Natural skin care products

Nature gives us natural products to care for delicate facial skin, and these products are much more effective than the most expensive cosmetics. Natural cosmetics are easy to prepare yourself at home.

For natural cosmetics, you can use almost any natural products. Vegetables, fruits, cosmetic clay, decoctions of medicinal herbs, honey, dairy products will give your face beauty, youth and well-groomed appearance.

From natural products it is easy to prepare face masks, scrubs, lotions and tonics to cleanse the skin. It won't take much time and you won't have to spend a lot of money, because all the healthy products are at home.

To prepare natural lotions, cucumbers, parsley, cabbage, carrots, melon, zucchini, lettuce and potatoes are most often used. The freshness of the products and the absence of harmful substances in them play an important role. Vegetable juice is applied to the skin, and to prepare masks in the form of a puree, you can use flour, oatmeal, clay or starch for a certain thickness.


Dairy products are also famous for their calming effects. Milk is used for dry and sensitive skin; it perfectly softens and nourishes it.

Sour cream is an excellent base for many masks due to its high fat content. Therefore, it is added to products for anti-aging, whitening and drying masks, which are used for normal, dry and aging skin.

Rubbing your face daily with cucumber slices tones and rejuvenates the skin, and simple masks made from regular kefir are a real salvation for oily skin.

To keep your facial skin smooth and soft, use a scrub made from ground coffee or oatmeal, and green tea lotions will get rid of bags under your eyes.

Natural cosmetics nourish the skin thanks to the beneficial substances and vitamins they contain. They promote skin rejuvenation by removing dead skin cells from its surface. Using natural remedies, you can easily remove puffiness, tighten pores, remove excess fat, or vice versa, soften dry skin.

Using, for example, fruit masks, you can get rid of freckles or get rid of unwanted pigmentation of the facial skin.


Unexpected allergic reactions to natural products should be considered. Therefore, before using any natural product, conduct a sensitivity test - apply a little of the finished product to the skin, leave for a few minutes, then remove and wait another 10 minutes. If there is no redness left on the skin, you can safely use this product for cosmetic purposes.

Don't forget about water - it is the most important means for preserving beauty. We are not talking about tap water, as it contains high levels of chlorine and contaminants. Wash your face every day with boiled water to which a chamomile decoction has been added. Better yet, freeze a decoction of medicinal herbs and wipe your face with ice cubes - in just a few weeks you won’t recognize yourself, your skin will glow with health, blackheads will disappear, and your face will look younger.

Taking a contrast shower every day will increase blood circulation, so your skin will become tightened and wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Use natural skin care products more often and your body will thank you for it.

Our face is the second edition of our books of deeds.[

In order for your skin to be beautiful and healthy, it is important to eat right and drink a lot of water.

  1. Wash your face morning and evening with cool water.
  2. After washing your face in the morning, wipe your face with ice from the herbal decoction. You can use many herbs to make ice, such as mint, chamomile, and nettle. You can add lemon juice and aloe juice to the decoction. Ice improves blood circulation, rejuvenates the skin, makes it smooth and elastic, tightens pores, soothes, helps with irritation, acne and redness.
  3. In the evening, wipe your face with a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide cleanses the face and saturates the skin with oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is the cheapest and most accessible facial toner.
  4. Lubricate your face with oil. Natural oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Use the oil that you like and suits your skin type.
  5. Ghee is the best “cream” for the face. Ghee perfectly nourishes the skin of the face, cleanses it, relieves it of acne, irritation and redness. Take a small amount of ghee, put it in a small container and heat it in a water bath. Apply warmed ghee in the evening before going to bed on the skin of your face and neck, and at the same time on your hands. After some time of regular use of ghee, you will notice that your face looks younger, wrinkles are smoothed out, and your complexion improves. After using ghee, you will no longer want to use expensive creams. Ghee will replace all your expensive tubes. Ghee is especially good for people with dry skin.
  6. Do a facial massage. Massage your face every day for a few minutes and you will see how your face transforms. Massage improves blood circulation, tightens the face, reduces wrinkles, and rejuvenates. There are many muscles on the face that need to be trained to keep them toned. Oil massage will help with this.
  7. Cleanse your face using natural scrubs. These scrubs are easy to prepare at home. The scrub should be based on whole-ground flour, for example, oatmeal, wheat, as well as various additives: herbal powders (neem, brahmi, amla, triphala) or flower petals, natural oils and honey.
  8. Cleanse clogged pores. Cleanse your facial pores at least once a week. Poor ecology, unhealthy diet, and cosmetics contaminate the pores, the skin stops breathing, and as a result, skin diseases can occur. You can use a hot compress to cleanse the pores. To do this, take a clean towel and place it in hot water until it gets very hot. Leave the towel on your face until it cools down. After steaming, rinse your face first with cool water to cleanse steamed pores, and then with cold water to tighten them. You can also hold your face over hot steam to cleanse your pores. You can heat plain water, or better yet, make a herbal decoction. On the one hand, the skin will be cleansed, and on the other, it will be saturated with useful substances.
  9. Make face masks. Try to make masks from natural products. Use oils, herbal powders, clay, honey, milk, aloe juice, rose water, turmeric.
  10. Cream and sour cream nourish dry skin very well.

