Pimples of dropsy have appeared on the feet and are itchy

Skin rashes occur for various reasons. The most likely occurrence is an allergic reaction. It can be, as they say, with or without reason. For example, for a new brand of powder or tea with additives. Even if you ate something new and tasty, it is quite possible to end up with red pimples on your shin or knee. But why do watery pimples appear on the legs? Can this be called an allergy and how can such a misunderstanding be resolved? In fact, blisters occur not only as an allergic reaction, but also due to chemical or sunburn, as well as due to uncomfortable shoes. It is impossible to say that a blister is dangerous. But after it is damaged, when the thin skin bursts and the liquid flows out, an unpleasant phase begins. After all, now any microbes and bacteria can get into the wound. In turn, they give impetus to the development of diseases and infections.

1 Causes of blisters on feet

Water pimples on the legs can be a sign of concern. The main thing is not to panic. And consider very clearly:

  1. location of the rash. This could be the foot, fingers, ankle;
  2. appearance and size. They may differ from each other;
  3. presence of water and fullness of liquid;
  4. presence of odor;
  5. painful sensations.

Water pimples on legs can be a sign of concern

Based on the information received, a clearer picture of the disease is already being created. The reasons for this phenomenon are:

cause description treatment
Fungal infection Infection with mycosis or onychomycosis occurs wherever there is a large crowd of people. Even in a store in the summer, no one is safe from bacteria getting on bare areas of the body. After identifying the type of fungus (it is not always possible to determine on your own), dosage forms are selected. It is advisable to carry out a series of measures of two therapies
Allergy Not only any household product can cause rashes of this kind. This also includes sprays and varnishes, nail creams and foot powders. Most often, it is enough to stop taking creams or other remedies. Plant-based baths are recommended as an aid to quickly remove the problem.
Bites Often such marks remain after the bites of small midges that live under bushes and trees. Lubricate with creams that relieve inflammatory processes on the skin
Burns Sunbathing in the sun can cause your entire body, including your legs, to become covered in blisters. This also includes chemical and household burns. Use of creams. Designed to eliminate and relieve pain. For example, Boro plus
Shoes Do not confuse small blisters with calluses. New shoes may be made of low-quality material or expired glue was used to glue parts together. Use baths and lotions from folk recipes. Urgently send the shoes to a landfill or burn them

Need to know! When buying shoes in markets and stores, you should carefully study the purchase. Feel free to smell things. Also, always try on wearing socks or tracks. This way you can prevent fungal infection. After purchase, treat with sprays for preventive purposes.

2 Treatment process for blisters

For each disease or condition, specific methods and methods are used to remove the problem. The most common mistake most people make is picking or piercing such pimples. If dropsy pimples appear on the feet and itch, then piercing and bursting them will lead to serious consequences. Therapy in such cases is delayed. You can also get infected not only with fungus, but also with more dangerous diseases. For example, sepsis.

By the way, this form of blood poisoning also manifests itself initially in the form of acne. They itch and increase in size. A fever appears, and after an abscess, the wound opens. Allergies can cause an increase in body temperature. Only, unlike sepsis, the increase in degrees is insignificant, and the abscesses do not increase. With the right approach to therapy, allergic wounds heal within two days.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of watery acne on the legs.

To understand what you are faced with, it is best to contact a dermatologist to study and identify the cause of the rash. Especially if there is pain, burning and fever. The doctor will advise and prescribe the necessary medications. It is only possible to fight the fungus on your own. But even here they carefully approach the selection of medications and folk recipes. It is advisable to combine both methods. This way a quick effect is achieved. But after therapy and removal of the rashes, you must adhere to certain rules. Most often, due to their busyness, specialists forget to consult patients on this matter. Therefore, they are worth remembering:

  1. Always have sunscreen on hand. When coming to the beach or open area, apply them immediately, and do not wait for the sun to start burning;
  2. If you do a manicure or pedicure, always contact a trusted specialist. It’s better, of course, to learn this art yourself. But always treat your own equipment after the procedure;
  3. use the same washing powder. At the moment, there are a number of manufacturers that produce hypoallergenic products. It is suitable for the whole family. To be extra sure, prepare a soap gel from brown laundry soap. Rinsing in it will prevent allergies;
  4. If you visit public places, always cover your feet with socks or tights. When going to swimming pools, baths or saunas, always use your own shoes (slippers, flip-flops, flip-flops);
  5. It's worth buying shoes not based on price, but on quality. When trying on, make sure that the pad is comfortable.

