
Manufacturer country

Russia, Enterprise for the production of bacterial and viral drugs named after Chumakov Russia

Pharm Group

Antiviral agents of different groups


Diapharm Institute of Molecular Diagnostics (Russia), Enterprise for the production of bacterial and viral drugs named after Chumakov (Russia)

International name

Aminobenzoic acid

Dosage forms

eye drops 0.007%, solution for injection and instillation into the eye 70 µg/ml


Active ingredient: Aminobenzoic acid.

Indications for use

  1. viral eye diseases (including conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis caused by Herpes simplex, Varicella zoster and adenovirus viruses)
  2. keratopathy of infectious, post-traumatic and post-operative origin


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effect

Local reactions: rarely - allergic reactions, conjunctival hyperemia.
Adequate and strictly controlled clinical studies of the safety of the drug Actipol during pregnancy and lactation have not been conducted.


When used simultaneously with nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (acyclovir, ganciclovir, ARA-A, TFT) and antibiotics, an increase in the therapeutic effect of Actipol is observed.


No data.

special instructions

Actipol should not be prescribed simultaneously with sulfonamide drugs for topical use. In case of accidental ingestion of the drug Actipol, there is no risk of developing unwanted side effects. After opening the glass bottle, the drug can be used for 7 days, after opening the dropper bottle made of polymer material - 14 days.


Reference Vidal 2004