Moisturizing your hands at home


In ancient times, the true age of a lady and the nature of her work were judged by the condition of her hands. For housekeepers it was dry and cracked, but for real ladies it was tender and soft. No one makes such class divisions anymore. However, very dry hand skin - what to do with it - is a problem that is still relevant today. Any woman can become her victim.

Very dry hand skin - causes

The following factors can provoke this problem:

  1. Dry air. In winter, heating appliances are to blame, and in hot summers, air conditioners are to blame.
  2. Allergy. Can be caused by food and low-quality cosmetics.
  3. Chlorinated water. Contact with it leads to skin tightness. In addition, it becomes rough and dry. Too hot water has a similar effect.
  4. Exposure to household chemicals. They gradually thin the protective layer of the epidermis, and with prolonged contact they completely destroy it.
  5. Vitamin deficiency and insufficient water consumption. With dehydration and a poor diet, health problems begin, and this also negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  6. Certain diseases (these include diabetes, dermatitis and other ailments). If the cause is caused by diseases, then external influence on the problem area is pointless: it gives only a temporary result. It is important to find out why the skin on your hands is very dry, and then treat the disease itself that caused this condition.
  7. Natural aging process. Age-related changes do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. It loses its elasticity and becomes rough.
  8. Hereditary factors. If there is a genetic predisposition, a woman needs to be prepared for this problem to arise.
  9. Incorrect care. This also includes the habit of not drying your hands after washing. The moisture remaining on the surface dries out the epidermis during the evaporation process.

How to moisturize very dry hands?

If the epidermis is peeling, cracked and slightly burning, all this indicates an advanced stage of the problem. However, very dry hand skin requires treatment even before the above symptoms appear. A simple test will help identify the problem at an early stage. Its essence is this: you need to lightly press your finger on the brush, and then quickly release it. If a stain remains on the surface for some time, this indicates increased dryness of the skin. Treatment aimed at hydration cannot be delayed.

There are several types of cosmetics designed for this type of epidermis. These include the following products:

  1. nutritious product with a dense texture;
  2. moisturizing hand cream (has a light, delicate consistency);
  3. a product with a protective effect that forms a film on the surface of the cover;
  4. medicinal cream containing healing substances;
  5. anti-aging product (it actively fights signs of aging).

Before purchasing hand cream, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Product appearance. If the product is factory packaged, it is worth looking at its manufacturing date. It is not recommended to purchase the product 3 months before its expiration date.
  2. Compound. Every industrially produced cosmetic product contains preservatives. It is important that these are safe components (methylparaben or benzoic acid). However, bronopol and methylisothiazolinone are undesirable: they provoke allergies.
  3. Package. Cosmetologists recommend giving preference to products in tubes. This cream has less contact with air and is considered more hygienic.
  4. Storage. If a cosmetic product is displayed in a brightly sunlit display case, it has already lost most of its valuable properties.

When the skin on your hands is very dry, what to do is a natural question. In this case, it is not enough to choose the right cream; you still need to use it correctly. This cosmetic product should not be applied before going outside. Otherwise, in the cold, the components contained here will turn into ice crystals and injure the skin. The following creams will help moisturize your hands:

  1. Neutrogena Nerwegian Formula Instant Action;
  2. “Double Breath” from Faberlic;
  3. Absolue Mains from Lancome with UV protection;
  4. Water Therapy from Clinique with active water.

Both industrially produced cosmetics and self-made products can be used. However, to achieve the expected result, it is important to alternate moisturizers, otherwise the epidermis will get used to it and will no longer react properly. A mask for very dry hand skin may contain the following components:

  1. glycerol;
  2. milk;
  3. vegetable oils;
  4. parsley;
  5. potatoes and so on.

This product has no age restrictions. Its use gives stunning results. The high effectiveness of the gloves is explained by the natural ingredients present in their composition. Such products for very dry hand skin are available in different types. The most commonly used are these:

  1. SPA Belle, which contains lavender extract, vitamin E and olive oil;
  2. reusable Naomi gloves, where the silicone lining contains green tea enzyme;
  3. Faberlic products, which can be used up to 50 times (the gel is made from plant extracts and vitamin E).


Such procedures can be performed for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. When the skin on your hands is very dry in winter, baths should be done systematically (twice or three times a week). For preventive purposes, the number of procedures should be reduced to once every 4 weeks. You can make the following baths at home:

  1. starch-based softener;
  2. soda for severe dry skin;
  3. tea-olive for rough skin;
  4. rejuvenating and softening based on oils;
  5. milk for rough and dry skin;
  6. mineral, which softens the epidermis and accelerates metabolic processes.