3 All about types of acne with liquid

Allergic and sepsis rashes are always accompanied by an increase in temperature. They can rarely be confused with other diseases. Sepsis causes large blisters. They grow quickly, and inside there is always pus instead of liquid. As for allergic reactions, even in the absence of fever, such a rash is not isolated. The area is covered with many small pimples. They may itch, or they may not bother the person at all.

Fungal infections remain the most likely causes. This is how mycosis manifests itself. Infection occurs in standard ways, like any fungus. It is enough to put on slippers in the sauna after an infected person, and within a month the signs of infectious infection will be clearly visible.

Mycosis is dangerous because the disease develops slowly. The first signs are just small blisters between the fingers. Then they move on to the fingers and foot. They even appear on the heels. After an abscess, the sensations cannot be called painful. They are more like itching and burning under the skin. But before the blisters appear. Red spots and rashes are noticeable on the skin.

Therapy involves the purchase of special agents - antimycotics. The course can take more than one month, but such drugs make it possible to get rid of a fungal infection much faster if used simultaneously:

  1. special cream for treating the epidermis;
  2. baths for cleansing the skin;
  3. sprays and aerosols for treating shoes;
  4. lotions based on herbal ingredients.

Another type of blisters are calluses. Treatment takes place without visiting a doctor. They can form not only on the feet or fingers. But also on the underwires and even on the back of the sole. Causes of new or uncomfortable shoes. If there are small blisters, cover them with an antibacterial adhesive tape. For large calluses, wait for the surface to rupture on its own. Then treat with wound-healing creams and seal with adhesive tape. Chamomile and furatsilin are suitable for disinfection.

The formation of water pimples on the body and legs is a fairly common problem that a person faces at almost any age. This kind of rash initially causes not only physical discomfort, but also moral and psychological discomfort, such as the legs. Especially in the summer and especially for women, they should be open, but here it’s such a misfortune.

Against this background, it is very easy for not only stress to form, but also depression, which leads to a deterioration in overall health.


a person's well-being. This affects poor health and productivity, that is, it affects all areas of life.

Watery pimples are always unstable; they either appear on the skin or suddenly disappear. However, this does not in any way relieve a person from the desire to get rid of acne once and for all.

Interestingly, watery pimples on the legs can often appear in winter, when a person is wrapped up in things. However, this is not an indicator for this type of rash, and water pimples feel great in the summer. in this regard, information about how acne forms will be extremely useful?

Please note that ignoring the problem will not lead to its resolution. The fact is that most people, when such pimples appear on their legs, and even in winter, simply prefer not to pay attention to them, because the rash is hidden under clothes. Logical, but also dangerous, since a rash always indicates processes in the body that cannot be ignored.

What to do if water acne appears

As we wrote above, the main thing is not to ignore their appearance and not expect them to go away on their own. The appearance of such acne on the legs can only be the beginning, and if no action is taken, then this type of rash will continue to appear not only on the limbs, but throughout the body.

Next, you just need to contact a dermatologist. Despite the fact that acne itself does not initially look scary, self-treatment is not recommended. The fact is that the cause of the rash is not due to skin problems, and therefore most topical products will simply be useless. on the other hand, for example, a white clay mask does not hurt acne, and will not only remove acne, but also rejuvenate the skin.


Let us note that acne can go away with self-treatment, however, firstly, a relapse, and a more complicated one, will not be long in coming, and secondly, the cause of the rash will not be cured, so there is no need to talk about a positive outcome of self-treatment.

