Anal Phase

The anal phase is one of the main stages in the development of libido in children and relates to psychosexual development. Psychosexual development is a process of personality formation that begins during fetal development and continues throughout life.

The anal phase usually lasts from two to four years and is the time when the child begins to become aware of and deal with his natural bodily needs. This phase is due to the child's increasing understanding that his body is under control and awareness of the functions of urination and defecation. During this period, children usually begin to show interest in urination and bowel movements and explore their body, including the anus.

Key aspects of the anal phase are the formation of the child's excretory behavior and the development of basic emotional control mechanisms that will be used throughout the child's psychosexual development. For example, a child may begin to feel ashamed of his nature, which will mean that he begins to understand his place in society and learns to control his behavior.