Stretch marks on the arms of teenagers


In this article we discuss stretch marks in teenagers. We talk about the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in adolescents on the body, chest, back, hips, legs and butt, and what treatment methods are effective to use. You will learn what to do for stretch marks in teenagers, whether they go away on their own, which doctor to see and what to apply at home.

What are stretch marks

Stretch marks, also known as stretch marks, are a kind of skin defect that appears in the form of narrow wavy stripes of different widths and has shades from white to red-violet.

Gradually, the color of the stretch marks becomes lighter and discolored, usually this can take several days, several months or years. Typically, stretch marks are localized on the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. In athletes who rapidly increase muscle mass, stretch marks may appear on the inside of the arms and shoulders.

Striae appear as a result of microtraumas of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. They often occur in people with a genetic predisposition.


Striae can occur in both adults and adolescents. In adults, stretch marks usually occur due to rapid weight gain and equally rapid weight loss, as well as due to hormonal changes or pregnancy.

In adolescents, stretch marks usually appear on the body at the age of 13-15 years. They can be white, red, pink, purple or brown. The brighter the shade of stretch marks, the less time has passed since their appearance. Most often they are localized on the chest, abdomen, back, buttocks, thighs and legs.

Experts cannot name the exact factors that cause the formation of stretch marks on the skin. But among the potential reasons are:

  1. Weak immunity - a decrease in the protective functions of the body causes a violation of the turgor of the skin, which leads to micro-tears of the skin.
  2. Genetic predisposition — if among a teenager’s immediate family there are people with stretch marks, then such a child has a high probability of developing stretch marks. That is why it is important to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of their occurrence.
  3. Hormonal disorders — various disruptions in the hormonal system negatively affect human health. With hormonal imbalance, stretch marks in a teenager are usually localized on the hips and butt. Hormones are responsible for the growth of bones and tissues in height and breadth. But in some cases, the body does not keep up with these changes, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks in adolescents and pregnant women. It is during adolescence and during the period of bearing a child that the body does not have time to respond correctly to hormonal changes, which leads to microtraumas of the skin.
  4. Sudden increase in height or weight - rapid increase in body weight and development of muscle tissue causes thinning of the skin.
  5. Rapid growth of mammary glands — in adolescence, active breast growth begins in girls, which causes the appearance of stretch marks in the décolleté area. Suitable dermatological therapy will help to cope with them.
  6. Muscle fiber deficiency - this leads to the development of red-blue stripes on the teenager’s back, which must be treated.
  7. Lack of collagen and elastin fibers — because of this, stretch marks on the butt often occur in teenagers. In places where fat and muscle accumulate, it is the hardest for the skin to stretch. Often, such stretch marks on the body in adolescents occur due to poor nutrition or lack of physical activity.

Will stretch marks in teenagers go away on their own? No, this is impossible, since stretch marks are a microtear in the skin, that is, a kind of scar that remains with a person for life.

Which doctor should I contact?

If stretch marks appear on the body of a teenager, you should consult a dermatologist. Depending on the condition of the skin and the location of the stretch marks, the use of special ointments, creams or vitamins, as well as the use of certain cosmetic procedures may be prescribed.

Location of stretch marks on the skin

Striae are most often located in areas of intense muscle and bone growth. In teenage girls, stretch marks appear on the hips and legs, in teenage boys - on the shoulders and arms.

Excessive consumption of cortisone steroids leads to the formation of stretch marks on the knees, thighs, abdomen, butt, legs and shoulders.

If stretch marks form in the back of the head, arms and back, then this indicates serious pathologies. Therefore, urgent consultation with a specialist is required.


Eliminating stretch marks on a teenager’s body requires a comprehensive approach. As a rule, experts prescribe the use of special creams and ointments, folk remedies or cosmetic procedures, depending on what triggered the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of a teenager. Let's take a closer look at each of the remedies.


Photo of stretch marks on a teenager's back

Creams and ointments

In cosmetology, a wide range of products are used, the action of which is aimed at eliminating teenage stretch marks. The presence of collagen, elastin, silicone and glycerin in the creams helps to increase and improve skin elasticity and prevent moisture loss.

It is recommended to reduce physical activity while using ointments and creams. But it is advisable to carry out massage sessions as often as possible, as this helps to quickly restore the skin to its previous appearance.

In order for the effect of using cosmetics to be noticeable, it is important to regularly use cream and ointment.

