Grated potatoes for the face reviews

Face masks are an important procedure in the life of every woman. They are made from a wide variety of ingredients. A face mask made from potatoes (raw) is an affordable and simple remedy that can be prepared very easily. And there is absolutely nothing surprising about this. Potatoes are available in every home, at least in a small supply. And for a useful and effective mask you only need one tuber. One potato significantly changes the structure of the face, cleanses the skin, makes it healthy and soft. Nature contains many useful substances in this product. Potatoes nourish and rejuvenate the skin. And this happens due to the fact that it consists of 75% water. And the high content of starch cleanses and whitens the pores on the face.


Potato face mask (raw): properties

So, more details. A face mask made from potatoes (raw) is rich in microminerals and vitamins. This allows the skin to function properly. Not only the functioning of the sebaceous glands is restored, but the production of elastin and natural collagen is also activated. Potatoes contain vitamins PP, E, K, B, C, choline, lutein, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron. Potato masks help prevent age spots, smooth out wrinkles, tighten pores, give the skin firmness and elasticity, heal wounds and microcracks, prevent the appearance of blackheads, pimples and acne, protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and restore the skin. Oxalic, malic, caffeic and citric acids rejuvenate the skin, making it healthy and smooth.

Universal mask

And now about the main thing. A face mask made from potatoes (raw) is universal. It is suitable for all skin types. And it effectively solves many problems - treats rashes, tightens the skin, regenerates cells, refreshes and tones the skin, preserves the natural complexion, nourishes the dermis with vitamins and minerals. This mask is even used for the area around the eyes.


Indications and contraindications

Next point. A face mask made from potatoes (raw) is suitable even for sensitive skin. And also for problematic and fading ones.

Women assure, however, that such a mask cannot be used in case of severe rosacea, acute stage of herpes, or severe damage to the skin. By the way, you can also use boiled potatoes to make masks. Everyone chooses recipes for themselves individually, depending on their skin condition. Remember to avoid those ingredients to which you are allergic.

From chestnuts and potatoes

Let's look at the main options. A face mask made from raw potatoes always receives excellent reviews if it also contains chestnuts. The latter are well cooked. The potatoes are peeled and reduced to a pulp using a grater. Chestnuts are twisted in a meat grinder. Everything is mixed in equal proportions. A tablespoon of olive oil is added to this mixture. The mask is kept on the face for about fifteen minutes. Wash off with warm water. After this, a nourishing cream is applied to the face. The procedure should be carried out no more than three times a week. The reviews remain the most positive.


With cucumbers

A face mask made from raw potatoes provides ideal lifting. Especially, according to women, if you add cucumber juice and milk to the composition. For one tuber - a glass of milk and a tablespoon of juice. Juice can be obtained by grinding cucumbers in a blender. The finished mask is applied to the face for fifteen minutes. Wash off with running water, and cover the face with a light napkin. The mask whitens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles. Use no more than twice a week. Judging by the ladies' words, it's a great option.

Beer and lemon juice

What else can you mix grated potatoes with? The face mask can be diluted with various products. For example, milk powder, eggs, lemon and beer. Raw potatoes are grated on a medium grater. The egg is broken, the yolk is separated from the white. The latter is added to the mask. The yolk is useful for preparing other cosmetics. Next, squeeze out the juice from the cut lemon. A tablespoon of dry milk is added to the finished mixture. At the very end, the mass is mixed with two tablespoons of light beer and salt. The finished creamy mask is carefully placed on the face. If desired, you can also cover the neck and décolleté areas. The duration of the procedure is no more than ten minutes. After rinsing with warm water, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.


Wheat flour

But that’s not all. How else can you prepare face masks at home? Potatoes go well with wheat flour. For one tuber - one tablespoon. And one carrot, grated on a fine grater. The products are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture can be diluted with cooled boiled water. The mask is applied to the face for fifteen minutes. Remove with running cool water. Women warn that it is not recommended to use the towel for those with sensitive skin. It is enough to simply blot your face with an ordinary napkin. Apply the mask three times a week. The skin is cleansed and the pores are tightened.


