
An endoscope (from ancient Greek ἔνδον “inside”; σκοπέω - “I look”) is a medical device that is a hollow tube (express logging gear) with a lighting device and an eyepiece and inserted into hollow organs. Depending on the specifics of the tasks that are solved by the endoscopy object, its design is specially adjusted using additional tools to expand its functionality.

The endoscope is used to examine objects or hidden cavities from the inside, for example, video recording, diagnosis and treatment. This may be a simple procedure, such as a stomach test, or the use of an endoscope in conjunction with surgery. If surgery is planned, appropriate education and preparation for the procedure is required. The work is possible thanks to a computer program that transmits the image to the monitor. The device must be inside the patient, and the technique must be safe for both people. Penetration is not required for the intestines, blood vessels and other large organs, and standard chips are intended for manipulation