The most popular and effective remedies for teenage stretch marks are:

  1. Bepantol (emulsion) - perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, giving it elasticity and preventing the development of stretch marks. Judging by the reviews, this emulsion is effective for removing stretch marks on the legs and abdomen of a teenager.
  2. Mustela - a French-made cream containing natural oils and resinous substances that prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin and effectively deal with them.
  3. Bio-Oil - an oil that perfectly copes with stretch marks, scars and other skin defects in teenagers.
  4. Sanosan - a cosmetic product actively used by pregnant women. But it can also be used by young people. Sanosan contains natural ingredients that remove stretch marks on the hips and are effective for removing stretch marks on the chest and abdomen.
  5. Vichy - is the most suitable remedy for removing stretch marks in teenagers. The substances included in the product give the skin elasticity and lighten stretch marks. The only negative is the high cost of the cosmetic product.
  6. Avent — the effectiveness of this remedy for stretch marks has been proven by many tests. The substances included in the product are safe for the body of a teenager.

You can buy all these products at any pharmacy, specialized stores, or by going to the official manufacturer’s website.


Some vitamins are no worse than expensive creams and ointments in treating stretch marks and preventing their appearance. It is recommended to pay attention to the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamin A, also known as retinol, - has a beneficial effect on the growth of bone and muscle tissue. Helps strengthen the body's protective properties and restore cells. Large amounts of this vitamin are found in dairy products, fish oil, beef liver, carrots, red rowan berries, eggs, herbs, orange vegetables and fruits.
  2. Vitamin E (tocopherol) — gives the skin elasticity and firmness, improves immunity, takes part in the absorption of retinol and the synthesis of hormones. Present in large quantities in sunflower oil and sunflower seeds, almonds, cereals, green leafy vegetables, sea buckthorn and rowan.
  3. Vitamin K - takes part in blood clotting, gives the dermis elasticity and firmness. Contained in large quantities in spinach, broccoli, beef liver, Brussels sprouts, green beans, and chicken.
  4. Vitamin D — gives strength to the muscle and bone tissue of a teenager, normalizes the activity of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, and pituitary gland. Present in cod fat and liver, fatty fish, seafood, butter, egg yolk.
  5. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - has a powerful antioxidant effect, restores elasticity and synthesizing collagen to the skin. There is a lot of ascorbic acid in citrus fruits, walnuts, black currants, rose hips, sweet peppers, and kiwi.

If a teenager has vitamin deficiency, a specialist may prescribe additional multivitamins.


Photos of essential oils for stretch marks

Folk remedies

In folk medicine there are many remedies whose action is aimed at combating teenage stretch marks. In some cases, such means are even better than traditional ones. But before using them, you need to test for an allergic reaction.

To do this, a small amount of the prepared product should be applied to the teenager’s wrist. If after a quarter of an hour there are no changes in this place, you can use it.

Listed below are the most famous and effective traditional medicine against stretch marks at home:

  1. Cream with mumiyo — to prepare it, dissolve 2-3 mummy tablets in water and mix with regular body cream. Treat problem areas with the prepared mixture up to 3 times a day.
  2. Coffee scrub - Grind the coffee beans in a coffee grinder, then mix with honey or essential oil. While taking a shower, the prepared mixture should be rubbed with light movements for 15-20 minutes into problem areas of the body: butt, legs, hips, chest or back. Then the product is washed off and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin. It is recommended to use this scrub no more than 2 times every 7 days.
  3. Essential oils — to carry out a home SPA procedure, you need to use only fatty massage oils. Wheat germ, jojoba, avocado and almond oils are excellent. It is also permissible to use olive, peach, flaxseed and sesame oils. Natural oils are used in combination with aromatic oils. An example of a cosmetic recipe: 3 drops of essential oils of geranium, myrtle, rosewood are mixed with ether of frankincense gum, immortelle (2 drops each) and with 10 ml of argan and 30 ml of rose hips. The resulting composition is applied in a circular motion to the stretch marks on the chest and gently rubbed. It is advisable to repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a week.
  4. Chamomile wraps — to prepare the product, pour 0.2 kg of chamomile flowers into 250 ml of warm milk and bring to a boil. The cooled composition should be applied to the problem area, covered with cellophane on top and wrapped in a towel. Leave the compress on for 20 minutes, then take a contrast shower and apply nourishing cream to the skin.
  5. Carrot lotion — to prepare this remedy, you need to take one carrot (grated on a fine grater), pour 220 ml of distilled water into it. Wait 15 ml, squeeze out the carrots and add 1 tbsp. almond oil The prepared lotion should be lubricated on problem areas twice a day, and the product itself should be stored in the refrigerator.
  6. Aloe cream “Ambulance” — to prepare the product you will need 0.1 kg of dandelion leaves, 4 tbsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. oatmeal and 3 medium sized aloe leaves. Aloe and dandelion leaves need to be crushed in a food processor, then add olive oil to the mixture and mix well, gradually adding flour. The resulting composition should have a creamy consistency. This cream is applied to problem areas and washed off after 20 minutes.

