How to pump up the muscles of the buttocks?

Do you know that the buttocks, according to the results of psychological studies, turned out to be the most seductive part of the body, for representatives of both sexes.

How to pump up the muscles of the buttocks?

This is a remarkable multifunctional muscle group that works to extend the hips, help push off the ground, giving us the ability to walk, and can straighten a tilted body back into an “upright primate” position. By the way, perhaps it was thanks to her that we once rose from four points to two?

However, in our current time, spending half a day in the office and transport, a person simply... sits on these strong muscles. Without the need to actively work, muscle tissue atrophies. Even when you start bodybuilding or fitness, weak glutes will not allow you to effectively train your legs, becoming a kind of limiter in squats and deadlifts. So, how to pump up the muscles of the buttocks, returning them to one hundred percent functionality and giving them an attractive shape? There are several specific features that will be discussed in this article. At the same time, we won’t even mention the banal exercises that we discussed earlier here, because this is a long-worn topic...

Narrowly targeted specific exercises for our fifth point:

How to pump up the muscles of the buttocks?

  1. Romanian deadlift with dumbbells. She's a deadlift. This exercise becomes so effective thanks to the use of dumbbells. It is necessary to change the barbell to dumbbells due to the more advantageous weight distribution regarding the inclusion of the gluteal muscles in the work. The legs should be kept slightly bent at the knees during the exercise. A little secret: when extending your body upward, try to “press” your heels into the floor, this helps shift the load from the back to the muscle groups we need.
  2. The single leg press will also be a major help. In a machine where you usually do a double leg press, you just need to leave one leg on the floor. Try to make the movement conscious, without jerking or “springing” the knee in the lower position, without moving the knee in or out. Try to lean on the platform with your working leg closer to the upper edge, this will make the work of your buttocks harder.
  3. Hyperextension. Mostly, hyperextension lifts are performed among back exercises, but they forget how it can pump up the gluteal muscles. But all you have to do is change the position of the supporting part of the simulator, on which the hips are located. Shift it from the waist as far down as possible, and the load on the back extensors will also shift to the area we need.
  4. Taking the leg back. The convenience of this exercise is its versatility. In the gym, you can do it in a block simulator, putting a special cuff on your leg that is attached to a cable, and at home, by attaching a weight to your leg or simply holding a dumbbell under your knee. In the first case, the leg straightens completely when pulled back; in the second, it can remain bent, raising the heel to the ceiling. In both variations, it is important to keep your abs tense and control your lower back without involving it in the work.
  5. The pelvic lift is notable for the fact that the gluteal muscles are pumped up using not only dynamic, but also static load. In a lying position, rest your bent legs on the floor and lift your pelvis until your body from your knees to your chest becomes a straight line. At the top point, squeeze your buttocks and hold for two seconds, then slowly lower down.