Causes of premature aging of facial skin

Early skin aging, especially at a young age, is a completely undesirable phenomenon. Modern cosmetology, based on the latest medical research and development, helps combat this problem. However, the achievement of results is influenced by skin diseases, heredity or other serious reasons.


Nature has programmed the aging process in the body. This is inevitable and natural. For more than a century, the greatest scientists of their time tried to solve this problem, to find the elixir of eternal youth. Is it possible to stop the biological clock for any period of time and prevent facial aging?

Why does skin age?

Premature aging of facial skin gradually begins at the age of 25. At first, this process occurs almost imperceptibly, but under the influence of unfavorable factors it can begin even earlier.


Pathological cases are characterized by premature aging of the skin, inconsistency with the biological age of a person. External signs of wilting:

  1. thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  2. peeling, excessive dryness;
  3. the face changes color;
  4. the firmness and elasticity of tissues decreases;
  5. deep as well as fine wrinkles appear;
  6. rosacea is clearly visible, in some places a vascular network is formed, red “stars” indicate changes in the surface vessels;
  7. early appearance of age spots.

Youth and freshness of the face depend on the negative reactions occurring in the body. The rate of aging is influenced by many factors. Some of them can be dealt with with cosmetics, while others can only be dealt with with the help of modern medical advances.

Endogenous factors

These are internal factors. They appear due to decreased immunity and hormonal imbalance. Premature aging is also affected by:

  1. disorder of the nervous system, disruption of the endocrine system;
  2. poor functioning of systems such as excretory, microcirculatory, respiratory.

The systems provide the necessary level of biochemical processes occurring in the body and influence local immunity. They are also responsible for barrier functions and temperature conditions.


The following problems can also lead to premature skin aging:

  1. presence of diabetes mellitus;
  2. thyroid diseases;
  3. developed hypothalamic-pituitary syndrome;
  4. vascular, heart diseases;
  5. lung diseases;
  6. development of autoimmune changes in connective tissues.

With liver pathology, problems with the excretion of bile and urine, poor functioning of the digestive tract, not only internal organs suffer, but the condition of nails, hair, and skin also significantly worsens. If metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, this is immediately reflected on the face.

For your skin to glow with health and youth, you need access to oxygen, hormones, vitamins, and microelements. All this saturates the cells of the epidermis, supplying it with the necessary building material. Elements are transported along with lymph and blood. In addition to nutrition, mechanisms responsible for breakdown products, as well as cellular renewal, play an important role.

Exogenous or external factors

Health is significantly affected by the environmental situation. A large concentration of harmful chemical compounds in the air or water will have a detrimental effect on humans and their species.

The following exogenous factors are important:

  1. ultraviolet irradiation;
  2. neglect of sunscreen cosmetics, as well as after-sun creams that neutralize the negative effects of sunburn;
  3. dry or excessively humid air;
  4. skin stress, emotional background;
  5. bad habits – smoking, frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages;
  6. household chemicals;
  7. low-quality cosmetics;
  8. food colorings;
  9. allergic reactions to certain foods, preservatives, medications.

Social status is of great importance, in which a person allows himself a better and higher standard of living. Good nutrition, comfortable living conditions, relaxation, expensive cosmetics - all this has a beneficial effect on a person’s appearance.

Mechanisms influencing premature facial aging

Specific processes of a biochemical and physiological nature relate to the mechanisms responsible for pathological aging. They are the ones that affect the body. The first place comes to reactions that promote the formation of free radical cells, as well as the activation of oxygen forms.


Free radicals are molecules that do not have a full set of electrons. They must attach to themselves electrons taken from other molecules. This reaction activity normalizes metabolic processes. Under normal physiological conditions, the body controls the formation of free radicals.

Negative factors, ultraviolet irradiation - all this leads to the accumulation of “bad” free radical molecules.

This can lead to oxidative stress, which includes:

  1. cells begin to die prematurely;
  2. degenerative mechanisms are strengthened;
  3. regeneration slows down and degradation accelerates;
  4. the synthesis of collagen proteins is disrupted.