As for visiting a doctor, here the patient, firstly, will be given an accurate diagnosis, which will further determine the treatment regimen, and secondly, medications will be selected. The fact is that some medications can be quite toxic, such as roccutane, so their use should be under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

In addition, drugs are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Causes of water pimples

There are several main reasons for the formation of water pimples on the skin of the legs, let's display them:

  1. Allergy. This is one of the most common reasons, since there are many types of allergic reactions. This can be either a reaction to food or a rash that reacts to the composition of the fabric, contact with household chemicals, or intolerance to certain components in medications.
  2. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands on the body. This reason is considered the most common.
  3. Dry skin. If the skin is overdried, then with constant contact with the fabric of clothing, natural abrasion of the upper layer of the skin occurs, which leads to severe irritation, which in turn leads to the formation of rashes.
  4. Problems with the functioning of internal organs. In this case, the rash acts as the first warning. The most common problems include variants with gastrointestinal diseases or hormonal imbalances.
  5. Yes, and hormonal imbalance can be tolerated separately. This can happen either due to injury or due to taking certain medications. At the same time, in adolescents, hormonal imbalance can be observed during puberty, and in women during menopause.


It is impossible to name unambiguous methods for treating water acne on the body and legs, since all treatment regimens always directly depend on the cause of the rash. Moreover, each cause has its own individual treatment, and it is not always suitable for other types.

The final decision on therapy is made solely by the doctor and based on an accurate diagnosis.

Local treatment

So, after the diagnosis has been made and the cause of the rash has been identified, local treatment can be used.

Here you can use old and proven recipes, which include the use of aloe juice. Aloe is generally a plant without which no skin rash on the body can be treated.

For this purpose, the plant used is not young; its juice must contain all the components necessary for treatment. plant leaf


washed under running water, wrapped in food foil and left in the refrigerator for a day. After which the plant is squeezed out.

The resulting juice does not have to be used in its pure form; it can be diluted in boiled water. Then simply begin wiping the problem areas. Rubbing is done at least once a day, and after about a week you can already see a positive effect.

Another product that can be bought at any pharmacy is calendula tincture for acne - reviews of the product, by the way, are extremely positive. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Use calendula to wipe the areas where acne forms. It is necessary to wipe no more than 2 times a day, since the tincture is alcohol-based, and any alcohol-containing infusions can dry out the skin.

Let us emphasize once again that these local remedies are only an additional treatment that copes well with the rash, but does not eliminate the very cause of its appearance.


Prevention in the treatment of watery acne on the legs is no less important than the treatment itself.

The first thing to start with is cleansing the body. And this applies to absolutely any patient. To do this, you will have to reconsider your diet, eliminating all harmful foods from it.

On the contrary, the diet includes foods that contain large quantities of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Naturally, much attention is paid to fresh fruits and vegetables.

Further, the consumption of fatty, fried, smoked foods should be kept to a minimum, and ideally, it would be good to completely get rid of them. In addition, herbal medicine for acne also helps a lot, the principles of which can be found on our website.

At least twice a week, the diet should consist of dairy products, this will normalize and maintain


work of the stomach.

Let's add a very interesting, but controversial approach - sunbathing. This is simply an opportunity to sunbathe or visit a solarium. Human skin should receive vitamin D, and the easiest and healthiest way to get it is to tan. However, there are also pitfalls here. So, for example, excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation can provoke melanoma.

In some cases, it is possible to use a scrub based on sea salt. This option is also quite ambiguous, since if you have a rash, you cannot use a scrub, so it is considered only as a means of prevention, and even if you have a rash, you should immediately discard it.

The appearance of watery blisters on the skin of the feet is associated with various factors - wearing uncomfortable shoes, allergic reactions, sun or chemical burns. The blister itself does not pose a health hazard, but damage to the thin skin filled with liquid can form a wound and open access to pathogenic microbes and the development of infections.

Why do watery blisters appear on the legs?

The symptoms that accompany blisters on the soles of the feet, fingers, and between them vary. If you know what caused these blisters on your feet, then use the appropriate treatment for the problem. What are the causes of blisters on the feet:

  1. Fungal infection of the feet. Mycosis can be contracted in the pool, sauna, gym or on the beach, so having slippers/replacement shoes in such places is mandatory.
  2. Allergic reaction and other skin diseases. New shoes, a specific polish, spray, cream or any other product can cause blisters on the soles of your feet.
  3. Insect bites.
  4. Sun or household burns.
  5. Uncomfortable, too-tight shoes cause callus blisters.


