Rubbing ice around the eyes

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Cosmetic ice for the skin around the eyes is used to quickly refresh the area around the eyes, while eliminating dark circles and reducing swelling (if any). Ice cubes also help rejuvenate the skin and prevent sagging of the most delicate areas of the face. By using this simple but very effective remedy, you can quickly get rid of signs of fatigue on your face, since it is the eyes with swelling or bruising under them that often signal general exhaustion of the body.

In contact with the skin, the ice cube activates processes accompanied by rapid contraction and dilation of blood vessels. As a result, blood flow to the treated areas improves, the skin acquires elasticity and becomes fresher. Puffiness under the eyes decreases, or even disappears altogether. The skin is smoothed and, importantly, its aging slows down.


How to cook

To prepare cosmetic ice you will need:

  1. molds for freezing ice;
  2. purified or mineral water (still);
  3. various active components that enrich ice cubes with useful substances.

The simplest cooking method

First put one component into each compartment of the mold, it could be a small berry, a slice of fruit or vegetable, a small twig or leaf of a medicinal plant. Then fill these ingredients with purified water to the brim. And if instead you use cooled herbal decoctions or infusions (chamomile, mint, calendula, St. John's wort, etc.) - a positive result will not be long in coming. Next, the molds should stand in the freezer until completely frozen (at least 8–9 hours, preferably a day).

By the way, it is more logical to prepare cosmetic ice in the evening, so that in the morning you can please the skin around your eyes with an excellent moisturizing, toning and youth-prolonging product. This procedure can be carried out not only after waking up, but throughout the day if you always strive to maintain the freshness of your skin.


Several effective ingredients

Green tea

This drink has an excellent tonic effect, and green tea ice effectively combats swelling of the eyelids. All you need is a drink that is not too strong. After straining it, after cooling, pour it into a mold and freeze for 24 hours. Use the cubes to refresh the skin around the eyes in the morning, as well as to eliminate puffiness and dark circles.

Potato juice

To obtain it, use a juicer. If you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter: grate the raw potatoes, peeled and thoroughly washed in running water, and use gauze to squeeze out the juice from the resulting mass. You can freeze it either concentrated or diluted with purified water in a 1:1 ratio. Potato juice is an excellent remedy for dark circles under the eyes.

Cucumber juice

Squeeze the juice from a small cucumber and, after diluting it with mineral water, freeze it. As a result, you will get cosmetic ice that effectively solves the problem of bags under the eyes.

Parsley decoction

Take parsley and tear off the leaves (the stems can be thrown away). Grind and pour 400 ml of boiling water, then simmer over low heat for another 15 - 20 minutes. After removing from the stove, cover the broth with a lid and wait until it cools completely, then strain and freeze. In addition to activating rejuvenation processes, parsley ice cubes help lighten the skin in the eye area.

Sage decoction

Go to the pharmacy for dried sage, take 1 tablespoon of it and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cover with a lid (you can also use a thick cloth to achieve the best effect) and leave to cool. Strain, pour the liquid into molds and place in the chamber. Ice cubes based on sage infusion eliminate bruises and swelling around the eyes.

Oatmeal infusion

An infusion made from oatmeal flakes will help soften, moisturize and smooth the skin near the eyes. Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal into 200 ml of hot milk and close tightly. After the milk has completely cooled, the infusion should be passed through cheesecloth and frozen.

Linden blossom infusion

Taking 1 tbsp. spoon of dried linden flowers, pour a glass of boiled water over them, cover and leave to cool. Then freeze in the freezer. Cosmetic ice that helps smooth out fine wrinkles is ready!

Aloe juice

To give the skin around the eyes tone and freshness, dilute 1 tablespoon of aloe juice (you can get it yourself or buy it at a pharmacy for a small price) with mineral water in the same ratio. Pour the liquid into molds and leave in the freezer for a day.

