How to start sunbathing in a solarium

In order to get a beautiful and even tan, there is no need to go to the resort - even in the cold season, you can go to the solarium and achieve the desired result. However, before going through this procedure, it is necessary to clarify some issues so that the time spent under the “artificial sun” does not harm your health. There is nothing complicated about how to start going to the solarium correctly!

First trip to the solarium. What to focus on

Before you go sunbathing, you will need to clarify whether your health condition allows you to undergo this procedure. The following conditions are contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Age up to 16 years.
  3. The presence of many nevi.
  4. Predisposition to cancer.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Skin diseases.

In any case, it is better to consult your doctor before going to the solarium. After the first visit, you should carefully monitor the body's reaction to this procedure.

What will you need to take with you for your first visit to the solarium?

Minimum required for the first time:

  1. A pair of special safety glasses. They are made with the expectation that they will protect the retina of the eyes.
  2. Cap. You can take the same one as for the pool.
  3. Breast protection cones, skin protection wipes.
  4. A special tanning cream, the composition of which includes a filter against ultraviolet rays. Regular cream used on the beach will not work.

In principle, you can purchase all these things from the salon employees. It will be even better, because they will help you make the right choice.

How long can you sunbathe in a solarium for the first time?

The duration of a tanning session for the first time and all subsequent ones is mainly determined by two points:

  1. Sequence order. During the first session, the duration of the procedure will be much shorter than in all subsequent cases.
  2. Skin type – a factor that is of fundamental importance in determining how much time to spend in a solarium.

The dependence of skin color and the permissible duration of both the first tanning session in a solarium and all subsequent ones are directly related to each other:

  1. Fair-skinned people who immediately get sunburned on the beach (“Celtic type”) are allowed to stay under artificial sunbathing for no more than three minutes, and no more than once a week. Subsequent sessions should not exceed five minutes, twice a week.
  2. Those with a skin type called “fair-skinned European” (light skin, but does not burn in the sun, light brown hair) are recommended to undergo the procedure for no more than five minutes the first time, and after that – up to 15 minutes three times a week.
  3. If you have fair skin that does not burn, and dark brown or brown hair, this means that your skin type is “dark European” and you can sunbathe under artificial ultraviolet light for up to 15 minutes, even for the first time. But no more than three times a week.
  4. Dark-skinned girls with brown eyes (“Mediterranean skin type”) can sunbathe for up to 20 minutes.

Tanning for beginners with fair skin can cause sunburn, so they need to be extremely careful. Regarding how long this category of visitors can sunbathe in a solarium for the first time, it is best to check with the salon administrators each time - they know best.

Rules for visiting a solarium for the first time (and all subsequent times)

  1. It is necessary to remove all makeup - it interferes with an even tan (especially makeup). Regardless of how many minutes it takes to sunbathe for the first time in a solarium.
  2. You should not use perfume before taking artificial sunbathing.
  3. You must take a shower an hour before the session, without using any scrubs or other cosmetics. Even shower gel should not be used - limit yourself to ordinary water.
  4. You can only be in the solarium by wearing special sunglasses and putting a cap on your head to protect your hair
  5. It is best to wear a swimsuit in the solarium. Or cover your chest with special stickers - stickers.
  6. Before visiting the solarium, you should treat your lips with a moisturizing lotion.
  7. Before starting the session, you can ask the salon staff about what tanning products can be used specifically in your case.

The first session of visiting the solarium has been completed, what next?

The number of visits during one course depends on the skin type. It will be better if you discuss this issue with the salon administrator. Considering that ultraviolet radiation has a drying effect, after visiting a solarium you should treat your skin with a moisturizer and take plenty of liquid (green tea is best).

For the first time, you will also need to use organic cosmetics (moisturizing). This will not only prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but will also significantly smooth out the skin and make it more elastic.

How to sunbathe in a solarium for the first time

Visiting a solarium is a great opportunity to tan, but you must adhere to the rules listed above, especially for the first time. And do not forget that any pleasure should not be harmful to health.

It is better to check with the salon administrators about how many minutes to sunbathe. They will always help you create an individual program according to which you will attend sunbathing sessions, and thus achieve the desired result without possible health risks.

