Is it possible to get rid of enlarged pores?

Many people ask me the same questions: how to get rid of enlarged pores on the skin, how to remove pits, scars on the skin and what is it all about?

Look at the picture above. These are not scars, these are enlarged pores. Yes, it looks unpleasant, not aesthetically pleasing, but almost all people with oily skin have this type of skin - this is normal, this is not a disease.

Is it possible to get rid of enlarged pores?
Of course, it is possible, but this is a very long and painstaking path, not many will be able to master it, although there are quick methods.

But first, let's figure out what pores are and what determines their size?

Pores help the skin produce sebum, and the more oil produced, the wider the pores. It seems logical, but there is still a small point here. The fact is that oily skin has a peculiarity: it can thicken even more, become thicker, and against this background the pores become even larger.

Not a single cosmetic product that has been released on the cosmetic market will save you from enlarged pores for skin care, because in order to do this, we need to make our skin thinner, so to speak, get rid of the “extra clothes” that the oily type gave us skin. To do this, one tool will not be enough; you must use two, combining them. I will write below how to do this.

There are several ways to help get rid of enlarged pores:

1. Clay
We have already talked about clay, be sure to read how to make clay masks correctly. Clay can easily make our skin thinner. And if you add salt diluted in water to a clay mask, this will make the mask more effective.

Do it at least 2 times a week, no need to do it more often.

2. Badyaga
Read more about the badyag. Despite my skepticism towards it, I underestimated it, it helps not only get rid of spots and wrinkles, but can also make the skin thinner by increasing cell division.

Use no more than 2 times a week.

3. Peeling
Thus, peelings are the most effective means that quickly remove the top layer, which means freeing you from enlarged pores. Chemical peels, glycolic acid peels, and fruit peels are best suited. For the expected effect, peeling must be done in a beauty salon with a course of at least 30% acid; I can’t say anything about chemical ones.

You can, of course, use homemade fruit or glycolic peeling, but you will notice a significant effect only after a month.

Do it no more than 2 times a week.

4. Microdermabrasion - micro-resurfacing of the skin
From the name it is already clear that the skin is polished. I’ll say right away that it’s painful (but tolerable), expensive, but the effect will be 100% after several procedures. Microdermabrasion uses microcrystals that are transferred under pressure through a tip, which allows you to polish the skin and remove the top layer.

The above listed are exactly those remedies that will really help you and get rid of the problem and you won’t be bothered by enlarged pores for a long time, however, until the skin begins to grow again, and for it this is a continuous process. Therefore, the procedures will have to be done every week.

How to tighten pores?
In general, I would not recommend you to engage in this procedure if you do not at least do points 1 and 2, because it is useless. But know that ice helps tighten the pores. To do this, it is better for you to make it yourself and with herbs or fruits. For example, you can add tincture of chamomile, calendula, or apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, lactic acid to the water for freezing, and no more than 10% of the amount of water, otherwise you will only ruin the skin. The ice should be light and slightly concentrated.

How to combine products?

Make masks 2-3 times a week, alternating masks with clay and badyaga, or home peeling. That is, every 2-3 days you do masks or home peeling. After the mask, wipe your face with an ice cube (as described above).

That's all, the main thing here is to do all this, and not wait for enlarged pores to disappear on their own. This will never happen, so I wish you patience and good luck to keep your skin beautiful and smooth.

Now there are many professional products on how to get rid of enlarged pores in oily and combination skin. But you can also use folk remedies. An effective alternative to tonic can be an infusion of calendula or chamomile. Evening skin cleansing requires the greatest attention. It is necessary to remove dust and cosmetics from the face extremely carefully - it is in the pores that they most often settle. You must have a separate face towel. After cleansing your face, you should not rub it with a towel, but carefully pat it dry.


A facial scrub is helpful once a week. They are effective against enlarged pores and blackheads, they help eliminate dead skin cells and cleanse pores, which is done with gentle circular movements to avoid damaging the skin. Can be selected for particularly sensitive types. A scrub containing small abrasive particles prevents injury.

General skin care recommendations

You should choose a cream that matches the characteristics of your skin type. Oils may be used. Almond, jojoba and grape seed oils are suitable for oily and combination skin types. In general, it is much easier to prevent enlarged pores than to treat the problem once it has already occurred. To do this, it is enough to timely cleanse the skin and moisturize it, use soft scrubs and cosmetics that regulate the secretion of sebum.

