hygiene items - combs, towels, hats and bed linen.

Attention! If you are diagnosed with body lice, immediately carry out disinfestation.

Thus, guided by our recommendations and photos, you can easily distinguish dandruff from nits. Remember, timely detection of nits is the key to a quick recovery from head lice.

Useful videos

How to remove lice and nits from hair.