Anesthesia by Cooling

Cooling anesthesia is a method of pain relief performed by superficial cooling of body tissues. It is used for diagnostic procedures, emergency care in extreme conditions (traumas, ruptures of large vessels, fractures), postoperative pain relief. In most cases, it is used in combination with local infiltration and conduction anesthesia. The technology involves applying a cold solution to the skin directly above the treatment area. In developed countries, this method is outdated, replaced by modern means of systemic anesthesia.

To perform the method, special devices are used - oxygen sprays with ice and narcotic substances. The devices can have different sizes, shapes and hose lengths. They are spray devices with reservoirs and valves. The created device makes it possible to carry out direct cooling through the evaporator. The doctor performs deep slow breathing (inhales and exhales slowly, while actively promoting deep breathing). During inhalation, the patient's organs cool down