A special approach is important when choosing this cosmetic product. Only a lotion that contains natural substances can soften very dry hand skin. These are vegetable and essential oils, aloe, as well as beekeeping products. However, there are also enemy components: artificial flavors and alcohols. Immediately after applying a lotion containing these substances, the skin appears to be healed. However, in the long term, using cosmetics with these components worsens the situation. These lotions have proven themselves to be excellent:

  1. Protect Hand Lotion, created on the basis of tangerine and orange oils;
  2. Babe Laboratories Hand Lotion, which contains shea butter and vitamin E;
  3. silk lotion “Tender Hands”;
  4. Lavande from L'OCCITANE and others.

How to restore very dry hand skin?

Salon and home treatments will help cure the epidermis. The first includes biorevitalization. This procedure involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid. As a result, very dry skin of the hands with cracks is rejuvenated, saturated with moisture, and all damage heals. You can make restorative masks, baths, wraps and other manipulations at home. For therapeutic purposes, procedures must be carried out systematically.


Such a cosmetic product should intensively nourish tissues and ensure their regeneration. A high-quality restorative cream contains protective components that form a thin film on the surface of the epidermis. It protects the cover from negative external factors. These cosmetics “know” well how to restore dry skin on hands:

  1. “Intensive care” from Garnier with allontoin;
  2. Nourishing Hand from Oriflame (based on sweet almond oil);
  3. Douceur Des Mains from Payot with almond oil.

You can make such a medicinal composition from vegetable oils, vitamins (A, E), honey and other miracle ingredients. In addition, purchased restorative agents can be used. If the skin on your hands is very dry in winter, what should you do in this case? Cosmetologists recommend:

  1. Review your diet.
  2. Do restorative procedures (masks, baths) twice or thrice a week.
  3. Choose the right cream and use it regularly.

Very dry hand skin - folk remedies


You can make many different cosmetics at home that will help soften the skin. So, glycerin can be used for dry and cracked hand skin. In addition, vegetable oil (olive oil is especially good), yolks, liquid honey, and water have a softening effect. All of them can be used in combination or separately.

Restorative composition recipe

  1. liquid honey – 1 teaspoon;
  2. glycerin – 1 teaspoon;
  3. starch – 1 teaspoon;
  4. water – 3 teaspoons.

Due to the presence of honey in this composition, it has an amazing effect on the nail plates. The process of preparing a restorative agent looks like this: mix starch with glycerin, then enrich the mixture with honey. Next, water is gradually introduced. What to do when the skin on your hands is very dry - apply a mask three times a week. Then you need to leave the composition for half an hour and rinse off.

Thin, dry skin of the hands, unprotected from the wind and sun, probably needs a moisturizer most of all. How to choose it, how to enhance its effect and, in general, how to properly care for your hands?

  1. Prevention of dry hand skin
  2. Selection of hand skin care products
  3. Intensive hand skin hydration
  4. Review of hand moisturizers

Prevention of dry hand skin

The best prevention of dryness is hydration and protection. This universal advice is especially relevant for the skin of your hands.

Hands are constantly exposed to negative environmental factors: dry air, low temperatures, ultraviolet radiation.

Frequent contact with water weakens the hydrolipid film.

There is a high risk of microtrauma because the hands are constantly working.

The skin of your hands needs to be moisturized several times a day © IStock

The skin of your hands requires constant attention and care. At a minimum, moisturize with cream several times a day. Better - every time after washing.

The skin of the hands is a mirror of age and age-related changes, so it is important to pay attention to increased dryness in time to prevent the appearance of wrinkles,” says Marina Kamanina, Garnier brand expert.

Selection of hand skin care products

Hand creams are divided into three types.

Moisturizing fight dryness and promote skin regeneration.

Protective create a barrier on the surface of the skin that protects it from negative factors.

Anti-aging They are distinguished by a rich composition aimed at transforming the skin of the hands through intensive nutrition and antioxidant protection.

Intensive hand skin hydration

The skin of the hands often comes into contact with an aggressive environment, and this cannot but affect its condition, so from time to time it requires real spa care. There is no need to make an appointment at the salon: you definitely have everything you need for the procedure at home.

Cotton gloves turn cream into mask © iStock

Dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in warm water, which will provide the skin with microelements, regenerate the protective barrier and restore pH levels.

If you use mineral water instead of tap water, you won’t need salt.

“Peeling for the skin of the hands helps remove dead skin cells from the surface, even out the texture, and make the skin tone more uniform,” Marina Kamanina is sure.

As part of your home spa exfoliation treatment, you can use:

a soft brush with natural bristles;

finely ground sea salt.

Hand cream can be used as a mask.

Apply it in a thick layer.

Wear cotton gloves.

Leave for 30 minutes.

You can add a few drops of vegetable or cosmetic oil to the cream for additional nutrition.

Review of hand moisturizers

Returns smoothness and softness to the skin, forming a protective barrier. Contains maple sap and allantoin, which restore damaged skin, as well as glycerin to retain moisture.

Thermal water and allantoin restore the hydrolipid barrier, moisturizing and soothing dry, irritated hand skin.