Cosmetology procedures

There are many safe procedures in cosmetology that help remove stretch marks on a teenager’s skin. Here are the most common:

  1. Mesotherapy - an effective and safe method of combating stretch marks in adolescents. Injections into different parts of the body activate the metabolism and effectively eliminate stretch marks. A cosmetic session is carried out 2 to 3 times a month. The duration of the course is six months and at least 12 procedures. Contraindications for mesotherapy are the presence of inflammation in the area where injections are performed, blood diseases, herpes, viral and colds. It is also undesirable to carry out the procedure in the summer.
  2. Microdermabrasion — using this technique you can remove stretch marks on your back. With the help of microscopic crystals, the growth of new elastic cells is activated and the skin becomes more elastic. Striae on the abdomen, thighs and back of a teenager after mechanical peeling remain only if the patient’s skin is hypersensitive.
  3. Laser skin resurfacing - quite an expensive cosmetic procedure. But its main advantage is the elimination of stretch marks on a teenager’s skin in just 1 session. After the first procedure, you can additionally use special creams and folk remedies against stretch marks - this will allow you to achieve the maximum effect from laser skin resurfacing. The duration of the procedure is about 1 hour. During the session, a slight burning sensation is felt, and after it swelling and redness are likely to appear.
  4. Massage is an integral part of a comprehensive approach to getting rid of teenage stretch marks. The massage can be varied: plucking, using natural oils, mumiyo, creams, vacuum cupping, smoothing.

Stretch marks on a teenager’s skin are an unpleasant phenomenon that can be dealt with with an integrated approach. Parents should monitor their child and at the first sign of stretch marks, immediately consult a doctor and not wait for them to go away on their own.


Children playing sports


Preventing the formation of stretch marks is much easier than trying to cope with their consequences. That is why it is important to adhere to certain preventive measures that will protect a teenager from the appearance of unsightly stripes on the body.

Here's what to do:

  1. Monitor your teenager's diet. It should contain a sufficient amount of fiber and as little junk food as possible so as not to provoke excess weight gain.
  2. Visit doctors regularly and get tested to promptly identify hormonal imbalances.
  3. Maintain good personal hygiene and use various moisturizing creams and lotions.
  4. Move more and spend time outdoors. A sedentary lifestyle provokes the development of stretch marks in adolescence. That is why it is important to motivate your child to have an active lifestyle or send him to a sports section.
  5. Follow the drinking regime, drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water without gases per day.
  6. Follow a work-rest schedule, sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  7. If possible, try to protect the teenager from bad habits and instill in him a love of a healthy lifestyle.

Following these recommendations will help prevent stretch marks from appearing on your teenager's body. And if they do appear, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible in order to prevent their further development and increase in size.

Video: How to get rid of stretch marks

The first stretch marks in teenagers usually come as a shock. Striae on the abdomen, back and thighs of adolescents form quite often. The appearance of teenage stretch marks can be caused by various reasons. With tissue deformation and an increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat, the skin stretches and thins. The connective tissue pigment is destroyed. You should not hope that stretch marks will disappear without special treatment. The red or purple streaks will eventually become whitish streaks. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the causes of the formation of stretch marks.

Causes of teenage stretch marks

Experts have identified several main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in adolescents. Striae can form on a child’s body due to hereditary predisposition. If parents have stretch marks on their skin, there is a high risk that their children will also develop them. In this case, increased attention should be paid to preventive measures to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Stretch marks in teenagers can also appear when the immune system is weakened. This condition of the body leads to disruption of the functioning of all organs, as well as to a deterioration in the elasticity of the skin, especially in adolescence.

Stretch marks in adolescence can also appear during a sudden growth spurt. As the body grows, the child’s weight gains quite quickly, as a result of which the skin becomes thinner and bursts due to strong tension.