Horsetail decoction

A decoction of horsetail will help rejuvenate the skin in the eye area. To prepare it, take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herbs and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Place on the fire and after boiling, leave to steep for 2 hours. Then the broth is poured into molds and placed in the chamber. In addition to rejuvenating, it also has a calming effect, and also helps get rid of bruises, dark circles and other signs of fatigue.


How to use it correctly

  1. Before starting the procedure, remove all cosmetics from your face, and after the procedure, apply a regular nourishing cream to your skin.
  2. Rubbing regularly, wipe the skin on the face and neck along the massage lines, while avoiding overcooling of the skin. Remember that in the cool season it is better to hold off on wiping with ice.
  3. After the massage, you do not need to wipe your face with a towel; it is better to let your face dry on its own. In this case, all nutrients will be able to fully nourish your skin.
  4. To get results, carry out rubbing for at least 2-3 weeks, since after one procedure the result is unlikely to be noticeable.
  5. Never use the same ice cube twice! If you are rubbing your face and the cube is not completely used up, then you do not need to put it back in the freezer, since no useful substances will be retained in it when re-freezing.
  6. Do not forget about contraindications, which, although in small quantities, are present. So, if you have severe acne, cuts or wounds on your face, and also have a tendency to skin diseases, then wiping with cosmetic ice cubes is contraindicated for you.
  7. Taking an ice cube through a thick napkin (or cloth), move it over the skin in the eye area with smooth circular movements. Try not to hold the ice in one place for more than 3 seconds to avoid hypothermia of the skin. A few laps will be enough.
  8. As for the time when it is better to wipe your face with ice cubes, the most optimal are the morning hours, when the skin needs to get a charge of vigor and freshness for the whole day.

Be beautiful and healthy!

Ice for face - will preserve the beauty of your skin

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
Read more here...

Preserving youth and beauty of the face is the main task of cosmetic procedures and products. However, effective and affordable options are all around us. For example, cosmetic ice, which was used to freeze aging skin in past centuries by famous beauties Catherine II the Great (18th century) or Marilyn Monroe (20th century).

What is the effectiveness of the product?

Cosmetic ice actively affects facial tissues, tones, refreshes them, and eliminates wrinkles around the eyes. But this is not the entire list of advantages of this product. There are others:

  1. giving a natural blush, improving complexion;
  2. immediate effect of freshness, smoothness;
  3. activation of the sebaceous glands;
  4. quick cleansing of pores, the skin begins to breathe;
  5. getting rid of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  6. smoothing existing wrinkles and preventing the formation of new ones (freezing").

Recipes for prolonging youth with the help of ice have been known to women for a long time, but only in recent years have they started talking more confidently about the “chilling effect”. Its principle is as follows: when ice cubes are applied to the skin, the tissues contract under the influence of cold, and at the same time the capillaries expand, blood circulation increases. A large flow of blood into cells helps accelerate metabolic processes in them, including regeneration and tissue renewal. Ultimately, cell aging slows down (“freezes”).

Nuances for preparing, storing ice, side effects

Using ice for wrinkles, for rejuvenating and toning the skin must strictly adhere to several rules, otherwise it risks serious hypothermia (freezing) of individual sensitive areas and even sinusitis.

The subtleties of preparing medicinal ice are as follows:

  1. Tap, unfiltered water is not suitable for freezing. The best way to prepare the product is distilled, purified and settled, ordinary non-carbonated mineral or melt water. It is not difficult to prepare melt water: you need to pour filtered water into silicone molds (or a glass). Place in the freezer. After some time, remove the containers and remove the formed ice crust. It is worth noting that it is in this crust that all harmful substances and heavy metal salts accumulate. The rest of the water in the container is ready for use. In addition, it has a number of advantages from a cosmetic point of view.
  2. Cosmetic ice can be prepared from herbal decoctions or based on all kinds of fruit and vegetable juices - this will enrich the composition and allow you to achieve a greater effect on the skin, depending on the properties of the constituent components;
  3. To prepare cubes from decoctions, it is recommended to carefully strain the liquid before freezing so as not to damage the surface of the face during the treatment procedure.