Natural facial care

Face mask with turmeric, flour and ghee

Dilute two teaspoons of wheat flour with melted ghee, add water or milk and a little turmeric. Apply the resulting sticky mass to your face. Walk around with the mask until it dries and turns into a crust. Then you can remove it by rolling it off your face.

Since the composition contains oil, the color of turmeric will not be strongly absorbed into the skin.

Flour cleanses the skin by opening pores and drawing out dirt, turmeric treats infections, and ghee nourishes the skin. This mask rejuvenates the face and smoothes out wrinkles. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. The next morning, if a yellowish tint remains, wipe your face with a paste of vegetable oil and flour.

Alternatively, you can mix the dough with cucumber juice. Squeeze the cucumber and add flour. The mask whitens the face and smoothes out wrinkles.

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Natural facial products are increasingly becoming fashionable. Many people are abandoning the usual beauty products with chemical formulas in favor of what our grandmothers used for youth, freshness and smoothness of the face.

Bright Side I have selected effective natural ingredients that, when used regularly, work better than Photoshop. They really noticeably rejuvenate the skin of the face.


A mask of tomato slices can work wonders on tired, dull and tone-deprived skin.

Use 20 minutes once a week for soft, youthful, moisturized skin. For inflammation on the skin, wipe it daily with tomato juice. To improve tone, make a mask from tomato pulp and olive oil.


A true source of youthful skin. Eliminates fine wrinkles, tightens and makes the skin color even.

We use it in the form of daily compresses made from juice or masks made from raw potato pulp, applied to the face for 15 minutes. For elasticity of the skin and a clear oval of the face, you can add lemon juice to the pulp.


Lemon is an excellent remedy for whitening, getting rid of age spots, and the effects of acne. Makes skin tone even and complexion healthy.

We use the juice as a tonic, wiping our face with it daily.

Aloe vera

The juice or pulp from the fleshy part of the leaves makes the skin glow when used regularly. Aloe removes the effects of acne from the face, reduces scars, and is even suitable for treating burns.

We wipe the skin daily as a lotion, and use the pulp as a weekly 10-minute mask.


A cucumber mask is an effective remedy against acne. Ideally maintains skin tone and youth.

Cut the cucumber into circles and place it on your face for at least 15 minutes. We use it several times a week.

Baking soda

It regenerates, cleanses, stimulates the process of skin cells. True, it is better not to use it in its pure form.

We use a mixture of baking soda and olive oil in equal proportions once a week as a cleansing scrub. Mask of 1 tsp. soda and 1 tsp. kefir applied to the face for 10 minutes tightens and rejuvenates the skin.

One of the best moisturizers. Due to the content of minerals and other substances, honey rejuvenates, accelerates cell growth and skin renewal. With regular use, honey removes fairly deep wrinkles. It is worth remembering that honey is contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

Apply in its pure form to the skin of the face and neck and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes. As a rejuvenating mask, we use honey and cinnamon in equal proportions.

Coconut oil

Unrefined oil nourishes, moisturizes, tightens the skin, relieves flaking and makes it silkier. This express product immediately gives results and gives the skin a fresher and more youthful appearance.

Apply a thin layer to the face, after 5 minutes remove the remaining oil with a napkin.

Olive oil

One of the effective means in the fight for youthful skin. Does not cause allergies. Literally a drop of oil can be used as various beauty products. Smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes the skin and makes it velvety.

We cleanse our face with a few drops of oil in the morning and evening instead of tonic. Apply a small amount of oil under the eyes instead of cream to get rid of crow's feet. Add to any face mask or cream applied to the skin daily.

Vitamin E

Regular pharmacy capsules with vitamins can not only be used internally, but also used to improve appearance. Promotes skin regeneration, improves its appearance, tightens the oval of the face and reduces the number of wrinkles.

Add a small amount to any face masks. Combine with your usual cream. Moisturize the skin of the lips.

Rosehip oil

The miraculous elixir of youth. With regular use, you can remove fine wrinkles, crow's feet under the eyes and signs of age-related changes.

Rub a drop of oil onto your face every day as a tonic. Add a few drops of oil to your usual skin cream or mask.


An excellent natural exfoliant. Gently cleanses and nourishes. Removes all dead cells, leaving skin soft, smooth and shiny.

Scrub damp facial skin with a small amount of granulated sugar weekly.