Another simple option. Potato face masks can also be made with oatmeal. Potatoes must be peeled and chopped. Add to it a tablespoon of low-fat milk, a tablespoon of dry oatmeal and a tablespoon of face cream. The mask is infused for a couple of minutes. Apply to the face with circular massaging movements. It can be removed with wipes and water fifteen minutes after application. The product perfectly removes dead skin, increases its elasticity, and smoothes out wrinkles. Apply once a week.


Classic mask

You can also prepare a classic version. To do this, you will need one potato tuber, peeled and chopped on a fine grater. The mask is applied to painful problem areas. The main thing is that the juice does not leak out. To do this, you need to cover your face with towel rolls. Lasts about half an hour. Wash off with warm water. Has a cleansing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory effect. Copes well with teenage problems. Apply three times a week.

Olive oil and sour cream

Fresh potato face masks are an excellent option for relieving swelling. Here is another recipe recommended by the ladies. One potato tuber is peeled and turned into puree using a blender. The chicken egg is thoroughly beaten and added to the potato mixture. A tablespoon of olive oil is also added there. Apply the mask in a thick layer for fifteen minutes. Wash off with running water. Apply twice a week.

You can also mix a tablespoon of medium-fat sour cream with a potato tuber. Apply in a thick layer. Liberally around the eyes. The mask helps relieve fatigue. Apply four times a week.


For eyelids

The skin around the eyes also requires rest and care. To prepare the mask, you will need to peel and grate a potato tuber on a fine grater. The finished mixture is wrapped in bags made of gauze or any other thin material. The mask is applied to the eyes in the morning and before bed for half an hour. It has a calming, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also eliminates swelling. In addition, it smoothes out small wrinkles and removes dark circles. This product can be applied daily.

For problem skin

A potato mask for swelling on the face is prepared as follows. Two small tubers are grated on a fine grater. The finished mass is placed on cheesecloth so that the potato juice does not leak. It turns out to be a kind of bag. You can keep it on your face for quite a long time. For problematic skin strewn with pimples and acne, apply the mask for one hour. After this, the bag must be removed and the face washed with warm water. The mask has a rejuvenating and cleansing effect. Great for sensitive skin. Apply three times a week.

You can also make a mask from boiled potatoes. One tuber must be boiled in its skin until tender, cooled, peeled and crushed to a puree. The chicken egg is broken, the yolk is separated from the white and added to the future mask. A cup of milk is brought to a boil and poured into the mask. Apply the prepared mixture to the face, neck, chest and décolleté area. For the best effect, place a heated towel on top. Apply the mask for half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water. The product cleanses, softens and smoothes the skin, restores elasticity and firmness. Must be used once a week.

In addition, you can also add a couple of tablespoons of fruit juice to boiled potatoes. The potatoes are mashed to a puree. The juice of an apple, pear, orange, kiwi or grapefruit is added to the resulting mixture. If desired, you can also add juice from several fruits at once. The mask is applied to the face for fifteen minutes. Wash off with cold and warm water alternately. Use no more than once a week.

One of the most popular homemade masks among women is potato mask with the addition of sour milk. For one tuber you need to take two tablespoons of milk. The potatoes are boiled until tender. Using a masher, puree is made. Mix with sour milk (or kefir) in equal proportions. Before application, the skin is rubbed well. The mask lasts for twenty minutes. Wash off with cool water. After this, a nourishing cream is applied to the face. Can be used twice a week.

To increase skin elasticity, use a mask of potatoes and hydrogen peroxide. A tablespoon of potato flour is diluted with boiled, cooled water. Three drops of peroxide are also added there. The mixture must be brought to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the mask for ten minutes - no more. Wash off with cool water and lemon juice. Apply once a week.