It is necessary to store the “ice” product in the freezer so that it does not turn into water, in special molds. Ice cubes based on herbs and juices are stored for no more than 5 days. For products made from pure water, the shelf life is unlimited, but after the 7th day, the beneficial properties decrease.

How to use the product correctly, massage technique

Treatment and rejuvenation of the surface of the face with ice flakes will be carried out strictly according to the recommendations, especially with regard to its use against wrinkles around the eyes, due to the increased sensitivity and thinness of the epidermis in this area.

  1. You can use the “ice” product 1-2 times every day, depending on the type and condition of the skin, as well as the time of year (in hot weather, the number of sessions can be increased to ensure abundant hydration and nutrition of the tissues);
  2. The rejuvenation process is carried out only on cleansed skin;
  3. It is recommended to gradually prepare the surface of the face for “ice” procedures, starting with washing with cold water.
  4. When preparing ice cubes based on herbal infusion (juice), take into account the characteristics of your skin.
  5. You must wipe your face with ice carefully, without staying in one place for more than 5 seconds. Thus, the rejuvenation procedure takes about 2-3 minutes.
  6. Wiping the surface of the face is performed with quick movements strictly along the massage lines, including the area around the eyes. These lines are located in the following order: the middle of the chin - earlobe; the corner of the mouth is the ear canal, the middle of the upper lip is the top of the ear; around eyes; the middle of the forehead - temple, along the nose and on its sides;
  7. The pattern of rubbing with ice flakes is repeated several times until the cube is completely separated;
  8. After the procedure, you do not need to wipe your face with a towel (at least, blot it with a paper napkin), the liquid should be absorbed by itself, then apply the main cream;
  9. Wait to use the product if you have inflammation, before walking in the cold.

Ice Cube Recipes

Ice cubes for different skin types must include the following components; their combination is allowed:

  1. for dry type: chamomile, grapes or cucumber, St. John's wort, parsley, dandelion (root), plantain;
  2. for normal and mixed type: chamomile or sage, yarrow or mint, dandelion and dill, linden blossom, any fruits, berries;
  3. for oily type: citrus squeeze, chamomile or calendula, celandine, birch leaves and buds, St. John's wort.

Depending on the condition or skin problem, ice cube recipes are selected as follows:

  1. fatigue, aging skin can be relieved with ice from a decoction of parsley, mint or extract of dandelion leaves and flowers;
  2. puffiness and bags under the eyes will disappear thanks to an icy remedy made from chamomile, whole milk, flax seeds, St. John's wort and tea (black, green);
  3. cubes of mint, raspberry leaves and linden flowers or milk ice (pre-dilute milk with water 1:2) will help smooth out wrinkles and get rid of crow's feet;
  4. You can make your skin elastic and even out your complexion using ice cubes from a mixture of propolis extract (1 tsp), royal jelly (3 drops), beeswax (2 tsp) and olive oil (0.5 tsp). Mix all ingredients, melt until smooth and freeze;
  5. nutrition and smoothing of tissues is performed with a cube based on a decoction of flax seeds. To prepare the product you will need 2 tsp. whole flax seeds and 200 ml of boiling water, let the mixture brew for 5 hours and boil for another 10 minutes. When cool, place in molds and freeze.

Facial cryomassage is one of the effective ways to get rid of wrinkles using ice cubes, and for a more pronounced effect of skin rejuvenation, it is recommended to combine the use of frozen cubes with facial gymnastics and other types of massage, for example, a massage using the Kobido technique or chiroplastic massage.



