
Anatomy and physiology of the kidneys

The kidney is a paired organ that performs two functions simultaneously - excretory and metabolic. Every day, the kidney excretes more than 75% of all metabolic products from the body (with urine). Together with salts and water, it also loses trace elements (lithium, potassium, calcium), phosphates, vitamins (B12, B6, B4, pantothenic acid, lysine and some other substances). The removal of excess waste (metabolites) is associated with the concentration of urine. Through convoluted loops of tubules, 3 liters of primary urine are secreted into one portion of urine, 1 liter of which contains more than 30 g of sodium, 60 g of potassium, up to 90 g of chlorine, 11 g of bicarbonate. With 1 liter of plasma from the kidney together