In a word, there are many options. The main thing is to choose for yourself exactly what you need. It's not difficult at all. Be beautiful! Good luck!

Potato tubers are a very popular product in the culinary field, this product has a long list of useful substances, but few people know that potatoes are also good as a cosmetic product, it’s great that it can be prepared and used at home. The chemical components contained in the product can have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin.

Potatoes contain vitamins B, C, K; tubers contain choline, selenium, and lutein. Vitamin C promotes rejuvenation and narrowing of pores, vitamin B promotes the production of collagen and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, vitamin K prevents the appearance of age spots and freckles. Choline heals microcracks, actively moisturizes and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Selenium strengthens the immune defense, and lutein will protect the face from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Potatoes have a miraculous effect on dry skin and will also help sagging and aging skin. Potatoes can rid your face of fine wrinkles, restore skin elasticity, restore its elasticity, and stop premature aging. Potato face mask in different variations can be used by everyone, since most of them are suitable for any skin type. There are a lot of different recipes. Such masks make the skin radiant and silky; potatoes have a slight gentle whitening effect.

A potato face mask will be useful and effective for skin problems such as acne, aging skin, and dry skin. The harmlessness of this product allows it to be used even on the skin around the eyes. There are practically no strict prohibitions and contraindications to the use of potato compounds; you need to pay more attention to the reaction to the accompanying ingredients, they are the ones that can cause an allergic reaction. The only contraindication is the use of hot (warm) puree on dry skin.

Potato face mask recipes

The recipe for masks includes potatoes, both raw and boiled. Preparation methods and recipes are varied and depend on the purpose of use. Here are some recipes for such masks.

Nourishing face mask

The tubers need to be boiled in their skins, then peeled and started to knead, add 1-2 tablespoons of heated milk during the process, at the end add half the egg white and mix thoroughly. Apply the puree to the skin (it is important that it is warm). Covering your face with a warm towel, keep the mask on for 20 minutes. When removing, we create a contrast: first remove the composition with warm water, then wash with cold water. This mask is used by owners of any type of skin; it is useful for dry and prematurely aging skin. It has a nourishing, refreshing effect, improves elasticity, and gives elasticity to the skin.

Mask for aging skin

Boiled potatoes (necessarily boiled in their skins) should be peeled and mashed into large pieces, then add olive oil and 20 grams of sour cream to the potatoes. You need to apply the resulting mass to your face for a quarter of an hour, and then remove it with a napkin. Afterwards it is advisable to wash your face with warm water. It is ideal to apply cream to the skin according to your skin type.

Mask for oily skin

We offer you different variations of masks for oily skin.

Option 1. To prepare, take a teaspoon of honey, starch, salt and warm milk. All this in equal proportions until a paste forms. Apply the resulting mixture with a cotton swab in several layers until the bowl is empty. Leave on your face for 25 minutes; during removal, you need to create a contrast by washing with warm and cold water. The mask smoothes, refreshes the skin and helps tighten pores.

Option 2. For this mask, you need to grate raw potato tubers on a fine grater (you can grind them in a meat grinder), pour half a beaten egg white into the pulp, and add a spoonful of honey at the end. If honey is not available, it can be replaced with wheat flour and a pinch of salt. Keep it on your face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Option 3. Mash peeled tubers, boiled in their skins, add oatmeal (2 heaped tablespoons). Apply the mixture and leave for 15-20 minutes, after covering your face with a linen napkin.

Option 4. Potato flour and hydrogen peroxide need to be mixed (proportions one to one). After stirring, the mixture should be immediately applied to the face. We wait until it dries for about 20 minutes. Remove the dried mask with warm water mixed with lemon juice (1 teaspoon of lemon juice per glass of water).

Toning mask

There are also several options for such recipes.

Potato and berry face mask. You will need strawberries, milk and potatoes. Grind the strawberries and add milk, mix the mixture and 2-3 boiled tubers until it becomes a paste. Apply the warm mass for 25 minutes; first, the face must be thoroughly cleansed. Rinse off with warm water.

