
Benzpyrene is an oncogenic substance, which is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon. It is formed when certain organic substances are exposed to high temperatures.

Benzopyrene is found in car exhaust gases and in smoke from burning coal, oil, and wood. It can be found in smoked foods such as smoked sausages, fish, and meat. It is also present in tobacco smoke.

Benzpyrene is very toxic and carcinogenic to humans. Long-term exposure to this substance, even in small quantities, increases the risk of developing lung, skin, and breast cancer.

To reduce the risk of exposure to benzopyrene, it is recommended to limit the consumption of smoked foods, regularly ventilate rooms and use hoods when cooking over an open fire. It is also important to stop smoking and minimize your stay in places with high levels of air pollution from exhaust gases.

Benzpyrene is a dangerous substance that can cause cancer. It is formed when organic substances are exposed to high temperatures, for example, when burning fuel or smoking food. Benzopyrene is found in car exhaust, tobacco smoke and some other products.

The oncogenic properties of benzopyrene have been proven in numerous studies on animals and humans. In particular, it was found that long-term exposure to this substance can lead to the development of cancer of the lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs.

To avoid exposure to benzopyrene, it is necessary to limit the use of gasoline with a high content of this substance, and also stop smoking and consuming smoked products. It is also recommended to avoid working in industrial settings where there is a risk of exposure to this substance.

If you have been exposed to benzopyrene in the past, you should undergo regular medical examinations to monitor your health.