Hernia Inguinal Oblique

An inguinal oblique hernia is a defect in the wall of the inguinal canal on the side of the rectus abdominis muscle, where its spermatic cord and passing lymphatic vessel pass. The hernial orifice is located at the junction of the external oblique and internal oblique inguinal muscles. With an irreducible hernia, a clearly defined hernial sac is not detected unless the disease is accompanied by a number of anomalies. If accessory inguinal lymphatic vessels or oblique inguinal ligaments or fascia are detected, this may contribute to more frequent pathology of the oblique groin. Part of the oblique inguinal fascia and integument along the midline is collected in oblique bundles (portraits) and goes upward, forming an oblique inguinal ring. This leads to tension of the oblique fascial devices, and without tension of congenital formations with the entire inguinal canal, they are usually infringed in the internal environment of the abdominal cavity by an inguinal hernia. In this case, the hernias are small, they are not only difficult to reduce, but usually cannot be reduced completely. An indirect hernia is 9 times more common in women than in men; it can be congenital or acquired. The causes of acquired hernia in oblique hernias are: overstrain of the anterior abdominal wall, which arose as a result of increased physical activity; the abdominal press compresses the entire inguinal canal. Patients with an indirect hernia usually complain of pain and heaviness in this area, often the scrotum and/or buttocks are especially on the affected side. General symptoms of lethargy and abdominal pain appear, there may be vomiting and severe pain, as well as strangulation of the contents of the hernial sac. The hernial ring of an indirect hernia is not located below, as in a typical indirect hernia, but on the side. The skin over the hernia is changed and wrinkled. The inguinal canal is palpated as a cord that is displaced in the inguinal canal. Palpation of the hernial ring of an indirect hernia, unlike a typical hernial canal, with a finger is contraindicated.