  1. Zhanna, 32 years old: I have been using the ice rejuvenation technique for 4 years. Each time there is an opportunity to experiment with the composition of the medicinal product. After the procedure, the skin begins to “breathe” with freshness and lightness. Now I am practicing facial gymnastics with ice at the same time. I recommend!
  2. Elena P., 48 years old: “Ice” cosmetics are my hobby. Ease of preparation, availability and ease of use, a huge variety of components. I especially like the anti-wrinkle cubes, the effect is amazing!

Caring for the skin around the eyes

When talking about skin care, special attention should be paid to the skin around the eyes. In this area, it is especially delicate and thin, and therefore quickly loses its elasticity, sagging, forming unattractive bags under the eyes and wrinkles. Comprehensive care for the skin around the eyes is not limited to cosmetic products alone. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, get good sleep and eat right, absorbing the required amount of vitamins and essential macro- and microelements. Only in this case will the skin in the eye area remain young and beautiful for many years.

Why you need to take good care of the skin around your eyes

It’s not difficult to guess, because every person, both women and men, wants to preserve their youth. However, for natural reasons, by the age of 30, almost every female representative has the first problems with the skin around the eyes - dark circles, swelling, crow's feet, etc. Unfortunately, at the moment, there is no universal product that provides complete care for the skin around eyes does not exist, so this issue must be approached comprehensively, using not only purchased cosmetic products, but also home-made products.

How to care with creams

It is not recommended to use regular creams to care for the area around the eyes, as they have a rather greasy texture. For these purposes, it is recommended to use special creams that are intended specifically for the delicate skin under and above the eyes. Apply eye cream only in the morning, and in the evening it should be washed off, like all makeup. When applying, it is important to avoid rubbing the cream on the skin, otherwise it will stretch. Application is performed with light tapping movements from the outer edge of the eye to the bridge of the nose.

How to care using folk remedies

Despite the gentle composition of cosmetic creams designed to care for the skin under the eyes, they reduce blood flow to the surface of the skin in this area. Therefore, the use of such creams should not be frequent. It is better to alternate their use with homemade cosmetics.

The list of homemade masks intended for the area around the eyes is extremely large, and the components can be completely different. Therefore, caring for the skin around the eyes at home is the most important, and most importantly, affordable way to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin in this area of ​​the face. By alternating such procedures with the use of cosmetics, you can achieve amazing results.

Cryotherapy is a popular cosmetic procedure. Cold therapy is used to treat a number of skin defects. For example, acne, swelling, irritation, age-related folds. Not everyone knows, but you can replace the salon procedure with an affordable and simple remedy - ordinary ice. There are various homemade recipes using ice for the face for wrinkles, acne, and pigmentation. If you choose the right ingredients for the cubes, the product will benefit both dry and oily skin. The advantage is that, if desired, cosmetic ice can be used every day.


In professional cosmetology, the use of cold has several purposes. First of all, it is rapid hydration, restoration and refreshment of the dermis. Ice for the face against wrinkles at home is also used to saturate with moisture, accelerate cell regeneration, and stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

Reviews from cosmetologists about the use of ice for the face against wrinkles confirm the effectiveness of the product. According to them, this, of course, is not cryotherapy, but as a result of regularly rubbing the face with ice, the skin actually becomes toned. And if the cubes are prepared not just from purified water, but, for example, from fresh juice or herbal decoctions, then the epidermis is saturated with useful substances and it is possible to solve a number of related problems. In addition, cold improves blood flow by constricting superficial vessels and dilating deeper ones.

Cosmetic ice for the face: what are the benefits?

Ice washes are beneficial for a number of reasons. It’s hard to believe, but the product gives an effect after the first session. For example, if you use herbs for the face against wrinkles with ice, the contour of the face is tightened. Upon careful examination, you will notice that minor inflammations have gone away. Moreover, ice helps normalize sebum production, neutralizing oily shine.

According to reviews, regularly using facial ice for wrinkles can achieve the following positive effects:

  1. eliminate swelling;
  2. “lighten” dark circles;
  3. smooth out small age-related wrinkles;
  4. tighten pores;
  5. increase tone;
  6. improve color.

