Hypertrophy True

True hypertrophy of the heart muscle is one of the main types of cardiomyopathies, which is based on primary damage to the heart muscle without obstruction of the outflow tract of the ventricular chamber. This is a serious but rare disease that is not always paid attention to, especially without a diagnosis: the consequences can be very severe.

The disease can develop over a fairly long period of time and manifest itself only when a certain level of compensatory capabilities of the myocardium is reached. Characteristic is a gradual increase in shortness of breath, the occurrence of heart failure - as a consequence of a decrease in blood supply to the organ. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) often occurs in older age groups (about 50% of cases occur in patients 40–65 years old), while after 70 years the incidence of myocardial infarction due to the development of HCM increases.

Symptoms can appear completely suddenly in a person, and sometimes tachycardia is the first sign of the disorder. Pre-existing heart conditions can also get worse and cause a wide range of symptoms, including arrhythmia. Experts divide the symptoms of the disorder into:

Supraventricular extrasystole. Appears on its own. At the same time, systolic pressure decreases, provoking the appearance of arrhythmia, which can turn into atrioventricular rhythm, and then into paroxysmal tachycardia, which is characterized by pronounced signs (rapid pulse