The elasticity and youthfulness of the skin depends on the condition of collagen and elastin fibers. Over the years, their number and volume decreases. If free radical cells accumulate, the chemical and structural properties of the fibers change. And this affects the elasticity of the skin, the formation of wrinkles, and changes in complexion.


Poor saturation of the epidermis with moisture leads to its destruction at the molecular level. Without moisture, the epidermal layer no longer functions as a barrier. It becomes vulnerable to bacteria, chemicals and mechanical damage. It loses its elasticity and begins to peel off.

Based on the above, we can identify the main mechanisms that significantly influence premature aging. These include:

  1. slowing down cellular regeneration;
  2. reduction in the amount of elastin;
  3. change in collagen structure;
  4. increased vascular permeability;
  5. dehydration;
  6. microcirculation disturbance;
  7. violation of the barrier functions of the epidermis;
  8. accumulation of substances arising during metabolic and chemical processes.

Prevention of early aging processes

Facial aging cannot be stopped only with massage or luxury cosmetics. The skin has a certain “autonomy”, but their health is related to the general condition of the body, the normal functioning of all its systems.


Modern medicine, despite significant progress, cannot have a significant impact on genetic and age-related aging. All efforts of pharmacology and cosmetology are aimed at limiting the negative impact of “everyday factors”.

Studying the mechanism of aging helps to understand the direction in which to move in order to at least slow down the rate of aging. Youthful skin is affected by:

  1. mental and emotional disorders and stress;
  2. attention to the correct daily routine;
  3. normal sleep, good rest;
  4. balanced diet;
  5. giving up bad habits - smoking and excessive drinking;
  6. desire for normal functioning of internal organs;
  7. timely treatment of diseases;
  8. normalization of immune and improvement of metabolic processes;
  9. changes in hormonal patterns;
  10. cleansing the body, including the release of waste and toxins;
  11. use of special cosmetics.

Natural antioxidants successfully block free radicals, thereby slowing down oxidative processes. They are taken orally in the form of medications and dietary supplements. You can also influence it using various cosmetics. They are intended for the following purposes:

  1. hydration;
  2. saturation of cells with microelements, oxygen, vitamins;
  3. normalization of microcirculation;
  4. improvement of immunity - general and local;
  5. with the help of phytohormones;
  6. increasing tone.

Prevention against early aging of facial skin

To maintain youth and attractiveness, you need to carefully take care of the condition of your skin. Ungroomed, neglected skin can radically change a person's appearance.



One of the necessary measures to prevent premature aging of the face is the use of products that protect against ultraviolet rays.

Some of them are designed specifically to capture ultraviolet light. They change it through chemical reactions. Part of the radiation is spent on transformations and does not damage dermal cells.

Such products must be used with extreme caution. Before using them, be sure to test the body's reaction. Constituent substances can penetrate inside the bloodstream and cause allergies.

An alternative to sunscreens is photoprotectors. This is explained by the presence in their composition of finely ground mineral pigments, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These substances do not penetrate deep into the epidermis, but reflect ultraviolet radiation from its surface.

In addition, these sunscreens include:

  1. water;
  2. vitamins;
  3. fat;
  4. moisturizing and softening components.

It is useful to use products that are intended for application after sunbathing. They cool, moisturize, and saturate with nutrients.


In the fight against premature aging, hydration plays a huge role. Climatic or atmospheric factors can negatively affect the water balance of the epidermis at the cellular level. This is especially true for living conditions in urban areas, where the air is saturated with aggressive chemical components.

Dry air forces the body to release water, humid air increases the formation of sweat and sebum. High temperatures and low humidity dry out the skin. Wind and low temperatures have the same effect, adding thinning and peeling to moisture loss.


Healthy lifestyle

To prevent premature aging, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. It includes:

  1. proper organization of work;
  2. a calm attitude towards difficult life situations;
  3. moderate physical activity;
  4. staying in the fresh air;
  5. good enough sleep.

A tired state of the whole body often occurs due to a disrupted daily routine and constant lack of sleep. During the period of night rest, renewal and restoration of skin cells occurs.