What you need to know about the procedure

Preparing such a homemade cosmetic product is simple: a chilled decoction of herbs, cereals, tea or juice is distributed into the cells of the mold and sent to the freezer compartment. The cubes “reach” there for 8-10 hours.

5 cooking rules

When preparing ice to wipe your face against wrinkles, certain rules must be followed. There are five main recommendations.

  1. Only clean water. Tap water is not suitable. You need spring, melted, mineral without gas or filtered.
  2. Suitable forms. For freezing, you need to use special ice molds; silicone ones are the most convenient.
  3. Base options. You can simply freeze the water. However, herbal facial ice will be more beneficial. Fresh juices of vegetables and fruits are also used. As well as coffee, tea, cereal infusions, and dairy products. Cosmetic oils are added to the main liquid.
  4. Need to dilute with water. Some juices should be diluted halfway with water before freezing. This applies to citrus fruits and berries, since when they come into contact with sensitive skin, inflammatory processes can occur. Juices of cucumber, watermelon, aloe, and grapes can be frozen undiluted.
  5. Possibility to add a “handle”. The ice melts quickly in your hands. Therefore, for the convenience of using the product, you can listen to this advice: when freezing, when the liquid has already “set” a little, stick a cotton swab or toothpick into each of the compartments of the mold. This will be a kind of “handle”. By holding it, you can easily remove the cube from the mold and distribute the product on your face.


Features of application

During the ice cosmetic procedure, you should also adhere to certain recommendations. For example, if you froze the product without cotton swabs, you can hold the cube with tweezers. But then you need to act carefully so as not to get hurt. What else is important to know?

  1. Do not overexpose. You need to wipe your face quickly: do not linger on each area for more than four seconds.
  2. Walk along the right lines. Move the cubes from the chin to the earlobes. Then from the corners of the mouth and nose to the middle of the auricle. Follow from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Work from the inner corners of the eyes, along the upper eyelids to the outer corners, and then along the lower eyelid to the nose. Process the nose, smoothly moving from the back to the sides and wings.
  3. Do not press. You shouldn’t press the frozen liquid tightly to your face, but you need to slightly “smooth out” each fold.
  4. Cover other areas. You need to wipe not only your face, but also your neck and décolleté.
  5. Don't dry yourself. After the procedure, you should not wipe your face with a towel, performing diligent movements; just pat the skin dry.
  6. Do not apply cream. There is no need to apply cosmetics immediately after an ice session. Pores will be closed after exposure to cold and the cream will not be absorbed. Let your face return to normal: let it pass for at least half an hour or an hour.


Herbal Recipes

Cubes based on herbal infusions and moods are one of the most popular remedies. For dry skin, plantain, parsley, St. John's wort, hawthorn, and dandelion are recommended. If the skin is oily, then chamomile, calendula, and celandine are suitable. For the combined type, brew chamomile with dandelion or yarrow.

Linden ice

Description. Ice prepared from linden decoction and oils can also be used to wipe your hands. If you add myrrh oil to the product, it will not only nourish the skin with moisture, but also give it a pleasant aroma.

  1. You need to prepare a linden decoction: you will need a tablespoon of linden blossom per glass of boiling water.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil to the prepared broth.
  3. The composition is poured into molds and sent to the freezer compartment.
  4. Use after waking up and preparing for bedtime.

Chamomile ice

Description. Chamomile ice for the face works well for problems with increased oiliness. But frozen chamomile infusion can be used for any skin type, as it has soothing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, regular washing with such cubes helps smooth out fine wrinkles.

  1. A spoonful of chamomile flowers should be filled with 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. After an hour and a half, freeze and pour into molds.
  3. Use after waking up and preparing for bedtime.


