Globulin Accelerator

Globulins are unique proteins of cell membranes

**Globulins** are proteins from the class of glycoproteins. They perform many important functions in the human body, which is why almost all scientists in the world have been studying them since antiquity.

Now, thanks to developing technologies, as well as comprehensive research by the world scientific community, we can talk about sufficient knowledge of this class of proteins and the versatility of their tasks.

It is interesting that previously the study of globulins was limited to the use of their parts - glycopeptides and glycoproteins, which were widely used for medical purposes, as effective drugs. They were also used to analyze the results of scientists’ activities. The globulin membrane is called “velvety”

Structure and chemical composition of globulin

Glycosated structures of globulin origin are considered lipophilic compounds. From a biochemical point of view, globulins are peptide bonds with large molecules of glycoprotein polymer chains (peptidoglycans).

The best example of the use of glycoprotein in