Do you have the flu? The main thing is calm!

Influenza is a viral infectious disease that causes damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and general poisoning of the body. Influenza epidemics occur every year, usually in winter (in tropical areas - during periods of changing weather) and affect from 5 to 20% of the world population. Influenza affects men, women and children all over the world.

If you find yourself with flu symptoms, don't panic. Self-medication is strictly not recommended, but you simply must know the basics about this disease and be able to take the first steps!

Acute respiratory disease (ARI) and acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) are general terms that cover a large number of diseases that are caused by viruses that enter the body through the mouth and nasopharynx. Influenza is also an acute respiratory infection, but not all acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections can be called influenza.

Influenza is transmitted through the nasal mucosa, where airborne viruses settle. The source of infection is a sick person, but in some cases the source of the virus can be sick birds or pigs. The peak incidence of influenza occurs in the autumn-winter period.

Treatment of influenza is most often carried out at home; the patient must be isolated in a separate room, with separate dishes and a towel. Family members should wear 4-layer gauze masks covering the mouth and nose, and the masks should be ironed every 4 hours. Spicy seasonings, canned food, and smoked foods must be excluded. During the treatment period, drinking plenty of fluids is of great importance: tea with raspberries, lingonberries, honey, lemon, milk with mineral water, sour fruit juices, fruit drinks - up to 3 liters per day. When treating influenza, it is advisable to use various inhalations, antipyretics, gargles with disinfectant solutions prescribed by a doctor, as well as thermal procedures.

In severe cases of influenza, irreversible damage to the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, and central nervous system often occurs, causing heart and vascular diseases, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, and meningoencephalitis. Serious complications resulting from the disease in young people and in the very old and in those with weakened immune systems can be fatal.

Therefore, it is very important to seek medical help promptly if you suspect you have the flu or are already sick. Your doctor may prescribe anti-influenza medications to help manage the disease and reduce the risk of complications.

It is also important to take preventative measures to avoid contracting the flu. This includes frequent and thorough hand washing, using gauze masks in public, avoiding contact with sick people, strengthening the immune system through proper nutrition, physical activity and adequate rest.

Flu is a serious illness, but with proper treatment and prevention, it can be managed and complications avoided. Do not neglect your health and take care of it during illness.