Convulsive Laughter

Convulsive laughter is a laughter that causes bewilderment and even a smile, which resembles convulsions. All nations have a strong opinion that such laughter is always a sign of weakness, and therefore unforgivable. Some scientists argue that such laughter is a symptom of mental disorders. However, none of them can convincingly explain the relationship between convulsive laughter and what symptoms it is associated with. For example, neurologists tend to attribute convulsive laughter to muscle dysfunction.

A study was conducted that established a connection between convulsive laughter in people and increased anxiety. But the studies were conducted only on men; perhaps other features will be discovered in the future. We can observe various manifestations of human character. Some may laugh often, others may be calm and not emotional. This is all relatively normal. There are often different forms of manifestation of unusual emotions. Unlike laughter, which can cause bewilderment, mental disorders manifest themselves in other ways. Anyone can experience unpleasant manifestations of mental activity, such as yawning and convulsive twitching. It happens that a person’s pupils may dilate and contract, goose bumps appear on the body, or palpitations are observed. These symptoms are not accompanied by convulsive laughter.