Heilun for getting rid of puffiness and wrinkles around the eyes

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Placed: You need to draw from the middle - Inguz, then the components of the stave on the left and right. Apply to creams, moisturizers, anti-aging serums, photos, body. Disclaimers : You can use the energy of Odin or any god of Asgard.

Responsibility : when placing a runic sign, you must know about diagnostics and safety measures; you yourself take responsibility for the process and reservation. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can seek help from a consultation “setting up a runic stave” or from the author of the runic stav, finding his contacts on the Internet.

Sample clause: This runic becoming and. further in detail, see below. After this, this runic pattern works without harm to the mental, physical and energy health of the full name. This runic pattern works on the forces of God Odin\Personal power. I activate this runic form right now with my breath, so be it. This is true!

Removed after: if drawn on cream, when the cream runs out, it is erased from the hand or burned (if painted on paper), after a while, with words of gratitude

Inguz - In this stave, it symbolizes internal transformation (the vitality that we give to our skin around the eyes), heals our eyes and skin, and gives us health.
Laguz - in stavka means swelling and accumulated fluid, excess lymph in the subcutaneous tissue around the eyes.
Ansuz - in this stave, this is the conscious work of the stave, the exact direction (like a sight) of the action of the runes, and in conjunction with Raido, Naut is control over the removal of excess fluid so that the body does not become dehydrated.
Raido, Naut - the expelling cross - removes excess fluid, and together with Ansuz - works purposefully without harm or unexpected side effects.
For such complex work, a recharge is needed - a battery, and this is exactly what Salt does, accumulating energy for the process of lymphatic drainage and removing excess fluid.
The next stage is curing the causes of swelling, as well as tightening the skin around the eyes and getting rid of wrinkles.
Icelandic rune Plastur - healing the causes of edema.
The Teyvaz-Vunyo rune combination is success, easy overcoming of illness and joy from victory over swelling.

To smooth out wrinkles around the eyes, as well as finally get rid of bags under the eyes, this stave uses a bunch of Perth-Yera runes; this combination of runes restores the true shape of the skin, tightening it, and also smooths out wrinkles and crow's feet in the corners of the eyes.

The Fehu rune is visible in the background - in this stave it is the skin around the eyes, which is restored, tightened, filled with hydrocolloid, collagen and elastin. This stage of work is fueled by the second Icelandic rune in this stave, Sol.

Like all staves built on Inguz, this stave will give you an invincible desire to live, move, and enjoy every moment of life. and this is probably what heals.

Author: Nereida, taken from the Internet
The material in the library "Zef Esoterics" is published for informational purposes, all rights belong to the authors.

More details at www.ynataly.info

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Becoming to get rid of swelling, puffiness and wrinkles around the eyes and more (exercises)

Draw standing from the middle - Inguz, then the components of the standing on the left and right.

Inguz - In this stave, it symbolizes internal transformation (the vitality with which we endow our skin around the eyes), heals our eyes and skin, and gives us health.

Laguz means swelling and accumulated fluid, excess lymph in the subcutaneous tissue around the eyes.

Ansuz - in this stav is the conscious work of the stav, the exact direction (like a sight) of the action of the runes, and in conjunction with Raido, Naut is control over the removal of excess fluid so that the body does not become dehydrated.

Raido, Naut - the expelling cross - removes excess fluid, and together with Ansuz - works purposefully without harm or unexpected side effects.

For such complex work, a recharge is needed - a battery, and this is exactly what Salt does, accumulating energy for the process of lymphatic drainage and removing excess fluid.

The next stage is curing the causes of swelling, as well as tightening the skin around the eyes and getting rid of wrinkles.

Icelandic rune Plastur - healing the causes of edema.

The reasons for the formation of edema can be different: from improper functioning of the lymphatic system, renal failure, heredity, excess of spicy and salty foods in the diet (salt retains water) to nervous stress and lack of chromium, which is directly involved in the metabolism of nervous tissue (so chromium deficiency in in the body, in addition to increasing blood glucose levels, leads to increased triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood plasma and ultimately to atherosclerosis, edema, obesity and even

Therefore, the Plástur rune will heal all these causes, thereby saving us from associated diseases.

The Teyvaz-Vunyo rune combination is success, easy overcoming of illness and joy from victory over swelling.

One of the main causes of aging and the appearance of wrinkles is a violation of the skin’s ability to return to its original position after stretching (skin turgor).

