Fight cigarettes! Cleansing the body of nicotine

Smoking is one of the most common addictions in the world, and millions of people die every year from smoking-related diseases. But what to do if you have already become a heavy smoker with experience or have just gotten rid of this bad habit? In addition to actively cracking sunflower seeds, sucking on lollipops or taking a puff on an e-cigarette, you can try using certain products that can help you partially compensate your body for the loss of valuable substances spent on combating the negative effects, and, if possible, minimize the harm from smoking, both passive and active.

Research conducted by the US National Institute of Ecology suggests that cabbage is an excellent cancer preventative. The vegetable contains isothiocyanates - anti-cancer substances that inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent their reproduction. Both ordinary white cabbage and Chinese cabbage, and especially broccoli (asparagus), have remarkable abilities. Regular consumption of this wonderful vegetable reduces the likelihood of lung cancer by 36%.

Tomato juice
According to the Japanese, tomato juice is an effective remedy against emphysema, which is caused by regular inhalation of tobacco smoke. It is assumed that the protective effect of tomato juice is caused by the presence of the antioxidant lycopene, which suppresses the formation of oxygen radicals - molecules that harm cells.

carrot juice
Beta-carotene contained in carrot juice is converted in the human body into vitamin A, which is necessary to strengthen the mucous membranes. The dose, according to researchers, required for a former smoker is two glasses of carrot juice per day.

Sprouted grains
Sprouted wheat seeds contain a whole range of useful and active substances, including vitamins E and B12, folic acid and selenium, which protect lung tissue.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables. The peculiarity of the vitamin is that it is not synthesized in the body and can only come from the outside, and each cigarette smoked neutralizes 35 ml of the deficient vitamin. Therefore, it is very important to consume foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, and vegetables including red peppers, broccoli and cabbage. Vitamin C helps fight the harmful effects of nicotine, improves the functioning of the immune system and protects the body from various infections.

It is important to understand that consuming the above products is not a panacea and cannot completely rid the body of the effects of smoking. But they can help restore some of the lost substances and strengthen the immune system, which will allow the body to more effectively fight the negative effects of nicotine.

In addition, do not forget about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, regular exercise and avoidance of bad habits. There is no medicine that can completely replace these simple but very important measures to maintain health.

So, if you want to cleanse your body of nicotine, then don't forget about these products that can help restore lost substances and strengthen your immunity. But remember that a healthy lifestyle and quitting smoking are the most effective ways to prevent many diseases and stay healthy for many years.