You should not wash your face with hot water or use aggressive products for this. You need to protect your skin from direct sunlight, use high-quality decorative cosmetics, and also eat right. It is recommended to consume a lot of salads, fresh vegetables, fruits, healthy liquids - juices, tea, mineral water.

How to get rid of enlarged pores using folk remedies

We have selected all available methods to understand how to get rid of them:

Herbal tonic

For 250 ml of boiling water, 1 tbsp is required. a spoonful of herbs - chamomile, calendula, horsetail, string; it needs to be infused in a closed container for half an hour, then strained and poured into a jar. A cotton pad should be moistened with tonic and wiped in problem areas. This needs to be done several times daily.

Lemon-protein mask

This mask is applied to a cleansed face and effectively tightens pores. For each egg white you should take 1.5 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face and left on for 10 minutes. You can add 2 tbsp to it. spoons of infusion of chamomile or calendula flowers. It is most convenient to apply the mask with a brush.

Gelatin mask

This option is an effective alternative to cleansing strips. This mask is applied to problem areas of a cleansed face, in most cases this is the T-zone. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tea and gelatin (tea can be black or green). This mixture is thoroughly mixed and heated in the microwave for only 10 seconds. The mask is applied with a brush. After the mask has dried, it must be carefully removed.


Deep cleansing

Cleansing your skin is the most important step and should be done twice a day. You should deep cleanse your face at least once a month. The procedure can be performed at home.

Homemade lotions and tonics

It is necessary to regularly use special lotions and tonics for the face. Many of them can be done at home yourself:

  1. Apple cider vinegar lotion. 250 ml/ cool boiled water mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural apple cider vinegar;
  2. Pink tonic. Take a container with a tight-fitting lid. Pour 125 grams of fresh rose petals into it and fill them with 125 ml. apple cider vinegar. Then you need to close the lid and leave for 2 weeks, after which the lotion should be strained and diluted with 250 ml of regular boiled or mineral water.

You should apply tonics and lotions twice daily and, in addition, also after each cleansing procedure with scrubs, masks or peeling.

Using clay

Masks made from cosmetic clay are quite useful, as they have the ability to absorb excess sebum, cleanse pores and draw out dirt. You can dilute it with water and make masks. Clay can be the basis of masks, combined with other ingredients.


Let's give an example of a highly effective green clay mask that eliminates pore enlargement. To prepare it you need one egg white, 1 tbsp. spoons of green clay and boiled water, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 drops of tea tree oil.

Beat the egg white until foamy, then leave for a while. Pour green clay into another container, drop in tea tree oil, pour in water and lemon juice. Mix all this without leaving any lumps. Pour the whipped egg white into the resulting homogeneous mass and mix everything again, then put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour. After removing the mixture from there, it must be thoroughly beaten again until it reaches an airy mass. After this, the mask is applied to the face, excluding the area around the eyes, and remains for 20 minutes, then washed off with cool water. The face is then lubricated with tonic and moisturized with cream.

Essential oils

Many essential oils have a pronounced cleansing effect on the skin, tightening pores. These oils include cedar, spruce, pine, dill, caraway, fennel, lavender and lemon.

Essential oils are very effective when used for facial massage, which improves metabolism and increases the flow of nutrients and oxygen into cells. Sometimes, after the very first sessions of using essential oils for the purpose of narrowing, a completely opposite result is observed: sebum begins to be released more strongly, and pustules mature. However, such a reaction is normal and passes quickly, and the skin ultimately becomes clear and beautiful.


Badyaga is a freshwater sponge that can serve as an effective means of tightening pores. Sold in regular pharmacies in the form of gels and powders. It is recommended before bedtime or when you will not need to leave your home for a long time, since in most cases the side effect of its use is irritation, manifested by slight redness.


The right diet

It is important to maintain a drinking regime, drinking at least 1.5 liters of clean ordinary water daily. You need to eat a lot of fruits, avoid foods that are too fatty, which increases the secretion of subcutaneous sebum. Limit the consumption of sweet, spicy and smoked foods.

Cosmetic ice

Constantly rubbing the skin with a piece of ice leads to an effect. As a result of a simple procedure, the pores are narrowed, the tone increases and the complexion improves. To achieve a better effect, you can make lemon ice. For this purpose, you need to mix equal amounts of clean water with fresh lemon juice. This mixture is poured into molds intended for ice, and the face is wiped with it twice daily.