To smooth out wrinkles around the eyes, as well as to finally get rid of bags under the eyes, this stave uses a bunch of Perth-Yera runes; this combination of runes restores the true shape of the skin, tightening it, and also smooths out wrinkles and crow’s feet in the corners of the eyes.

The Fehu rune is visible in the background - in this stave it is the skin around the eyes, which is restored, tightened, filled with hydrocolloid, collagen and elastin.

This stage of work is fueled by the second Icelandic rune in this stave, Sol.

Like all staves built on Inguz, this stave will give you an invincible desire to live, move, and enjoy every moment of life. and this is probably what heals.

Apply to creams, moisturizers, anti-aging serums, photos, body.

You can discuss it comprehensively, or you can give each rune according to the description and give at the end a generalized task for getting rid of swelling, healing the causes of swelling, getting rid of crow's feet, increasing skin turgor, and so on. (everyone adjusts to their own needs)

How to get rid of bags under your eyes with simple exercises.

First of all, we need to empty our bags of their contents, get rid of the fat and excess liquid accumulated in them. After all, the body must remove these substances through the excretory system, and not store them in reserve. You can, of course, simply cut the onion, thus causing your eyes to cry out unnecessary liquid from the “bags”, but be careful: do not rub your eyes with your hands during this process!

For those who are not used to being lazy and are ready to sacrifice 5 minutes to fight bags under the eyes, our next training. Don't forget to apply a rich cream under your eyes first!

Place the index finger of your right hand on your right cheekbone, perpendicular to the bridge of your nose, as if pressing the bag (the nail phalanx is to the inner corner of the eye, and the fist is placed almost at the auricle). You need to touch the skin very gently, without excessive pressure. Place your left hand on your forehead to prevent the formation of wrinkles on your forehead when performing the exercise.

Next, we perform the same movements as when removing swelling of the eyelids. The number of repetitions should be at least 20, or until your eyes get tired. The entire teres oculi muscle works here, but we must focus all our attention only on the lower part of this muscle.

Then perform this exercise on the second eye, changing the position of your hands.

Then do a complex that helps eliminate crow's feet.

You can perform these exercises with your eyes wide open, but the height of your skill is if you learn to do this complex with your eyes closed.

Train, dear women! Today, the technique of ballerina Juliette Cando is used by both Hollywood beauties and simple housewives!

Even if you don’t have these problems yet, it would still be a good idea to learn these exercises and include them in your daily care. When applying the cream, do not forget to complete this complex, lead a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking, do not drink a lot of alcohol, protect your eyes from the harmful effects of smog and ultraviolet rays - and the problem of bags under your eyes will never affect you!

Relieving swelling of the eyelids.

Swelling of the eyelids, just like bags under the eyes prevent you from seeing well, because they cover your eyes. If people who have swollen eyelids have a genetic structure, but the rest of the owners of this not very pleasant swelling of the eyelids got it over the years from an unhealthy lifestyle, illness, bad habits, and improper skin care of the eyelids.

But don't despair, there is a way out! Puffy eyelids can be eliminated completely or made less pronounced by resorting to muscle contractions and overcoming resistance. This technique was developed by ballerina Juliette Cando. The photo is also from her book “How to Get Rid of Wrinkles” (sorry for the quality).

So, we are learning a massage technique to relieve swelling of the eyelids.

Let's put our hand on our forehead so that three fingers are above the eyebrow, and the little finger rests on the drooping eyelid. This way he will be able to control the movements of the orbicularis oculi muscles during the exercise.

Relieving swelling of the eyelids.

  1. Lower the eyelid lower towards the jawbone, but at the same time press it against the eyeball with your little finger. Do not overdo it, the pressure should not be too strong, but the eye should not squint. You should feel that the downward movement of the eyelid overcomes the resistance of the finger. Pay close attention to the contraction of the muscles under your little finger.
  2. Use three fingers on the forehead to help control so that there is no movement of the muscles on the forehead. When you get used to it and can easily feel how the orbicularis oculi muscles contract, but wrinkles do not form on the forehead, you can ease the pressure of your fingers. Just do it gradually. We must not allow the fight against puffy eyelids to lead to wrinkles on the forehead.
  3. Repeat lowering the eyelid while pressing your little finger on the eyelid several times. Do as many repetitions as possible until the circular muscles become tired. Let it be 3-5 repetitions at first, gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20.
  4. Now, to conclude the exercise, let’s add acupuncture: increase the pressure on the inner upper corner of the eye socket until a slight pain appears. As you complete this last step of the exercise, breathe deeply (especially if you feel pain). Breathing is from the stomach! It’s good if, after inhaling, you hold your breath a little, and then simultaneously release the pressure on the eye socket and gradually exhale the air.

