Testosterone enanthate

Testosterone enanthate is an androgen with anabolic activity, a very commonly used testosterone ester. A very common form of testosterone, it is used not only in bodybuilding, but also in strength sports. This steroid drug has an active period of 8-12 days.

Not to be confused with testosterone cypionate, which has a different active ingredient and a longer duration than enanthate.

Those who participate in competitions, please note that the drug detection time is about 90 days.

  1. Effects of testosterone enanthate
  2. How to take Testosterone Enanthate?
  3. Approximate mass-gaining course for an athlete weighing 80 kg:
  4. Clomid dosage regimen:

Effects of testosterone enanthate

Using Testosterone Enanthate solo will result in these positive effects:

  1. Moderate gain of quality mass
  2. Increased strength and endurance (due to increased red blood cells)
  3. Reduction of fat mass (moderate fat burning effect)
  4. Increased libido
  5. Used in the bridge, between steroid courses, and for HRT

How to take Testosterone Enanthate?

A mass-gaining cycle with testosterone enanthate (ENKA) includes anabolic steroids, for example, deca, trenbolone, oxymetalone, methane, etc. Because most of the mass that you diligently increase in your steroid cycle comes from anabolic steroids.

Testosterone enanthate is a dose-dependent drug; the higher the dosage you use, the stronger the positive effects you get from it, which are described above.

Recommended dosage of testosterone enanthate: 5-7 mg of active substance per 1 kg of athlete’s weight; if the athlete weighs 95 kg, the working dosage of the drug will be: 475-665 mg of enanthate per week (ideally every five days).

The duration of the course must be at least 10 weeks.

Approximate mass-gaining course for an athlete weighing 80 kg:

  1. Testosterone enanthate 500 mg every 5 days, 12 weeks
  2. Nandrolone decanoate 400 mg per week, 12 weeks
  3. Stanozolol 50 mg per day, first 6-8 weeks
  4. Gonadotropin 1000 units once a week for 5-6-7 weeks of the course and 10-11-12 weeks of the course.

Inhibitor dosages are selected based on test values ​​for estradiol and prolactin.

Post-cycle therapy after testosterone enanthate

After the above course, you need to use Clomid (clomiphene citrate), you should start drinking Clomid 18-21 days after the last injection.

Clomid dosage regimen:

  1. 3 days 150 mg
  2. 10 days 100 mg
  3. 25 days 50 mg
  4. 5 days 25 mg

The result of properly conducted post-cycle therapy will be tests, namely the reference values ​​should be LH, FSH, Estradiol, Prolactin, total Testosterone.

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