
Hydroxylases are enzymes that catalyze the addition of one of two molecular oxygen atoms to a substrate to form a hydroxyl group. Hydroxylases are localized in microsomes and the endoplasmic reticulum of cells. Disturbances in the synthesis of hydroxylases in the body cause severe diseases.

Hydroxylase is an enzyme that is involved in an important biochemical process called hydroxylation. This process plays a key role in the formation of many important molecules in our body, such as hormones and neurotransmitters.

Hydroxylase is one of the enzymes that works in the cells of the body and has a wide range of functions. This main task is to attach an oxygen atom to substrates such as ketones, reagents containing carbon or nitrogen atoms. As a result of this process, a hydroxyl group is formed - OH. An example of hydroxylation is the conversion of a simple hydrocarbon alcohol (acetone) to acetic acid. Hydroxylase also plays an important role in the synthesis of estrogens and steroids, hormones that perform many different tasks in the body and affect the functions of organs and systems such as the reproductive system, muscle function and metabolism. In addition, hydroxylase is also critical in the metabolism of synthetic chemicals, pesticides and other toxic compounds, allowing the body to effectively deal with excess of these chemicals in the environment.

The main functions of hydroxylases in organisms are the synthesis of steroid hormones in the gonads and adrenal glands to regulate the female and male reproductive cycle and adapt the body to stress, as well as the synthesis of pituitary hormones and sympathetic amines. During times of stress, the endocrine system stimulates the synthesis of endorphins, which leads to a decrease in pain, anxiety and depression. Hydroxylamise is also involved in the metabolism of pesticides and foods, such as monosodium glutamate and glutamic acid in food (glutamate is the main ingredient in any flavor enhancer), as well as in the metabolism of drugs and poisons. Hydroxalase works on cell microsomes, which makes them an excellent target for targeted action when it is necessary to treat oncological diseases, somatic disorders and other pathologies.