Mint and dandelion ice

Description. You can use not only one component, but also a combination. Then you get a double effect. For example, if you make a decoction of mint and dandelion, you can achieve not only a lifting effect, but also get rid of inflamed tubercles.

  1. You need to take mint and dandelion leaves in equal proportions - one tablespoon is enough.
  2. The herbs should be poured with boiling water and left to steep for half an hour.
  3. Prepare a frozen cosmetic product from the cooled infusion.
  4. Use after waking up and preparing for bedtime.

How to use juices

Vegetable, berry and fruit juices also have a pronounced rejuvenating effect. To smooth out wrinkles, lemon, orange and grapefruit, half diluted with water, are suitable.

Cucumber and watermelon juices can also be used for rejuvenating purposes; there is no need to dilute them.


If you freeze oils

Ice for the face with essential oils at home is used when you need to enhance the anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effect of the main component of the “cold” product. The following oils are used.

  1. Oil of geranium, ginger and bergamot. Increases tone.
  2. Clove oil. Has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. Lemon oil. Eliminates oily shine and increases elasticity.
  4. Petitgrain oil. Promotes renewal, acts as an antiseptic.


Coffee, tea, rice - unusual cubes for the area around the eyes

The advantage of ice cosmetics is that it can be used to care for the skin around the eyes: against crow’s feet, swelling, bags and bruises. What ingredients are suitable?

  1. Natural ground coffee. Brew in the traditional way, cool and place in the freezer.
  2. Green tea. Pour two teaspoons of leaves into 100 ml of hot water. Leave for half an hour and freeze.
  3. Parsley. Chop two small bunches of parsley, pour in 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Then freeze.
  4. Mint with milk. Pour hot milk over a few fresh mint leaves and cover with a saucer. After cooling, pour into molds and freeze.
  5. Rice. You need to pour two tablespoons of rice into 1/2 liter of water and cook until the cereal is completely dissolved, adding water periodically. The prepared broth is filtered, cooled, poured into molds and placed in the freezer.

It is worth mentioning separately about cubes made from natural milk. Milk ice moisturizes, nourishes, eliminates dryness and flaking. It also has a whitening effect, so it is used for such cosmetic problems as pigmentation. There is also a recipe for flaxseed ice - based on flax seed infusion. This is a suitable face ice for wrinkles and bags under the eyes.


Reviews of ice cosmetics: “My friends ask what I use”

But I don’t really like grass cubes; they leave stains and streaks on my clothes and underwear. I prefer to freeze mineral water.

I’ve been wiping it with a decoction of green tea for a month and a half now - my skin has become better - it’s not oily, it’s not flaking (I have mixed skin). The color has certainly become better and the elasticity has increased - I’m very good. I'm happy))) I met with a friend, she said that I have gorgeous skin and asked what I use))). Before menstruation, pimples often popped up - now there is no such problem! I want to try some kind of herbal decoction, but I don’t know where to get it - some kind of diuretic or soothing teas at the pharmacy... But there was also a negative point: after a week of wiping my entire face (including eyelids), a red dot appeared under my eye - it burst inside it looks like a vessel..) So now I’m going around these areas)))

Celeste 23, //

First, I wiped the skin with clean ice. And then she added milk to the freezing water. I like it better with milk. This ice refreshes and softens the skin very well, making the skin more tender. True, you need to wipe your face with milk for less time, otherwise you might catch a cold.

Cryomassage lasts 15-20 minutes, otherwise areas of the skin may become frostbitten. And for this they charge from 600 rubles! Depending on the city you live in and the salon you choose. I named the price according to my region of residence (Chelyabinsk). The price is for 1 session, but to achieve any result. as a rule, a course of procedures is required.

And not every girl agrees to treat her skin with nitrogen, which freezes the roses and then breaks them with a hammer...

But going to do cryomassage with ice cubes and paying money for it, in my opinion, is unreasonable and stupid. Moreover, this miracle, ideal for you, can be done at home at minimal cost and at any time!