Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 131

Vein Median Deep


The deep median vein (lat. vena mediana profundus) is a large vessel on the back surface of the leg and foot that supplies blood to the soft tissues in this area. It play ...

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Lupus Red Tumorous


Lupus red tumor. L. Erythematosus Tumidus. Lupus or lupus erythematosus is a chronic systemic connective tissue disease that primarily affects young people. In approxima ...

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Walking support


**Walking support** is a medical device necessary to support and assist in the movement of patients with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, injuries or previous o ...

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A spatula is a specialized medical instrument used to remove skin cancers. This is a simple but effective device that allows you to remove tumor tissue without damaging s ...

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Electrogastrography is a new technology for diagnosing gastric diseasesIn recent years, the diagnosis of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract has been dominate ...

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Retropulsion *(retropullio)* is a condition that occurs in athletes after competitive activity and is expressed in a feeling of fullness in the stomach and mood disturban ...

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Self-hypnosis is the purposeful influence of a person on his own psyche to achieve the desired result. Self-hypnosis is not taught specifically - it is an innate psycholo ...

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Cell Somatic


Somatic cell is a term used in biology to refer to somatic cells, that is, the cells that make up the tissues and organs of the body in humans and other animals. These ce ...

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Blood Pressure Average


Blood pressure Blood pressure is the force acting inside a blood vessel. If blood flows freely in the absence of obstructions, then blood pressure is zero. High pressur ...

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Introduction:The modern world is a place where every person is constantly faced with many different problems and challenges. However, to overcome these challenges and be ...

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