Интроекция (Introjection)

Introjection is the process of adaptation or the belief of a person that he has the qualities of another person. This process is one of the manifestations of a defense mechanism that is used to protect against negative emotions and experiences.

Introjection often occurs in people who lack confidence in themselves or their abilities. They may convince themselves that they have other people's qualities in order to increase their self-esteem and self-confidence. For example, a person who considers himself weak and unsure of himself may convince himself that he is smart and talented.

However, introjection can also lead to problems communicating with other people. A person who is convinced that he possesses the qualities of another person may behave inconsistently with his real abilities and capabilities. This can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings in relationships with others.

Thus, introjection is an important adaptation process, but its use should be moderate and not lead to negative consequences for the individual and others.

Introjection (also introjection or incorporation) is a phenomenon in which an individual endows another person with those properties and character traits that he himself would like to have or would like to have. This is a defense mechanism that makes him feel more confident and comfortable.

With the birth of a child, all people introject some qualities in him that attract him to create an image that corresponds to the style of the educational process. The spatio-temporal model of introjection is presented as follows: when a child perceives someone else, he simultaneously perceives himself (that is, his old self).

Introjection is the process of accepting certain qualities and properties as one’s own. Introjects can be borrowed from a variety of sources, including parents, siblings, teachers, etc. This process can lead to the formation of a false perception of oneself.

One example of introjection is the fear of the unknown that can be experienced after receiving new information or experience. In this case, the individual tries to fit new information into his ideas about the world and his own personality, which can cause anxiety and uncertainty.