Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4723

Vignal-Veyon Method


Vignal-Veylon method - (W. Vignal, French bacteriologist of the 19th century; A. Veillon, 1864-1931, French bacteriologist) The Vignal-Veylon method is used to stain bact ...

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Justera Symptom


Juster's sign is a neurological symptom described by the French neurologist Juster in 1893. The symptom is the appearance of reflex contractions of the thigh muscles when ...

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Heart attack


Heart attack: causes, symptoms and treatment A heart attack is a condition in which necrosis (death) of body tissue occurs due to a disruption in the blood supply. Typica ...

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Alanine aminotransferase: role in the diagnosis of liver function Alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) is an enzyme that plays an important role in the metabolism of amino aci ...

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Cancer Undifferentiated


Undifferentiated cancer (syn. anaplastic) is a form of cancer in which the tumor cells are so severely altered that their origin from specific cells cannot be determined ...

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Ligament Sphenocuboid Plantar


Ligament Sphenocuboid Plantar. The plantar cuneocuboid ligament (lat. ligamentum cuneocuboideum plantare) is a short and flat ligament of the foot that connects the sphen ...

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Basic Substance


The ground substance, also known as the interstitial substance or substantia fundamentalis, is one of the main components of the tissues of living organisms. This substan ...

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Drigalski Spatula


Drigalsky Spatula: a bacteriologist's tool The Drigalski Spatula is a tool that was developed by the German bacteriologist Karl Wilhelm Drigalski at the beginning of the ...

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Defeat Leading


Defeat Leader: How the combined effects of damaging factors affect the condition of the affected person Military conflicts and terrorist attacks are becoming more common ...

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Pincus Mucinous Alopecia


Pincus Mucinosis Alopecia is a rare skin disease that is characterized by loss of hair in patches of skin for no apparent reason, but with possible systemic complicat ...

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