Pituitary adenoma Oxyphilic

The pituitary gland (the part of the endocrine system responsible for producing growth hormone) produces the hormone prolactin in very small quantities. When there is an excess of hormone produced, a hormone-secretory adenoma, or prolactinoma, appears. The disease is usually diagnosed in women under 40 years of age. Boys rarely suffer from it. Among the possible causes of prolactinoma, anovulatory disorder, disruptions in the process of estrogen production and the presence of dysfunction of the anterior pituitary gland should be highlighted.

The development of a tumor with prolactinoma leads to decreased libido, oligomenorrhea, lactation disturbance in breastfeeding mothers and infertility.

Among the factors influencing the appearance of pituitary tumors, it should be noted the presence of hereditary predisposition, chronic pathologies, and foci of infection. The formation of prolactinoma is associated with long-term use of certain groups of drugs.

The treatment process for the disease is selected depending on the extent to which the disease has reached. Treatment and prognosis can vary greatly depending on the presence of multiple nodules, the aggressiveness of the pathological process, the stage of neglect, etc.