General Provisions

Massage is a way to treat and prevent diseases. Its essence lies in the mechanical impact of special techniques on the surface of the body or any organ. Massage is mainly done with hands, but there is also hardware massage performed using special tools.

Massage is scientifically based, proven by many years of practice, and is the most physiological healing remedy for the human body. It is used both for preventive purposes - for general strengthening of the body, and in various fields of medicine: surgery, orthopedics, gynecology, therapy, neurology, etc. Therapeutic massage can be used as an independent method, or can be used in combination with other treatment methods. But massage can be used for medicinal purposes only as prescribed by a doctor.

With the help of massage, you can relieve fatigue, and you can prepare for heavy physical activity, so massage is necessary for athletes, as well as people in professions that are characterized by significant physical and mental stress. Massage is widely used for hygienic and cosmetic purposes.

Massage is indicated for all healthy people, but depending on the age and reactivity of the nervous system, the approach to each patient should be strictly differentiated. For elderly and weakened people, the massage session should be shorter and less intense; not all massage techniques are indicated for them.