A typical mistake for beginners in bodybuilding.

Our statistical studies confirm the fact that the most common mistake of beginners in bodybuilding is an excessive priority towards training at the expense of nutrition and rest.

What does the average beginner do? He grabs the iron with wild enthusiasm and pulls it day and night, completely forgetting about sleep and full recovery. And, as you know, muscles grow not during hours of work in the gym, but during hours of rest, and with sufficient nutrition, of course. For, if the influx of building materials is meager, then, again, you will not build anything worthwhile...

How can you provide your young and growing body with the right amount of high-quality building materials? Well, first of all, you need to nip the feeling of hunger in the bud. Secondly, you need to increase the number of meals. It is not necessary to eat a lot, but you need to do it often - every 2 hours, thereby bringing the number of meals to at least 6 times a day.

But then a logical question immediately arises: why live in the kitchen now? Constantly cooking and eating? And so in a circle all 24 hours a day? - not at all. Just dilute your usual trips to the kitchen with a protein shake from widely available sports nutrition products. Whey protein is perfect for these purposes - an excellent building material for an athlete of any level of training. It contains pure pure protein with an absolute minimum of fat - just what a bodybuilder or fitness model needs.

You can buy whey protein at almost any popular sports nutrition store. In addition to the fact that there are dealer networks in all major cities, such as St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Arkhangelsk, you always have access to online stores that provide prompt delivery throughout Russia.

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