Although the most pleasant tan comes from warm sunbathing, modern developments in technology make it possible to obtain a bronze skin tone even in the most cloudy weather and winter cold. For this purpose, both special self-tanning creams and solariums are used. Artificial ultraviolet radiation is no worse than the sun, and sometimes it is even preferable. However, those who are just starting their journey to artificial sun have a lot of questions about how to properly tan in a solarium, which tanning cream is best. In the article you will find answers to the most common of them.

The benefits of solarium for humans

Disputes about the benefits or harms of artificial tanning for the entire body do not subside, but there are several objective facts indicating the benefits of such a procedure. Solarium effectively treats skin diseases (acne, acne, psoriasis). Beneficial properties have been noted in the treatment of heart diseases and osteochondrosis. When visiting a solarium, the skin produces a huge dose of vitamin D3, which increases its elasticity, firmness and smoothes out wrinkles.

When compared to tanning in the sun, a solarium has a clear advantage. In the July heat on the beach, it is impossible to strictly dose the amount of ultraviolet radiation that the skin will receive. In a solarium, you can always increase or decrease the dose to the amount you need. A procedure at a beauty salon is much safer than going to the beach. It is more convenient to use lotion, oil and special cream before and after the session in a beauty center, rather than on the sand.

Rules for visiting the solarium

Beauty is a very important thing, but it cannot be achieved at the expense of harming health. To prevent a visit to the solarium from causing trouble, you should follow the list of rules and prohibitions:

  1. Before the first session, a consultation with a doctor is required if you have chronic diseases or are taking medications: painkillers, tranquilizers, antidepressants, antibiotics. The procedure cannot be carried out under their influence.
  2. You cannot go for the procedure on the same day as a sauna, hair removal, skin cleansing or tanning under the sun.
  3. Certain prohibitions for women: menstruation, pregnancy, lactation. All these conditions are a reason to avoid solarium completely.

  1. Be sure to apply creams before and after the procedure. Buy them separately and bring them with you: in a beauty salon the cost can be greatly inflated.
  2. Protect your eyes. Do not expect that you can go through the entire procedure with your eyes closed. Wear special glasses.
  3. Do not expose your hair to UV rays. Be sure to use a special cap during the procedure.
  4. Men should not be exposed to ultraviolet light on their genitals, so be sure to cover them during the session.

Selection of tanning cosmetics

For an even and beautiful skin tone, it is recommended to use special amplifiers - activators. The procedure lasts several minutes - the skin simply does not have time to receive the dose of ultraviolet radiation necessary for a rich color. The amplifier increases the sensitivity of the epidermis to UV rays and promotes a rapid, uniform change in tone. Choose only high-quality hypoallergenic products.

Body care after visiting the solarium

The procedure lasts a few minutes, after which you need to take a shower and wash off the applied tanning enhancer. Artificial sun dries the skin very much, so you should immediately apply a moisturizing lotion or oil to a damp body. A nourishing moisturizer is applied to the face. Pay special attention to the areas around the eyes - there the skin is very sensitive and prone to excessive drying. Before going to bed in the solarium, be sure to apply a rich, nourishing cream to your body.

Contraindications to the procedure

A solarium is no different in its effects from natural sunlight, therefore the contraindications for these procedures are the same:

  1. You should not sunbathe if there are birthmarks, pigment spots or protruding moles on the skin - this is a sign of a predisposition to benign neoplasms, and UV rays only increase the risk.
  2. Do not visit the solarium if you have asthma, diabetes, or atherosclerosis. The procedure may cause aggravation of illnesses.
  3. The procedure is contraindicated for patients with infectious diseases: tuberculosis, ARVI (in the acute phase), sexually transmitted diseases.


Solarium has not yet become a mass procedure, so a lot of questions arise both for those who want to try it for the first time and for those who regularly visit the solarium:

  1. Is it allowed to go to the solarium with cosmetics? No. All decorative cosmetics transmit ultraviolet radiation unevenly, so after washing it off you will get a patchy tan on your face.
  2. How to sunbathe properly in solariums, with or without oil on the skin? Oil is applied only after the procedure. If you apply it before the session, the pores will be closed, sweating will be disrupted, and instead of tanning you will get skin problems.
  3. How to sunbathe in a solarium correctly for people with fair skin? If you have fair skin and hair, then artificial sun sessions are contraindicated for you. You can only get burns, but not a bronze or olive tone.
  4. Can pregnant women sunbathe? No, ultraviolet radiation can cause harmful processes in the hormonal system of a pregnant woman.
  5. Is it possible to go to the solarium every day? No, even people with dark skin should wait at least two days between visits.