The formation of teenage stretch marks can also be associated with hormonal imbalance in the body. Therefore, any disease that is accompanied by hormonal imbalance can lead to the formation of stretch marks on the skin.

Stretch marks on the back of teenagers most often appear due to a lack of muscle mass. During puberty, a child's bones grow faster than muscles, and the skin stretches and becomes cracked. Systematic back pain can signal displacement of the vertebrae. Therefore, when the first stretch marks appear on the back of teenagers, you should consult a doctor.

In girls, with rapid growth of the mammary glands, stretch marks may also appear. However, do not be upset, because such defects can be made almost invisible.

Methods for treating stretch marks in teenagers

It is advisable to begin treatment of teenage stretch marks immediately after determining the cause of their appearance. With timely treatment, you can completely get rid of these cosmetic defects on any part of the body.

Mesotherapy is the best way to combat stretch marks in teenagers on the back, buttocks, legs and other areas of the body. During this absolutely safe procedure, a special medicine is injected under the skin, which improves metabolism and restores damaged skin areas. A course of mesotherapy is usually carried out over six months. To completely restore the skin, you need to undergo at least 12 sessions.

Today there is a large selection of cosmetic products that help the disappearance of stretch marks in teenagers. Special gels or creams contain elastin, silicone, collagen and other ingredients that nourish and moisturize the skin. After applying such products, an invisible film is formed on the skin, which prevents moisture loss. It is advisable to use any cosmetic products in combination with sports and massage. To obtain visible results, all procedures for stretch marks in adolescents must be carried out daily.

If cosmetic preparations do not help with stretch marks in teenagers, then laser resurfacing would be the best option. With the help of resurfacing, teenage stretch marks can be eliminated after just one procedure. High cost is a significant disadvantage of laser resurfacing.

Traditional methods of treating stretch marks in teenagers

Some folk remedies also effectively get rid of stretch marks in teenagers on the back, chest, buttocks and other parts of the body.

To prepare a cream mask for stretch marks in teenagers, you will need five tablespoons of honey, five tablespoons of aloe pulp and about one hundred grams of water. All ingredients must be mixed until smooth. Some of the mixture can be frozen in ice cube trays. After taking a shower, it is advisable to apply a scrub to problem areas, and then a pre-prepared mixture, and wrap yourself in plastic wrap.

After an hour, thoroughly rinse off the mask and apply any moisturizer. In the morning, you can take a frozen cube of raw material and wipe the damaged skin. After the paste has completely dried, you need to take a shower and apply cream to your skin. Such procedures must be done daily for a month. After a week, you can repeat the course of treatment.

Fresh stretch marks on teenagers' legs can be removed with a cucumber-oatmeal mask. To prepare the product, five to six tablespoons of oatmeal should be mixed with the same amount of sour cream. After taking a shower, apply the mixture to the stretch marks and then massage these areas of the skin for about half an hour. After the massage, the mixture should be washed off and the skin covered with moisturizer. The course of treatment is about a month.

Before carrying out procedures with these masks, you need to make sure that the teenager is not allergic to the ingredients they contain.


During adolescence, the child's body changes very intensively. With such increased development of the body, stretch marks may be observed on the skin that are unusual for a young body.

Causes of teenage stretch marks

Stretch marks on the body of teenagers usually appear as white, reddish, brown and pink lines. The color of striae also indicates how long ago they formed. The brighter the stretch marks, the less time has passed since their appearance.

Most often they appear on the skin at the age of 13-15 years. Stretch marks in adolescents are localized on the hips, back, abdomen, chest, legs and butt.

Doctors cannot name the exact reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of a teenager, but they voice several main potential factors leading to their formation.

  1. Low immunity. The loss of the body's protective functions leads to disruption of skin turgor, which causes micro-tears.
  2. Heredity. If at least one of the teenager’s parents had skin problems, then the child is also at risk. Such children must follow all preventive measures to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
  3. A sharp growth spurt. An increase in body weight and the development of muscle tissue causes thinning of the skin.
  4. Hormonal imbalance. The presence of malfunctions in the hormonal system is often the reason why stretch marks appear on the body of adolescents (mainly on the butt and thighs). Hormones are responsible for the growth of tissues and bones in height and breadth. But sometimes the body does not have time to adapt to body changes. This causes stretch marks to appear on the butt in pregnant women and teenagers. During these two periods, the body “cannot keep up” with us.
  5. Lack of muscle fibers. For this reason, red and blue stripes form on the back of a teenager, which in no case should be ignored.
  6. Sudden growth of mammary glands. Many teenage girls during puberty experience stretch marks in the chest area, which are easily removable with proper dermatological treatment.
  7. Lack of collagen and elastin. For this reason, stretch marks most often appear on the butt in teenagers. In those places where fat and muscle accumulate, it is the hardest for the skin to stretch. Often, such stretch marks on the body of adolescents appear due to lack of physical activity or poor nutrition.