Rest a little, blink and complete the entire cycle of exercises, massaging the other eye.

At first, perhaps not everything will be easy, but gradually you will master the entire sequence of execution and technique of the exercise - and it will become easier for you.

For anyone whose eyelids swell, I suggest you include this exercise in your daily care. Apply the cream around the eyes in the morning and evening, and perform an exercise that relieves puffiness of the eyelids.

And be healthy and beautiful! — wishes you “Live easily!”

Excellent remedy for puffy eyes – a compress of grated raw potatoes. You need to grate an ordinary potato, add a little dill to the resulting mass and, wrap it in pieces of bandage, apply it to your eyes. Keep such compresses on the eyes for about ten minutes. If you don’t have the necessary time, you can simply cut a peeled potato into two parts and apply the resulting halves to your eyes. Very

Honey compresses are good for bags under the eyes. Making such a compress is very simple - you need to mix a tablespoon of fresh liquid honey with the white of an egg and a tablespoon of flour. Flatbreads are made from this dough and applied to the eyes. Another cure for puffy skin under the eyes is horsetail tincture. To prepare the tincture, you need to take a tablespoon of dry horsetail raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water, and then boil everything together over low heat for 15 minutes. Then the broth should be filtered and used as a lotion under the eyes.

The simplest of them is to wipe the skin with an ice cube every day immediately after washing your face in the morning. Ice can be prepared from infusions of medicinal herbs: for example, chamomile, mint, sage or calendula. You don’t have to freeze the ice, but simply cool two spoons in the refrigerator and apply them with the convex part to your eyes

Compresses made from sage, mint, birch leaves, linden flowers help normalize metabolic processes and the outflow of excess fluid.


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Sunday, May 24, 2015 21:49 + to quote book

Heilun (For getting rid of puffiness and wrinkles around the eyes) Nereida

Draw from the middle - Inguz, then the components of the stave on the left and right.

Inguz - In this stave, it symbolizes internal transformation (the vitality with which we endow our skin around the eyes), heals our eyes and skin, and gives us health.
Laguz means swelling and accumulated fluid, excess lymph in the subcutaneous tissue around the eyes.
Ansuz - in this stav is the conscious work of the stav, the exact direction (like a sight) of the action of the runes, and in conjunction with Raido, Naut is control over the removal of excess fluid so that the body does not become dehydrated.
Raido, Naut - the expelling cross - removes excess fluid, and together with Ansuz - works purposefully without harm or unexpected side effects.
For such complex work, a recharge is needed - a battery, and this is exactly what Salt does, accumulating energy for the process of lymphatic drainage and removing excess fluid.

The next stage is curing the causes of swelling, as well as tightening the skin around the eyes and getting rid of wrinkles.

Icelandic rune Plastur - healing the causes of edema. The reasons for the formation of edema can be different: from improper functioning of the lymphatic system, renal failure, heredity, excess of spicy and salty foods in the diet (salt retains water) to nervous stress and lack of chromium, which is directly involved in the metabolism of nervous tissue (so chromium deficiency in in the body, in addition to increasing the level of glucose in the blood, leads to an increase in triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood plasma and ultimately to atherosclerosis, edema, obesity and even “night blindness”)
Therefore, the Plástur rune will heal all these causes, thereby saving us from associated diseases.
The Teyvaz-Vunyo rune combination is success, easy overcoming of illness and joy from victory over swelling.
One of the main causes of aging and the appearance of wrinkles is a violation of the skin’s ability to return to its original position after stretching (skin turgor).
To smooth out wrinkles around the eyes, as well as to finally get rid of bags under the eyes, this stave uses a bunch of Perth-Yera runes; this combination of runes restores the true shape of the skin, tightening it, and also smooths out wrinkles and crow’s feet in the corners of the eyes.
The Fehu rune is visible in the background - in this stave it is the skin around the eyes, which is restored, tightened, filled with hydrocolloid, collagen and elastin. This stage of work is fueled by the second Icelandic rune in this stave, Sol.

Like all staves built on Inguz, this stave will give you an invincible desire to live, move, and enjoy every moment of life. and this is probably the cure

Apply to creams, moisturizers, anti-aging serums, photos, body.

You can discuss it comprehensively, or you can give each rune according to the description and give at the end a generalized task for getting rid of swelling, healing the causes of swelling, getting rid of crow's feet, increasing skin turgor, and so on. (everyone adjusts to their own needs)