
Chyme and its features

Chyme is a concept that is familiar to us, since we often hear about diets and healthy eating rules. But what is chyme? To do this, we need to first understand what the blood-brain barrier (BBB) ​​is.

The BBB is a barrier that separates the brain from the blood in the human body and prevents substances from entering the brain that could have a harmful effect on its functioning. The discovery of the BBB was described in a study by Professor William Mailer. He discovered the appearance of the blood-brain barrier in mouse embryos. During his research, he discovered that brain red blood cells are not rejected during the formation of the BBB. This discovery gave the world the idea that the geb controls blood flow, and its presence indicates the establishment of brain cells, embryonic cells from an earlier lineage than placental cells. Since the discovery of the BBB, scientists have learned that the blood-brain membrane has become a barrier through which many important physiological and physiological functions of the brain are realized - this environment modifies nutrient uptake activity in the central nervous system and signals nutrient utilization throughout life.

The main purpose of the BBB is to protect the embryonic tissue of the developing brain from unfavorable factors. Placental blood, which supplies the embryo with maternal waste products and nutrients important for brain development. The products that are delivered are contained only in the mother's blood. Inside the vessels of the brain there is a fluid that forms the placenta. This fluid provides nutrition to the developing fetus through the blood circulation, which is possible thanks to the BBB. The presence of the BBB is also due to the fact that there is always a certain fluid inside the embryo. When moving from one environment to another, BBB can be released by blood-brain substance (BBS), which, after release, becomes part of the blood plasma and is stored there until the birth of the child. GVV is used to ensure brain safety. Cerebral blood flow at a low speed relative to