Location of stretch marks on the skin

The location of this problem is usually associated with the places of the most intensive growth of muscles and bones. Stretch marks on the hips and legs - in female teenagers, on the arms and shoulders - in boys.

Abuse of cortisone steroids is also a cause of teen stretch marks on the hips, knees, shoulders, abdomen, legs and butt.

And rare stretch marks on the back of the head, arms and back indicate more serious health problems.

Treatment of stretch marks in a teenager

Stretch marks should be treated comprehensively. This process will require a lot of time and effort.



This is a very effective and safe method for teenagers to combat stretch marks on the skin. Injections administered into different parts of the body stimulate metabolism and can quite effectively remove stretch marks. This procedure is carried out 2-3 times a month for six months (at least 12 sessions).

Mesotherapy is contraindicated for inflammation in the injection area, blood diseases, herpes, colds and viral pathologies. It is also better for teenagers to avoid undergoing the procedure in the summer.

Cosmetics for stretch marks

In cosmetology today, a wide range of products are used to remove stretch marks on the skin of a teenager. Collagen, elastin, glycerin, silicone in creams improve the quality of the skin and its elasticity, and prevent moisture loss. It is recommended to reduce physical activity during the period of using such products.

A massage, on the contrary, will contribute to the speedy restoration of the skin to its previous appearance.

The main condition for the rapid elimination of stretch marks on the skin of a teenager is the regularity of the procedures.

Among the most popular means are:

  1. Bio-Oil. This oil perfectly removes stretch marks, scars and other skin problems in teenagers.
  2. Emulsion Bepantol. This product perfectly moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic and prevents the occurrence of stretch marks. Based on the reviews of this product, we can conclude that it perfectly removes stretch marks on the legs and abdomen of a teenager.
  3. Vichy (Vichy). This is the best remedy for preventing the appearance of teenage stretch marks. The components in its composition make the skin more elastic and lighten existing stretch marks.
  4. Sanosan. This is a remedy used mainly by pregnant women. But it is also ideal for young people. The natural components in the cream remove stretch marks on the hips of teenagers, and are also suitable for the most problematic female areas: chest and abdomen.
  5. Avent. The effectiveness of this specialized product against stretch marks on the skin has been proven by many tests. All components in the cream are absolutely harmless to the young body.
  6. Mustela. French cream with natural oils and resinous substances, which perfectly prevents the appearance of teenage stretch marks on the skin and removes them.


Well-chosen vitamins can not only help in the treatment of stretch marks formed in adolescents, but also prevent their occurrence. Stretch marks on the skin are intensively combated by:

  1. Vitamin A. Positively affects the growth of bones and muscles. It strengthens the immune system and regenerates the cells of a young body. There is enough of it in dairy products, vegetables, herbs, eggs and orange fruits.
  2. Vitamin E. Returns skin firmness and elasticity, restores immunity and is involved in the absorption of vitamin A and the synthesis of hormones. There is a lot of it in natural vegetable oil, nuts, cereals and dairy products.
  3. Vitamin C. The most powerful antioxidant that restores the skin to its former strength and synthesizes collagen. It is found in walnuts, citrus fruits, peas, red peppers, black currants, cereals, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.
  4. Vitamin D. Gives strength to a teenager’s muscles and bones, controls the functioning of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and thyroid gland. Its content is high in cheese, sunflower and butter, parsley, oatmeal, yolks, cottage cheese, potatoes and seafood.
  5. Vitamin K. Participates in blood clotting, gives the skin elasticity and firmness. There is a lot of it in strawberries, beans, meat, green vegetables, tomatoes, mushrooms, plums, avocados and kiwis.

If the body does not have enough of these vitamins, then the teenager’s diet should be reconsidered and, perhaps, start taking special vitamin and mineral complexes.