Potato eye mask

Option 1. You can also prepare a potato mask to relieve puffiness of the eyelids. You will need one spoon of grated fresh potatoes. Mix potatoes with wheat flour and milk (1 tsp and 2 tsp respectively). Transfer the mixture to a linen napkin and apply to the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

Option 2.The following recipe helps with the appearance of fine wrinkles and is useful for bags under the eyes. Mix the egg and boiled potatoes with sour cream and olive oil (add 1 tsp each), add milk if the skin is dry. Apply the mixture to the lower eyelids and corners of the eyes, and cover the eyelids with cotton swabs soaked in chamomile infusion. Leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water and lubricate the lower eyelids with cream.

Option 3. Apply the grated potatoes in two layers on gauze and apply to your face. Keep for 20 minutes. The mask not only helps to remove bags under the eyes, it also helps with irritation and fine wrinkles. When acne appears, this mixture should be kept for several hours.

Potato whitening face mask

This mask is used for skin pigmentation or excessive freckles. Raw potatoes need to be grated on a fine grater, add olive oil or sunflower oil heated in a water bath, pour a tablespoon of fresh milk into the mixture and add almond bran. Grind all ingredients to a paste. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse and apply cream.

There is also a recipe for a potato mask for sunburned facial skin. To prepare, you need to boil several potatoes in their jackets, mash them and mix with sour cream or cream. You should get an astringent, thick mass. It should be applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, after which the mask should be removed with a cotton swab.

If the skin does not tolerate washing with soap, you can use water and add starch paste. Proportion: 1 teaspoon of starch per 1 liter of water.

A potato face mask is an ancient method of facial care that was used even before the advent of hardware cosmetology procedures or care products. Potatoes have many useful components that are necessary to moisturize the skin, fight age-related changes, and remove wrinkles. In order for it to have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, you must be able to use it correctly, dose the amount, and mix it with the right ingredients. The effect of the folk remedy is immediate.

The benefits and effectiveness of potatoes

The benefits of potatoes for dry skin are visible to the naked eye, since the product itself contains various natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Let's look at its composition along with its characteristics when exposed to skin:

  1. Ascorbic acid – helps reduce age-related and facial wrinkles;
  2. Plant proteins – renew cells, prevent premature aging;
  3. Selenium – has protective functions at any age;
  4. Potassium – relieves swelling from the face.

Each component has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves its quality, normalizes metabolic processes, and slows down aging. You can prepare many recipes for face masks from potatoes, which will have a beneficial effect at any age, effectively coping with their direct functions - rejuvenation, prevention of wrinkles.

Based on this component, various types of cosmetics are created that are suitable for any type, for any place of application. Cosmetics around the eyes are popular, they prevent the appearance of cyanosis and protect against baggy under the eyes. Also, potatoes are ideally combined with other ingredients that will further nourish the skin, helping to make care more favorable and effective.

What problems can it cope with?

Due to the large number of beneficial properties of raw potatoes, they are used to combat various cosmetic problems of the face. The benefits of a potato mask for problem skin cannot be overestimated, since it not only fights age-related changes, but also saturates the skin with nutrients. Let's look at what other problems will help you say goodbye:

  1. Rough skin;
  2. Dryness on the face;
  3. Reduced production of sebaceous glands;
  4. Freckles;
  5. Dark spots;
  6. Dark circles under the eyes;
  7. Bags;
  8. Acne;
  9. Oily skin;
  10. Signs of aging.
  11. Black dots.

These are the main problems faced by modern women. After application, the skin will become smooth, silky, soft and beautiful. Potatoes prevent premature aging by delaying it for several years. The products are created from both boiled mashed potatoes and raw ones. Raw potatoes contain a lot of water, which, when exposed to the skin, enriches the epidermis with moisture.

In cosmetology, this vegetable is considered a universal remedy that helps fight various changes in the skin. If you regularly use potato-based face masks, you can not only normalize natural processes, but also have a positive, beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.

