Meningoencephalitis Tuberculous

Meningoencerellitis - tuberculosis - a group of tuberculosis of the central nervous system, which is characterized by severe intoxication, damage to the meninges and gray matter and meningeal symptoms, usually accompanied by an epidemic reaction. Clinical manifestations of tuberculous meningitis are caused by local, cerebral and general processes in any type of m. In the cerebrospinal fluid there are inflammatory or purulent changes. Differential diagnosis is aimed at determining the etiology of inflammation of the meninges. Due to the low efficiency of tuberculin tests in the initial phases of the process during the tuberculosis process, it is also possible to determine a tuberculin-specific antibody in the cerebrospinal fluid. The preferred method for determining tuberculoprotein in cerebrospinal fluid is the sandwich protein cloning method. **Etiology and pathogenesis**. The causative agent of the disease is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The route of infection is aerogenic. The source of the tuberculosis process is a sick person, potentially sensitive to the pathogen, and cattle with tuberculosis. Characteristic is the development of a tuberculoma focus in the lungs, primary damage to the meninges, meningitis, hydrocephalus, lesions in the brain, multiple calcifications in both hemispheres. **Symptoms** Diagnosis of the disease is based only on the detection of a large number of acid-fast mycobacteria in the discharge from the damaged mucous substrate, in the liquorrhea and urine. The Mantoux reaction is a reliable way to make a diagnosis, allowing you to establish the disease already during the first days of illness (in some cases, even before clinical signs are obvious): 1–2 days before the skin reaction is diagnosed, positive tests are detected in the analysis of blood and sputum and an increase antibody titer in the blood. The final diagnosis of tuberculous meningopolyneuritis is made after a thorough examination