Nutrition should be well balanced and varied. It is necessary to eat proteins, vegetables, fruits. Care should be taken to ensure that fluid intake is at least 2 liters per day. Only a carefully composed diet will help maintain the normal balance of essential elements in the tissues and prevent the loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Aging is not a disease. This is a condition of the body that stems from age-related or hereditary factors. Modern cosmetic and medical products cannot completely stop the aging process at the genetic level. You can slow it down with preventive measures. High-quality facial cosmetics ensure good skin condition.

At 40, it’s nice to look 30. But the opposite situation can be very upsetting and undermine self-confidence. To prevent this from happening, read our article and take action.

  1. Main signs of aging
  2. Causes of early aging
  3. Prevention of skin aging

Main signs of aging

Skin aging, like the aging of the body as a whole, does not happen suddenly, but approaches us gradually. Here are its first signs.

Dry skin

Proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins - the benefits of these substances for the body pale in comparison to the importance that water has for it. Skin aging begins with dehydration, which slows down renewal processes. Main manifestations:

  1. loss of elasticity;
  2. thinning;
  3. peeling.


Expression wrinkles around the eyes, in the corners of the mouth and on the forehead can be found even in 20-year-olds. They are characteristic of the finely wrinkled type of aging inherent in most Europeans.

Excessive facial expressions lead to premature appearance of wrinkles. If this problem is not taken care of in time, barely noticeable lines can turn into creases.


Lack of sleep, stress, and the habit of drinking water before bed are all causes of morning swelling. And if they don’t go away for a long time, there is reason to think. Swelling is characteristic of the “tired face” morphotype and is accompanied by accelerated drooping of the corners of the mouth and the early appearance of a nasolabial fold.

Facial deformity

Gravity is the main cause of facial deformation. It “pulls down” the skin, muscles and soft tissues. If you notice even a hint of “bulldog cheeks” or a double chin, take action. And know that this morphotype of aging is called deformational, and among the ways to slow down its manifestations:

  1. face fitness;
  2. massage and self-massage;
  3. lifting creams;
  4. hardware and injection procedures.


Yes, freckles are in fashion now, makeup artists even paint them as an element of makeup. But don’t miss the moment when freckles stop fading in winter, become more noticeable and transform into pigment spots.

Impaired melanin production is another clear sign of aging.

Skin aging begins with dehydration, which slows down renewal processes. © iStock

Causes of early aging

Why does the real age of the skin sometimes exceed the biological age? Experts divide the reasons into internal and external.


Genetic predisposition. The most striking example of genetically programmed aging is progeria, which sometimes makes even 10-year-old children look like old people. This is, of course, an extreme, but the rate of destruction of elastin and collagen fibers, like skin type, is also largely determined by genes. As you know, dry, thin skin ages faster than oily skin.

Hormonal disorders. The amount of collagen and elastin in the skin depends on the level of estrogen, the strength and elasticity of ligaments and muscles depends on testosterone. Excess androgens in the body or increased sensitivity to them are the cause of acne: due to constant inflammation, the skin becomes uneven, and inflammation leads to post-inflammatory pigmentation.


  1. Sun. It is so lacking in our harsh climate, but sun rays are the No. 1 cause of early skin aging. With excess ultraviolet radiation, the skin's protective barrier is disrupted, its cells are damaged, and collagen is destroyed. Photoaging manifests itself in premature formation of wrinkles, dry skin, hyperkeratosis, and hyperpigmentation.
  2. Smoking. Unhealthy yellowish complexion, early wrinkles - this is how the skin of a smoker gives an SOS signal. The fact is that smoking produces free radicals that attack and destroy cells.
  3. Poor nutrition. Addiction to diets and, first of all, refusal of fats often leads to a catastrophic lack of substances needed by the skin. Especially unsaturated fatty acids necessary for normal cell function. And an excess of sweets leads to glycation processes - gluing of collagen fibers and premature loss of skin elasticity.
  4. Stress. Are you in a rush at work? The child brought a deuce? In stressful situations, the body increases the production of adrenaline, under the influence of which a cascade of reactions is launched that destroys its own cells and provokes a drop in the production of sex hormones, including estrogens. If stress is prolonged, metabolism and the functioning of important neurotransmitters slow down, and the body ages faster.
  5. Weather. Low air humidity, wind, snow, heat, frost and other extreme climatic conditions weaken the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. It loses moisture and becomes more vulnerable.
  6. Fitness. This hobby is good in moderation. Improper running kills your joints, and too much effort kills your skin. Overload is fraught with exhaustion of the body, depriving it of the opportunity to recover in a timely manner.

