Biocorrector is an effective development of domestic scientists.

Such a development as a biocorrector capable of protecting the human body from negative and aggressive external influences has proven to be in great demand on the Russian market. After all, its effectiveness has been confirmed by state tests at the highest professional level, by leading laboratories of Russian institutes and the Medical Academy.

The functional features of such a unique device as a biocorrector are that it simply affects the surrounding space (and the human body), setting the frequency of biorhythms that are inherent in natural phenomena themselves.

That is, thanks to the influence of the device, it is possible to avoid the fatal dissonance that appears as a result of the aggressive influence of the external environment, which, according to the developers, causes a malfunction of the body as a whole and individual organs.

And the point is in a small magnetic storage medium, on which, in encoded form, information is applied containing those very necessary rhythms inherent in natural phenomena, such as, for example, the frequency of oscillations of the Earth’s magnetic field, or the frequency of oscillations in the level of the World Ocean, or the amplitude of oscillatory waves that accompany other natural processes and phenomena.

Impact level - atomic

In fact, it turns out that the biocorrector sets the human body the necessary oscillatory rhythm, inherent in it by nature and disrupted due to poor ecology, the negative impact of humans on nature, and so on. Moreover, the regulation process occurs at the molecular, rather, even at the atomic level. At the level of correcting the oscillatory movements of the body’s cell membranes.

Moreover, the device affects not only living organisms, but also organic matter in general. For example, for the food that a person is going to consume. On the water. Therefore, the developers strongly advise holding the device (which looks like a small keychain or pendant) next to the prepared lunch and drink every time before eating. The positive effects of the device will definitely appear in just a few days.

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