How to treat watery blisters on the soles of your feet

Blisters on your feet itch, but you don’t know what to do with them? Do not pierce them under any circumstances! This risks the fact that you may catch an infection and complicate the treatment process. If blisters appear on your foot and itch, you should definitely consult a dermatologist to understand the cause. After treatment, do not forget about important rules that will protect you from the recurrence of blisters on your feet:

  1. Shoes should be “breathable”, made from natural materials, and always comfortable.
  2. Do not walk barefoot on the beach or in the pool.
  3. Protect your feet with special clothing and shoes if you are in an environment where chemicals are used.
  4. Try to avoid products and household chemicals that are allergens for you.
  5. Choose a trusted pedicurist who properly and thoroughly processes the tools to prevent infection.
  6. UV protection should be used on exposed areas of the body.


Fungal water blisters on feet

Mycosis (fungus) can be contracted by anyone. If you are in public places (swimming pool, sauna, etc.) without shoes, you can easily become infected. The development of the fungus occurs slowly, the manifestation of mycosis in the form of blisters appears on the feet, fingers, between the toes, and heels.

The initial stage may go unnoticed by the patient, then reddish spots and a rash appear. Further, as a result of neglect, there are bubbly blisters filled with liquid, which itch severely and burst. In such situations, the dermatologist prescribes antifungal medications that kill the spores that appear and prevent them from spreading. The forms of release of such drugs are: tablets, capsules, gel, cream, ointment or spray. Treatment for blisters caused by a fungal infection takes a long time - from 2 months to a year.

Allergic water blisters on feet

Blisters on the feet of a child or adult can also appear as an allergic reaction. In such cases, blisters “float” on the feet and between the toes. The main signs are redness of the skin, confluence of blisters and severe itching. To protect your feet and the body as a whole from allergies, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines: foot ointments, tablets, injections.


Callus blisters on the soles of the feet

Such formations can be cured on their own. They appear on the bones, heels, and toes due to uncomfortable shoes. Small blisters should be covered with antibacterial patches. Try to protect skin areas from re-injury. If the callus is large and the blister is in the way, then it can be carefully pierced with a sterile needle, having first disinfected the puncture site.

To disinfect a painful blister, use iodine, brilliant green, and peroxide. To treat a needle, you need to burn it over a fire, and then dip it in alcohol, iodine or furatsilin solution for a minute. You need to puncture a blister by inserting a needle into the blister parallel, but not perpendicular. After the puncture, use gauze or a bandage to carefully free the callus from the internal fluid, then treat it with antibiotic ointment. Cover the top of the wound with a plaster so as not to injure the delicate area of ​​the skin.


Blisters on the soles of the feet from external influences

What to do if the cause of unpleasant bubbles is external irritants:

  1. For sunburn. Small water pimples on the legs and throughout the body may appear after long walks or exposure to direct sunlight. Pimples, large and small, from the burn not only itch, but also hurt. You can't pierce them! Use anti-burn products that reduce pain, prevent infection from developing and heal wounds.
  2. Insect bites. Such blisters threaten not only redness, itching, but also swelling of the skin. To eliminate these symptoms, you will need antihistamines for oral and external use. You should not scratch the rash, otherwise there is a risk of complicating the treatment and health of the skin.

Video: how to treat watery blisters on the skin of the feet


Oleg, 40 years old The rashes began to appear after my wife and I went to the river. Multiple blisters appeared after about an hour. When blisters formed, the skin of my legs began to itch and hurt. The next morning there was already subcutaneous swelling. After examining me, the doctor said that I had a sunburn. Prescribed Pantestin ointment and Fenistil drops. The blisters disappeared after three days of treatment.

Igor, 25 years old After visiting the sauna, rashes appeared on the feet and hands. It turned out that I had caught a fungus, which, when rubbed, itched very much, small blisters began to form - just like in the photo from medical magazines. It looked terrible, so I bought Ketoconazole. I used the product for three months until I was completely cured of the disease.

Alexandra, 21 years old, her big toe was “decorated” with a blister with swelling after a wasp sting. I bought drops and Fenistil gel. She drank the medicine and treated the area with gel until the symptoms of the bite disappeared without a trace. The swelling lasted until the morning, then began to gradually subside. I recommend that those who have been bitten by an insect use an antihistamine or consult a doctor.