Sun rays, which are so lacking in our harsh climate, are the No. 1 cause of early skin aging. © iStock

Prevention of skin aging

Do you want your skin to feel youthful and beautiful? In this case:

  1. give up bad habits;
  2. watch your diet and drink more water;
  3. regularly visit an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and cosmetologist;
  4. choose cosmetics according to your skin type and problems.

Nourishing and rich face cream “Life-giving Moisture”, Garnier

A complex of moisturizing substances and camellia extract saturate the skin with moisture and provide it with a supply of nutrients. The effect of one application lasts 24 hours - that’s exactly how long you can rest assured about the integrity of the protective barrier. Recommended for dry and very dry facial skin.

Aquafluid “Genius of Hydration”, L’Oréal Paris

Upon contact with the skin, it turns into a gel and guarantees a moisturizing effect for 72 hours, improves natural metabolic processes in the skin, and increases resistance to aggressive environmental factors. Contains aloe extract and hyaluronic acid.

Antioxidant youth skin concentrate LiftActiv, Vichy

The product is designed to combat premature aging. The high concentration of antioxidant vitamins C and E allows you to resist the attacks of free radicals and cope with the effects of stress and poor lifestyle. Neohesperidin and maritime pine polyphenols nourish the skin. And low molecular weight hyaluronic acid provides deep hydration.

Anti-wrinkle day cream for firming Rénergie, Lancôme

Will help cope with the first wrinkles. Anti-aging ingredients (corn extract, wheat proteins) and antioxidant vitamin E will increase skin elasticity and improve its turgor.

Basic care for all skin types Life Plankton Essence, Biotherm

Thermal plankton and moisturizing components restore moisture balance and protect the skin. Manufacturers promise that within 8 days of using the product, the skin will become more smooth, elastic, and radiant.


In pursuit of beauty and eternal youth, many representatives of the fair half resort to various tricks. But if the first signs of premature aging begin to appear on the skin, this may be both a consequence of excessive exposure to various factors on the skin and evidence of problems with internal organs. In order not to look older than your age and have healthy skin, you should, first of all, find out the causes of problems with it.

What could be the causes of premature skin aging?

Humanity has always been concerned with such problems as maintaining youth and finding an anti-aging elixir. With the movement of progress, more and more remedies are being invented for deadly diseases that can increase life expectancy. But the question of premature aging and the reasons for its occurrence remains open. The most common are the following:

1. Ecological environment and natural factors. Dry or frosty winds, high humidity, extreme cold, rain, and air pollution can have a negative effect on the skin.

2. Internal state. Deep experiences, moral anguish and stress do not bypass any organism. They have a negative impact on health, resulting in all sorts of consequences, including deterioration in the appearance of the skin. This can manifest itself in the form of discoloration of the skin, its grayness, excessive dryness, and wrinkles.

3. Lack of moisture. Signs of a lack of moisture can be flaking of the skin, dryness, irritation, redness, which also lead to premature aging. Excessive nutrition of the skin with sunlight negatively affects its condition, dehydrating the dermis and disrupting its structure. To save the situation, you need to drink more fluids and moisturize your skin with special products.

4. Alcohol abuse. Destroying the body from the inside, toxins and alcohol leave marks on the skin. The epidermis loses its healthy color and becomes flabby.

5. Smoking is like a bad habit. Active smokers deprive their body of a certain amount of oxygen, their blood vessels narrow, so the necessary nutrients do not reach the upper layers of the skin. Hence the skin problems and addicts.

