Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 130

Rectal Test


A rectal test is a medical research method that is carried out to detect or exclude diseases such as cancer, inflammatory bowel processes in a patient through an internal ...

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Chancre Soft Funnel-shaped


Like many other diseases, chancroid is dangerous and requires a quick solution, which can only be effective if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. In this article we ...

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Meniere's Syndrome


Meniere's syndrome is a disease that is characterized by disruption of the inner ear, which leads to constant attacks of dizziness and hearing loss. This is a serious dis ...

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Paraphrenia Confabulatory


Paraphrenia refers to a disorder of thinking of varying degrees of severity, when there is figurative delirium, that is, judgments of fantastic content that are not rela ...

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Diarrhea Viral


Viral diarrhea is a pathological condition characterized by the development of watery or rocky diarrhea, which is not accompanied by fever and other symptoms of acute inf ...

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Cachexia Cardiac


Cardiac cachexia is a serious pathology that is irreversible. As a result of its development, the functioning of the hemostatic system is disrupted, processes in the bloo ...

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Airborne disease


Air sickness is another name for motion sickness. This condition manifests itself in the form of weakness, sweating, dizziness, yawning, nausea and vomiting. Some people ...

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Shilajit is a unique substance that has many beneficial properties for human health. It contains complex complexes of natural components that help improve health and prev ...

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Gland Sebaceous Hair


Sebaceous gland and hairThe sebaceous glands are part of the skin's external defense system against pathogens and overstressed external factors. Their functions include t ...

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Gotza Operation


**_Gotz operation_** is a surgical intervention for the treatment of glaucoma, performed to reduce intraocular pressure by increasing the outflow of intraocular fluid thr ...

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