Natural masks against enlarged facial pores

Masks should be used 1-2 times weekly to tighten skin pores. They get rid of pore enlargement and make it more beautiful and smooth. Here are 3 options for such simple masks:

  1. 1 small raw potato is grated on a coarse grater, a small amount of flour and an egg white are added to it, which is pre-beaten. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes;
  2. Grate 1 raw tomato on a fine grater, add 2 drops of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of potato starch. This is all mixed and applied to the face for 15 minutes;
  3. One egg white is whipped into foam, 1 tbsp is added to it. spoon of dry white wine. The mask is applied in several layers. You should apply it to your face in a thin layer, let it dry, and then repeat. The third layer is applied in the same way. After applying the last layer, you need to leave the mask on for 5 minutes.

Enlarged pores in the salon


A very effective procedure that tightens pores, smoothes the skin, cleansing it of dead cells and eliminating fine wrinkles. The procedure involves the use of a scrub containing tiny solid particles. The result is most often achieved by 2-3 procedures.


Chemical peeling

It is carried out using 3-chloroacetic acid. Another name for this procedure is TCA. Nowadays it is performed in such a way that even people with very sensitive skin can easily tolerate it. Substances that penetrate deeply into the skin eliminate dead cells and replace them with new ones.

Glycolic peeling

It is also often suggested by cosmetologists against enlarged pores and is a superficial procedure performed using a solution of glycolic acid, which tightens the pores by exfoliating the top layer.

Enzyme peeling

It is soft. This is also a superficial procedure, which, however, effectively cleanses pores and tightens them. The peeling contains trypsin, bromelain and papain. These substances dissolve the contents of the pores, leveling the skin turgor.


The procedure significantly activates metabolism, improving well-being and appearance. Pores are also improved by brightening the skin, reducing sebum production and clearing up acne. The most useful cryomassage is a hardware massage using liquid nitrogen.


This is an ultrasound procedure that solves many skin problems. It eliminates acne and comedones, improves the structure and its color. Involves stimulation of the skin with high-frequency currents. Recently, small devices have been created that allow this procedure to be performed at home.

Laser cleaning

Sessions of this procedure eliminate pigment spots, acne scars and wrinkles, toning, tightening the skin, promoting the production of elastin and collagen. Cosmetologists usually recommend the use of a whole range of procedures for enlarged pores.

Most often, those with oily skin type face a variety of skin problems. Oily skin can ruin even the most attractive and blooming appearance: pimples, acne, inflammation. Let's look at how to tighten the pores on your face using various means at home.

Rules for caring for pores

You won’t be able to get rid of pores on your face forever, even by visiting beauty salons and doing expensive cleaning procedures. The fact is that natural processes constantly occur on the face, and it is not possible to radically change them. But if you regularly take care of your skin and follow all instructions, you can visually significantly reduce aesthetic problems.

For a productive result you need to follow the rules:

  1. Always cleanse the skin of cosmetics with foams, milk and other products;
  2. Wash your face twice a day: before bed and after;
  3. After using contracting tonics, micellar water or herbal decoctions;
  4. Cleanse your skin with a scrub 1-2 times a week, in addition to treatment with traditional methods;
  5. You need to use cosmetics for your skin type, which dries the surface and helps remove oily shine;
  6. If possible, visit a cosmetologist and dermatologist (once every two months is enough) or make masks at home.

For more information about how and with what products you need to care for your facial pores, you can watch our video.

Video: creams and masks that tighten pores

Tightening products for oily and normal skin

To narrow the pores on the face, astringent masks for problem skin are widely used. In this case, you can remove excess fat from the surface and cleanse the dermis of old particles. For example, a soda scrub for the face works wonders, perfectly removing the top stratum corneum.

#1: Blue, white or black clay mask.


In just half an hour, the skin will become noticeably lighter, and the pores will be less noticeable. It is very important not to leave the clay until it dries completely, especially for girls with sensitive skin. It is necessary to wash off immediately after the first chilling sensations. It helps some girls get rid of oily skin for a long time.

#2: Lemon-protein mass will help narrow and lighten enlarged pores on the face.
Lemon whitens damaged blemishes, and protein has an astringent effect. Proportions: for 1 teaspoon of juice you will need 1 egg white, whipped into foam.

#3: Steaming your face with almond peeling.
Almonds have wonderful healing properties and effectively cleanse sebaceous pores. But this method is absolutely contraindicated for young ladies with inflammation on the face.

