What warms and cools the bladder

The bladder is warmed by all hot diuretics, as well as by rubbing and injecting hot oils and hot gums, for example, bush oil, spikenard and banya oil. Poultices and medicinal dressings with hot substances mentioned in the paragraphs on the kidneys also warm it; put them where you know.

Sometimes it is cooled by taking the milk of the seeds of purslane, cucumber and pumpkin, or taking bamboo nodules with camphor in cold water, and from ointments - sandalwood and camphor, as well as fufal with dug, cold squeezed juices and mucus and cold oils, such as good rose oil , pumpkin seed oil, poppy seed oil, lettuce seed oil with camphor and similar substances, especially when injected. Donkey milk also cools it.