The optimal solution for those who work a lot with their hands. Like invisible gloves, this cream will protect against aggressive influences from the outside. Barrier functions are strengthened by glycerin at a concentration of 30%, as well as 4% niacinamide, which soothes the skin.

Contains shea butter, apricot, corn, soy, rice and hazelnut oils plus hydrolocks that retain moisture. The composition also includes vitamin E, an antioxidant that maintains youthful skin.

Hand and nail care cream Biomains, Biotherm has a waterproof formula and anti-aging effect, does not leave a filmy feeling.

Many people have probably encountered such a problem as dry hands. Peeling, sore hands not only cause discomfort, but also signal problems in the body. Before you moisturize your hands at home, you first need to understand why your hands are peeling.

There may be several reasons: allergies to household chemicals, exposure to cold, poor diet, lack of vitamins, frequent washing, etc.


Moisturize your hands at home

A variety of drugs and cosmetic formulations can be successfully used.

  1. Balms and creams are considered the most effective means to combat excessive dryness of the hands. It is recommended to choose cosmetic products only from large companies, combining creams and balms with the use of lotions. The choice should be made in favor of preparations based on natural ingredients that moisturize and nourish the cells of the epidermis.
  1. Special children's cosmetic creams are suitable for moisturizing children's delicate hands. They allow you to quickly restore the elasticity and color of the skin. At the same time, they have extremely low allergenic properties. Children's hand moisturizers are also suitable for adults.

When treating dry hand skin at home, you need to drink enough water, juices and other drinks, taking care to supply the body with enough moisture.

Often it is due to insufficient daily fluid intake that the hands begin to peel. In this case, drinking ordinary water will eliminate all problems and no other treatment will be needed.

If your hands are peeling due to frequent washing with laundry soap, you should, if possible, stop using it (or at least reduce it).

Instead, preference should be given to various moisturizing detergents or substances containing components that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis (soap with a high cream content, tar soap, etc.).

But you need to be prepared for the fact that home treatment for dry hand skin will not always give a positive result. Sometimes problems are associated with the consequences of hormonal or other disorders in the body, which can only be cured in a hospital.

Important! If you have an allergy that manifests itself in the form of peeling of the epidermis, you must consult an allergist, because without adequate treatment of the allergic reaction, the problem cannot be eliminated! The doctor will recommend how to moisturize the skin of your hands at home in your case.

You should also take care of good nutrition. If there is a lack of vitamins in the daily diet, it is recommended to compensate for their deficiency with various vitamin and mineral complexes. A lack of vitamin E has a particularly negative effect on the skin. It is found in vegetable oils.

Therefore, adding olive or sunflower oil to food will solve many skin problems.

Folk remedies for dry hands


Any retail outlet sells various drugs that can improve the condition of the epidermis at home. Many of them are quite expensive.

However, you can prepare excellent preparations based on natural ingredients yourself, spending a minimum of money and time. Folk remedies for dry hand skin have proven their effectiveness.

A composition prepared according to this recipe gives an excellent effect: two tablespoons of honey and the same amount of medium-fat sour cream are added to the pre-beaten egg white.

The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the hands for about 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water without soap. This composition not only moisturizes well, but also rejuvenates the epidermis.

Milk-based baths have also proven themselves to be an excellent folk remedy for moisturizing the skin of the hands.

To prepare them, hot milk (1 glass) is poured into a container with pre-crushed potatoes (a couple of boiled potatoes are enough) and cooled a little so that you can dip your hands into this mixture.

The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes until the mixture has completely cooled. After which the hands are washed in running water.

There are other recipes for eliminating hand problems:

  1. If the skin of your hands not only dries out, but also wrinkles a lot, you can try the following recipe. Ammonia is diluted in warm water in a very low concentration (literally a few drops per glass of water). Glycerin is added to the composition (one or two tablespoons). Keep your hands in the mixture for half an hour.
  2. After which the composition is washed off and any moisturizer is applied.
  3. If you don’t have glycerin and ammonia at home, you can prepare a bath mixture from milk and chopped coltsfoot leaves.
  4. The duration of the procedure is the same.

Moisturizing your hands at home using creams made from natural ingredients


Instead of store-bought hand cream, you can successfully use a composition prepared independently from natural ingredients. This recipe is more complex than those described above, but it will allow you to more effectively moisturize your hand skin at home.

First, a decoction of the herbal mixture is prepared (chopped herbs of plantain, nettle, lavender, string, mint, linden flowers, St. John's wort, chamomile, and sage are mixed). Two tablespoons of this mixture are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for half a day.

The broth is filtered and mixed with soft butter at the rate of five ml of broth per 50 grams of butter.

The resulting composition can be used in the form of a complete day cream. It will perfectly moisturize and soften dry skin on your hands. The effectiveness of its use will increase if, after washing it off with warm water, massage the skin of your hands from fingers to wrist.