How often can you go to the solarium?

If your dream is to have an even bronze tan all year round, then artificial sun treatment should become a regular thing for you. How to sunbathe properly in solariums? How often is this allowed? Frequent visits to the solarium can provoke benign and malignant formations on the skin. To avoid this, limit the number of treatments to 50 times a year. According to cosmetologists and oncologists, this is a safe figure for your skin.

How to tan correctly for the first time

To ensure that your first date with an artificial sun is memorable only with positive emotions, study the recommendations. How to properly sunbathe in a solarium:

  1. Remove all makeup before your session. It will not allow the tan to lie flat on the skin.
  2. Be sure to use a special tanning cream in a solarium, otherwise you risk getting burns and uneven skin tone.
  3. Protect your lips by applying a rich cream to them.
  4. Women should not expose their nipples to UV rays, so stay in your underwear or use special stickers - stikini.
  5. Limit the procedure time to 3-4 minutes. The first visit to the solarium should not last more than 5 minutes: this is fraught with burns and does not bring the desired result.
  6. It is necessary to wash before the first session without scrubbing or peeling. Don't even use a washcloth. If possible, it is better to limit yourself to showering without detergents.
  7. Don't take your phone with you. When exposed to heat, it can overheat and fail.

Which solarium is better: vertical or horizontal?

The most popular booths are those where the patient sits standing. Before choosing a solarium, familiarize yourself with the equipment of the beauty salon and the quality of service. Vertical booths have several advantages over horizontal ones:

  1. Hygienic. In a “lying” booth, your naked body is in contact with the surface on which another person was previously lying. Beauty salon staff do not always remember the need to disinfect the booth after each patient. Some types of fungi and bacteria can easily migrate from untreated surfaces to the skin. In a vertical solarium you do not touch the booth lenses, there is no risk of carrying an infection with you.
  2. Functional. A horizontal solarium produces an uneven tan in the areas where the skin and photocells of the booth come into contact, because the skin in these areas stretches, and light spots may form after the procedure. Ultraviolet light from lamps in a vertical booth spreads evenly in all directions, and the result appears better.

Is it possible to sunbathe during menstruation?

Menstruation is one of the strict contraindications to visiting a solarium. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Heating the body provokes an increase in secretions. A solarium is a temperature effect on your body, and artificial heating of the body leads to abnormal discharge and disruption of the menstrual cycle in the future.
  2. During menstruation, a woman's body releases a huge amount of different hormones. Provoking additional release of melatonin (the hormone responsible for skin color) means interfering with the endocrine system. The result is menstrual irregularities and even infertility.
  3. Skin during menstruation is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation: instead of a bronze tone, you can get acne, age spots and an uneven tan.

Video: how to quickly tan in a solarium

Useful advice and feedback from a video blogger for those who want to learn the secret to speeding up the tanning process under the artificial sun and significantly increase the period that the results of the procedure will last. Using cosmetics from the video, you can easily reduce the number of sessions in the solarium to 2-3, and you will get the same results from a week of visits.

Preparing the initial composition takes 2-3 minutes. The product is easy to apply, easy to manufacture and available for any budget. The products from the video are very easy to prepare at home, and the total price of the components will not exceed 300 rubles. You can find out all the details to add the product to your tanning arsenal in the video below.

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What can decorate a man or woman? Beautiful branded clothing, expensive jewelry, designer shoes... But in fact, a tan is considered a very affordable and no less beautiful attribute of luxury. Bronze, gold, brown, chocolate. How many “delicious” and beautiful names does the gilding that the sun gives us have! Therefore, questions about how best to tan and how to go to a solarium correctly are the most pressing for people who care about their appearance and health.

A beautiful tan - a luxury or a necessity?

Fashion for solar gilding

How did the solarium appear?

Solarium - what kind of miracle machine is this?