6. Lack of vitamins. Vitamin deficiency in general is a negative phenomenon for the body. He did not bypass the skin either. Lack of essential vitamins and minerals can manifest as premature aging.

Many scientists and practitioners put forward a lot of different theories and assumptions about premature skin aging. Many of them take place in the modern world:

1. Theories about changes at the molecular genetic level. Opinions in this subgroup are divided in two, where one half considers rapid age-related changes to be genetically programmed, and the second claims that failures in genetics cause mutations of this kind.

2. Probabilistic theories, the essence of which lies in changes at the DNA level. Mutations can occur randomly, not necessarily resulting in premature skin aging. The reason for this is radicals - oxygen molecules that take part in biochemical processes at the cellular level. By forming a chain of free radicals, they disrupt the natural balance, causing various types of abnormalities.

Types of premature skin aging, what to do for men and women

Premature aging on the skin can manifest itself in different ways. It depends on many factors, including skin type, gender, age, lifestyle. Conventionally, skin aging is divided into several types:

1. The appearance of a “tired face” – when the soft tissues of the face and neck lose their elasticity. This type of premature aging can be distinguished by primary signs:

• drooping corners of the mouth;

• expressiveness of the nasolabial fold.

In the morning, a face with this type of pathology looks fresh and young, and in the evening all the signs begin to appear, adding a few extra years.

2. “Finely wrinkled face” - a clear and predominant sign of this type are small wrinkles on the skin of the face and neck. In addition, there is dryness, “crow’s feet” appear in the corners of the eyes, horizontal wrinkles on the eyelids, vertical folds above the upper lip.

3. Senile modification of the configuration of the neck and face. The dominant symptom in this type is deformation of soft tissues. Typically, people who are prone to this type of skin aging have the makings of it in the form of excess subcutaneous fat from their youth. The determining factors for belonging to this type are:

• excess skin in the eyelid area;

• modification of the oval of the face;

• Second and third chins.

4. The combined type combines all of the above characteristics and can appear in the form of various combinations.

5. The muscular variety is presented in people with a small amount of subcutaneous fat and well-developed facial muscles. Main features:

• “crow's feet” in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids;

• Smoothness of the oval line;

• expressiveness of the nasolabial fold.

A set of procedures to combat premature skin aging should include a number of procedures that are the same for women and men:

1. Prevention of skin aging.

2. Correct and timely care depending on skin type.

3. Correction of emerging external signs.

Prevention of premature skin aging, what to do at the first signs

In order for the condition of your skin to correspond to your age, you need to take care of it carefully following all the rules.

1. Complete daily care. It includes 3 main components: cleansing, nutrition and hydration.

2. Sun protection. To prevent UV rays from destroying collagen and elastin, you can protect yourself from the sun using special creams, and visits to the solarium and sunbathing should be reduced as much as possible.

3. Proper nutrition. By consuming antioxidants, you can keep your skin youthful longer. The diet should include vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, and nuts. Fatty acids will prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Products such as coffee, salt, and flour products in excess negatively affect the condition of the skin.

4. Timely examinations. Premature aging can be caused by abnormal thyroid hormone levels.

5. Healthy sleep, during which collagen is produced, which is responsible for skin elasticity.

6. Giving up bad habits, avoiding stressful situations.

Types of professional correction of the consequences of premature aging of facial skin, reasons to seek help from the beauty industry

Modern cosmetology has the power to restore the skin to its former youth. If you intend to turn to professionals, then be prepared for the following procedures:

  1. the rejuvenation method or BDR, allows you to influence all layers of the skin, supplying them with microelements directly and restoring elasticity to the skin;
  2. collagen care that stimulates skin cells to actively renew themselves;
  3. immunostimulation procedure;
  4. photorejuvenation or deep exposure of the skin to flashes of light;
  5. non-surgical lifting combines the effects of light energy and radio current;

RF lifting is a radio wave lifting that eliminates folds, smoothes wrinkles and corrects the oval of the face.