Mechanical peeling (microdermabrasion)

Stretch marks on the back of teenagers can be removed using this procedure. Microscopic crystals “polish” the skin and trigger the growth of new elastic cells. Stretch marks on a teenager’s back and abdomen, as well as in the thighs, may remain after such a procedure only if the patient’s skin is hypersensitive.


Massage is an integral part of a set of measures to combat stretch marks on the skin of a teenager. It can be very diverse: plucked with natural oils, honey, smoothing using special creams for stretch marks, with mumiyo and bodyaga, or vacuum-canned.

Laser skin resurfacing

A fairly expensive procedure that allows you to reduce stretch marks on a teenager’s skin in just one session. After the first dose, you can take a long break between procedures and use creams and traditional medicine recipes. This way you can achieve the maximum effect from skin polishing.

The procedure lasts about an hour. At this time, the teenager experiences a slight burning sensation on the skin, and then swelling and redness are possible.


It often happens that traditional methods are more effective than modern medicine. Before using such homemade products, you need to do an allergy test on the crook of your elbow (a couple of drops are applied to the skin, the body’s reaction can be observed after 5-7 minutes).

The most popular recipes for stretch marks in teenagers are:

  1. Cream with mummy. A couple of tablets of the product are dissolved in water and mixed with body cream. The resulting medicine should be used 2-3 times a day.
  2. Sisal mitten. Massage with this device is recommended daily. You should rub the skin with a mitten, starting from the feet and gradually moving up. Places where there are stretch marks need to be given special attention, massaging them longer. This procedure improves blood circulation and stimulates healing. At the end of the massage, a nourishing cream with vitamin A is applied to the skin.
  3. Compresses with lemon. The juice of the fruits of this plant contains vitamin C in excess, which prevents the formation of stretch marks on the skin of a teenager. Once every three days, a compress with this natural component is applied to the skin of the affected area for 1-1.5 hours.
  4. Honey wrap. 5 tablespoons of honey should be mixed with crushed aloe stem in equal proportions. Then add water to them and bring the mixture to a paste consistency. After taking a shower and using the scrub, apply a healing cream mask to problem areas and wrap them with stretch film. After an hour, rinse off the product and apply moisturizer to the skin. Repeat the procedure daily for a month. Store the medicine in the refrigerator.
  5. Cucumber-oatmeal mask. With this product you can easily remove stretch marks on the legs of teenagers. To prepare the mask, you need to mix 6 tablespoons of oatmeal and sour cream in equal proportions. Before use, you need to take a shower and then apply the product to the skin with stretch marks with massaging movements. Continue the procedure for 30 minutes daily for a month. After the massage, rinse off the medication and apply moisturizer to the skin.
  6. Warming up with oil (olive, sunflower, wheat germ, flaxseed, peach, etc.). Massage the affected area using oil for 5 minutes. Then wrap this area with a cotton cloth and apply a warm heating pad (hot water bottle) to it for half an hour. Teenagers need to carry out this procedure every day for a month.

Each body is individual, so stretch marks on the body in adolescents occur differently in each case. To achieve the fastest results, you just need to find a treatment method that suits your child.

Prevention of stretch marks in teenagers

To avoid having to treat teenage stretch marks, it is enough to follow all the preventive measures recommended by doctors:

  1. take all tests and undergo regular examinations with doctors. This measure allows you to avoid hormonal problems during the transition period;
  2. eat properly and balanced. Parents should closely monitor the child’s nutrition, avoiding overeating or starvation due to stress or other psychological experiences. Foods high in fat and sugar that promote skin stretching should be excluded from the diet;
  3. observe personal hygiene rules and use moisturizing lotions and body creams;
  4. play sports and walk more. Unfortunately, today's teenagers spend a lot of time sitting. This is what causes stretch marks to appear on the body at such a young age. It is recommended to send your child to some sports section. The best ways to prevent stretch marks are running, swimming, cycling, tennis, skating and roller skating. And teenagers with a lack of muscle mass should give preference to strength training;
  5. maintain the body's water balance (drink at least 8 glasses of water per day);
  6. healthy and proper sleep. It is best to go to bed and get up at the same time, and sleep should not last less than 6 and more than 10 hours;
  7. eliminate possible bad habits, which, unfortunately, are not so rare among teenagers today.

Compliance with all of the above rules is guaranteed to reduce the risk of teenage stretch marks to a minimum.

Stretch marks on the skin of a teenager are a fairly common occurrence that can cause complexes in a child. Therefore, to avoid having to remove them in the future, it is better to adhere to preventive measures.