Chewing gum for weight loss has appeared

Italian specialists have invented chewing gum, which easily suppresses a burst of appetite and makes the stomach stop its treacherous rumbling.

According to the study, appetite is regulated by the hormone peptide tyrosine-tyrosine (PYY), produced by L cells in the intestine. It is on its quantity that a person’s feeling of fullness depends. As soon as the level of PYY in the blood rises, it means you have eaten a tasty and satisfying meal. Often in overweight people it is in low concentrations, without reacting in any way to eating, so they experience a constant feeling of hunger.

Scientists say that in order to regulate appetite, you need to increase the amount of the hormone in the blood. Tablets containing PYY are ineffective, since the hormone is destroyed in the stomach, so it was decided to produce chewing gum with the tyrosine-tyrosine peptide.