The best face masks using potatoes

It’s not difficult to prepare them at home; you just need to know the recipes and have the necessary ingredients on hand. Let's take a detailed look at the best recipes for masks that can eliminate any defects or changes on the skin.

Raw potato masks

For preparation you will need:

  1. Gauze napkins;
  2. Potato.

The product must be cooled in the refrigerator, grated on a fine grater, squeezing out the juice. A napkin is moistened in the resulting juice, and the potato mixture is placed on top. The compress is applied to the area around the eyes and washed off after 15 minutes. Then, to the area where the compress was applied, you need to apply a nourishing cream that contains vitamin E and A.

We suggest looking at the features of using a potato mask:

Potato and sour cream mask

We take the following ingredients:

  1. Sour cream;
  2. Olive oil;
  3. Potato.

Make a puree from the potatoes, add a little sour cream and butter, mix well. The mixture must be applied evenly to the skin, cover it well with a towel, and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water and apply a moisturizing serum.

After such a mask, the skin of the face becomes clean, visible wrinkles disappear, and a wonderful lifting effect is created.

Potato and egg mask

Let's take:

  1. Egg;
  2. Olive oil;
  3. Potato yam.

Beat the egg well to form a thick mass, add chopped mashed potatoes to it, pour oil on top. Apply to the face, cover with cling film on top for 15 minutes. Afterwards the mask is washed off with running water. In the next few days after applying such a mask, it is not recommended to use foundations that will clog pores.

This mask will quickly get rid of acne, give freshness to the face, and will be useful for any skin type. It is recommended to use the mask no more than once a week.


The product has hundreds of reviews from women who prefer this folk remedy, nourishing the skin without spending money on expensive cosmetic procedures.

I use boiled potatoes to remove excess wrinkles and improve the quality of facial skin. I really like the effect after potatoes. For a more delicate effect, I add a little sour cream, which fits perfectly on the face, making it beautiful and radiant. I’ve been using the mass for 2 months now and I want to say that the result is simply cosmic.

Margarita, 26 years old

For the first time I used a mask made from grated potatoes, which fits perfectly on the skin, adds beauty and radiance. It was recommended to me by a friend who was satisfied with the result and regained several years of her youth. After the mask, my blackheads disappeared and my wrinkles became less pronounced. I am glad that such a folk remedy suited me, now I will save money on expensive products.

I want to share my result about the effect. He's just shocking. I liked how nice the potatoes are to lay down and have a convenient consistency. With this product my skin came back to life. I had previously tried various expensive creams, which contained many useful ingredients, but they still did not give such a large-scale result. Try it, you will definitely like the effect too.

Used as an anti-aging product. Got rid of acne and wrinkles, made facial skin more beautiful and soft. I look at least 35 years old. Previously, I was skeptical about folk remedies, since this is a long-past stage. But once again I am convinced that many years ago people were somewhat smarter and more practical; they found advantages in those means that were easily accessible and did not require finance.

I decided to try it too and was simply pleasantly surprised. I don't use a lot of face creams because I still look quite young. But after reading the reviews about the potato mask, I became interested. I can say for sure that I liked the effect. With her help, I removed blackheads, smoothed out facial wrinkles on my forehead, and evened out my tone. I like its effect and I am sure that I will continue to use it.

I also tried the product and was pleased. I don’t have age-related wrinkles or other defects yet, I just wanted to rejuvenate my complexion and refresh my eyes. I got it right. Incredible product for free.


A face mask with potatoes is an effective and useful remedy for improving the quality of your face, getting rid of acne and wrinkles. The mask, which contains only natural ingredients, will quickly cope with age-related defects and restore radiance and youth to the skin. It is enough to use the mask only 2-4 times a month, so that after this time you can admire it in the mirror, looking at the beautiful, youthful color. Masks are created at home and do not require visiting expensive beauty salons, which is a significant advantage for every woman.