Fashionable sport. Bicycle for ladies

Fashionable sport. Bicycle for ladies.

Fashion is an extremely capricious and unpredictable thing. Well, okay, there are clothes, perfume or, say, cell phones. But the bicycle... Meanwhile, over the past two or three years the bicycle has become incredibly fashionable. What is fashionable? By means of transport? God forbid. Sports equipment? Hardly. A means for quick and enjoyable weight loss? No. He became both one and the other, and the third at the same time.

In big cities the number of bicycles has increased markedly. What is surprising is precisely in megacities overloaded with transport and people. What's the matter? Firstly, during rush hour (and this is morning, day, evening and even night - rush hour has long grown into “rush day”) it is absolutely impossible to drive along city streets by car. And on a bicycle - easily. Secondly, beauty, which is the essence of health, has come back into fashion, and this, in turn, includes a bicycle.

Next come all kinds of “cruisers” - bicycles for a sedate, comfortable ride along park paths. Sometimes you come across very unusual specimens - like a ladies' "cruiser" with an automatic planetary rear hub, hydraulic brake drive, and a generator front hub. These cars cost about one and a half thousand dollars or more.

Rounding out the list of recreational equipment are luxury “sport-like” dual-suspension bikes – bicycles with front and rear shock absorbers. These are heavy, but compact, not very well controlled, but soft on the move. Prestigious because they are expensive. Good double suspensions are quite expensive - from $500.

In general, we can talk endlessly about bicycles. There are a lot of interesting details and secrets here. But I will give only one of the statements - the one that I remember most of all.

When buying a bicycle in a store - if it is purchased specifically for yourself - you need to keep in mind one detail that no one ever talks about. Mountain and all-mountain bikes are always sold with a men's narrow saddle. And for a pleasure car, a wider saddle is better. Well, don’t forget about your height. Bicycles have their own division - “size”. It will be inconvenient to drive a car that is too small, as well as a car that is too big.