#4: Berry whitening masks for normal skin.
Most often, the water or herbal base is replaced with a milk one, and this fruit paste is rubbed over the face with a sponge. Fruits with astringent properties:

  1. Strawberry;
  2. Apricot;
  3. Raspberries;
  4. Grape;
  5. Currant.


Strawberry mask

#5: Kaolin.
Mix a tablespoon of fennel oil with a teaspoon of kaolin, add glycerin and mineral water until a thick, dense mixture is formed. Apply the solution to especially noticeable facial pores and leave for 10 minutes (for sensitive skin) or 20 (to reduce oily combination skin).

#6: Linden decoction.
For half a liter of boiling water - 2-3 tablespoons of herbs. Leave for about half an hour. It is necessary to wash your face several times a day, it is advisable to continue the procedure for a long time. This way you can not only narrow pores, but also get rid of blackheads.

#8: Elderberry Constrictor.
These berries were popularly used to disinfect wounds and lighten skin. Boil chamomile, linden blossom and elderberry flowers over low heat, and after boiling, remove after three minutes. Proportions: take a spoonful of each herb for half a liter of boiling water. Mix the warm solution with heated flower honey (not hot, but pleasantly warm) and oatmeal. Add at your discretion, the mass should not be very steep or thick. Put it back on the fire and boil. Cool and apply several layers to the skin. Keep on the dermis for 20 minutes.


Pores before and after masks

#9: Orange zest actively tightens large pores on the face.
We grate the fresh skin of the fruit and mix it with its pulp. We carefully apply this porridge to problem areas. You can use the method to cleanse and whiten pores on the body. After twenty minutes, rinse well. Many cosmetics manufacturers have begun producing foundation creams based on orange extract; this is a very good decorative remedy.


#10: Famous mask with starch.
To prepare the ancient starch remedy, we need two spoons of potato powder, a little flower honey, heated to a pleasant warmth and a couple of spoons of warm milk. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture to the dermis. Keep it for no more than half an hour.

#11: Cryomassage with ice cubes.
A very good remedy is to rub pieces of ice over the skin. Particularly effective after steaming and cleaning pores. You can do this morning and evening, or pour cold water over your face in the morning.


#13: Blackhead strips from a napkin with whipped egg white.
Beat part of the egg into foam and apply to problem areas, but not to the entire face (otherwise it will be painful to peel off). We tear pieces of napkins and stick them on the same problem areas. Apply again to the whipped mass on a napkin and wait 15 minutes until everything dries. Then, with sharp movements, we tear the napkins off the face. The procedure may be a little painful if you have sensitive skin. We recommend applying to a small area first.


Napkin with protein

#14: Cooked potatoes.
Enlarged pores can be easily removed with a mixture of premium wheat flour, whipped egg whites and mashed potatoes. The same method will help cleanse mature skin, give it elasticity and get rid of age spots with regular use.

#15: Tomato mask.
We cut the fresh vegetable into slices and put it on the face. Tomatoes not only help to tighten the very visible pores of the face, but also cleanse the pores of old cells and remove toxins.

Tighten pores on dry skin

Thin skin with insufficient secretion of subcutaneous sebum is quite difficult to treat. Most traditional remedies irritate it and increase sensitivity. You can tighten the pores on your face if you have dry skin by using blue clay. Just before applying the mineral base, you need to treat the surface of the dermis with a nourishing cream.

#16: On mature dry skin, rosehip tincture works well to tighten pores.
A few drops of essence are mixed with two tablespoons of a decoction of these berries. Apply to the face as a compress and keep for at least 10 minutes. Apply 2 times a week.


#17: Decoction of burdock root and nettle leaves.
For half a liter of boiling water, the proportions in tablespoons are 1:1. Leave for one day in a dark place at room temperature, and wipe your face with this liquid several times a day. If you are worried about enlarged pores and acne on your back, you can take baths with this decoction; the water should be yellowish in color, but not very concentrated.

A step-by-step process for narrowing pores on the cheeks:

  1. Steam your face and inhale essential oils;
  2. Cleanse the skin with tonic or chamomile infusion;
  3. Apply a mask;
  4. Nourish the skin with cream;
  5. Several times a day, wipe the pores on your face with a swab soaked in herbal infusions or fruit juices.

Moreover, an integrated approach also includes a special diet. Every day you need to drink at least two glasses of special herbal tea. His recipe: lavender, coltsfoot, chamomile, sweet clover, rosemary, star anise are mixed in equal quantities and poured with hot water (not boiling water!). Infuse for a day in a cool, dark place. Dilute the resulting brew with warm water to the usual tea concentration and drink. If you really want to tighten the pores on your face, you can add a little sage and thyme.