It is a known fact that excessive sun exposure is harmful. Why? The fact is that the solar spectrum consists of more than just ultraviolet rays, which are good for our skin. There are actually three types of radiation: alpha (α rays), beta (β rays) and gamma (γ rays). If alpha and beta radiation do not harm our health, then the last type - gamma - is hard x-rays. Being in the sun, we are guaranteed to receive a harmful dose of radiation, so tanning is dangerous in its own way. The solarium does not have this drawback and is a safe alternative for tanning.

How to start going to the solarium correctly?

Despite the safety of the tanning machine, it has its own characteristics. Before you start visiting a tanning salon, take the following steps.

- You need to make sure that you have no contraindications. Chronic diseases, diabetes, predisposition to cancer are a serious reason to refuse even safe tanning. Also, if you use medications, especially antibiotics, you should first undergo a course of treatment, and only then begin solar procedures.

— You should consult your doctor if you have freckles or moles. Be sure to ask your doctor about how to properly go to the tanning salon with fair skin if you have sun sensitivity.

— If you have recently undergone photoepilation, laser skin cleansing, resurfacing, or laser tattoo removal, the rays of a solarium will be harmful to you. Before the first visit, at least a month must pass for the skin to recover.

— Choose a good salon. Don't be fooled by the attractive price or proximity of the cabinet to your home. The solarium has a direct effect on your skin, so you need to choose a place for tanning carefully. Ask your friends, read reviews and only after that go for the procedure. It is the choice of a good salon that is the most correct answer to the question of how to go to a solarium correctly.

Types of solariums

What often confuses beginners before visiting artificial tanning places is the variety of types of machines. What types of solariums are there and how do they differ from each other?

1. Vertical and horizontal. The most common is the horizontal view. This type of solarium, according to many, is the best. The lamps placed in it are able to ensure uniform distribution of rays. There is also a minus in such a solarium. The lamps operate at low power, so you need to spend more time in such a structure than, for example, in a horizontal one. Meanwhile, being in a horizontal solarium is very pleasant - you won’t get tired in a lying position.

In a vertical solarium, you must take a standing position while irradiating with ultraviolet rays. This is the disadvantage of this type of apparatus - not everyone is able to stand for ten minutes without getting tired. The lamps in a vertical solarium are an order of magnitude more powerful than in horizontal ones, since during the procedure there is no contact between the skin of the tanner and the glass of the apparatus.

2. Turbo solariums appeared not so long ago. In essence, this is a modification of horizontal solariums, more advanced, using more powerful lamps. In addition, they are equipped with a special adjustable cooling system. Thanks to this function, during the procedure a stream of cool air is supplied inside the device, which greatly facilitates the tanning process. If you are in the process of thinking about the question of how to properly go to the solarium, then turn your attention to this option.

3. Solarium chairs are intended for those who cannot fully tan for medical reasons. It is very comfortable to be in such a device, but only your face and shoulders will tan well. This type of solarium is not very common in our country.

4. And, finally, another type of solariums - household ones. These are small devices designed to provide sun tanning on the face, shoulders and décolleté. You will not find such tanning beds in the salon, but you can purchase a household device for home treatments.

How to go to a solarium for the first time? Recommendations

How to sunbathe without harm to your health?

First of all, you need to make a plan for your visits. Keep a notepad in which you indicate the date and time of the session. This simple precaution will prevent you from getting carried away with procedures and drying out your skin. How long should you go to the solarium? To get an intense tan, you will need to go to the salon for about three weeks, two to three times every seven days. Do not sunbathe for more than 13-15 minutes in one session, even if your skin has already acquired a chocolate color. You won't get any more tanned, but you could seriously harm yourself.

General tips for solarium visitors

When you achieve the desired skin color, take a break from visiting the salon for a month and a half. After this period of time, you can continue the procedure again. When visiting a solarium, remember that your skin is still subjected to a serious test. Be sure to lubricate it with moisturizer after the salon and drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration. How to go to the solarium correctly? Before going to the salon, avoid using deodorants be sure to remove your makeup. Protect your eyes, lips, hair and chest while in the device: use glasses, balm, nipple stickers and a scarf. What cream should I use in a solarium to enhance my tan? Buy it directly from the salon, but do not use it on your first visits to avoid getting burned.