Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy?


By sunbathing, we provide the body with vitamin D. It would seem that this is very good and useful, but not during pregnancy.

Solarium during pregnancy: contraindications and consequences


Every woman wants to look attractive. The period when she carries a child under her heart is no exception. To give their skin a darker tint, women visit a solarium. The principle of its operation is to irradiate the body with ultraviolet rays, due to which the skin acquires a dark shade. In addition, in this way the body receives vitamin D, which it is not able to produce on its own. Therefore, many women go to the solarium, but is it safe during pregnancy?

Solarium during pregnancy: pros and cons

Experts' opinions on this matter are divided. Some believe that artificial sunbathing is contraindicated, others are in favor. Those who are not against tanning are convinced that visiting a booth helps:

  1. production of vitamin D;
  2. strengthening the immune system;
  3. destruction of pathogenic bacteria;
  4. drying cuts and scratches;
  5. activation of metabolism;
  6. normalization of blood circulation.


In addition, if a woman is pregnant in the summer, visiting a solarium, in their opinion, prevents sunburn and prepares the skin for exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Opponents of solarium are convinced that it will negatively affect both the condition of the expectant mother and the condition of the baby. A few minutes of rest under UV rays will help:

  1. pigmentation;
  2. malfunction of the immune system;
  3. disorders in brain development;
  4. physical and mental pathology;
  5. overheating of the fetus (due to the baby’s lack of sweat glands).


Who can

Sunbathing while expecting the birth of a baby is possible only after consultation with a gynecologist and in the absence of any diseases that prevent a visit. Only those who are absolutely healthy and do not have any abnormalities due to pregnancy are allowed to enjoy a session under ultraviolet lamps.



The main contraindication is pregnancy, which occurs with complications. Experts also talk about a number of diseases, the presence of which is prohibited from sunbathing:

  1. phlebeurysm;
  2. hyper-and hypotonic disease;
  3. disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  4. mastopathy;
  5. endocrine diseases;
  6. diabetes;
  7. the presence of papillomas and other skin formations;
  8. presence of a viral infection;
  9. various types of skin inflammatory processes.


Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium in the early stages?

Doctors say that in the early stages of pregnancy (up to a maximum of 4 weeks), tanning is harmless, but they strongly recommend refraining from further visits at least until a visit to a specialist. In the first trimester, the formation of all major vital organs occurs. For a period of five or more weeks, visiting the solarium is strictly prohibited.

If you sunbathed in a solarium in the early stages without knowing about pregnancy


When planning a pregnancy, women try to lead a normal lifestyle: they actively engage in swimming, jogging, continue to sing, dance, and some visit a solarium to maintain a beautiful chocolate skin tone.

Often a woman sunbathes under artificial rays without even knowing about her situation. As soon as pregnancy has become obvious and confirmed, tanning under UV rays should be abandoned. It is necessary to make sure that the fetus is properly implanted and there is no threat of termination of pregnancy.

What are the consequences of visiting a solarium during pregnancy for a child?

Going to a solarium is very dangerous for a baby, since a developing fetus lacks sweat glands. It is extremely difficult to control its temperature. Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the time permissible for staying in a solarium.

Doctor's recommendations


To ensure that visiting a solarium during pregnancy does not bring additional inconvenience and is as safe as possible for the expectant mother and child, doctors recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. burning should not be allowed;
  2. it is necessary to calculate the time correctly. The session should not last more than 3 minutes;
  3. sunbathe only in a swimsuit;
  4. eyes, lips, hair should not be irradiated;
  5. Do not use sunscreen;
  6. To prevent dehydration, experts recommend drinking water before and after a tanning session.



Artificial tanning is very popular, both among young girls and mature women. Some are not ready to give up their bronze skin tone even when they are pregnant. There are two types of solariums - horizontal and vertical. Doctors recommend that if you do visit a solarium, women in an interesting position should give preference to the vertical option.

The vast majority of the fair sex are against tanning during the period of bearing a child. You cannot make an independent decision in favor of visiting a tanning studio. You should at least inform your gynecologist about your intentions. Otherwise, there is a high probability of harming the baby.

No matter how far the beauty industry has come, no matter how significant the fashion for a bronze skin tone is for some women, going to a solarium during pregnancy is not the best idea.

Useful video


Many modern women visit the solarium, trying to get a beautiful bronze tan. After all, women of any age, status and position always strive for beauty, including pregnant women. And the beauty of a tanned body is especially attractive.

In this case, can pregnant women go and sunbathe in a solarium? What benefit or harm can the procedure cause to mother and baby during pregnancy?


Solarium during pregnancy: benefits and harms

There is currently a lot of conflicting information regarding this topic. But the most important thing is that doctors are against solariums during pregnancy.

Experts do not recommend doing the procedure during pregnancy!

Possible benefits

But sometimes there are exceptions. In what cases can you visit a solarium during pregnancy?

  1. When visiting a solarium, we are not limited to just a beautiful, long-awaited tan; ultraviolet light also helps in the fight against numerous bacteria and improves the quality of the skin due to its disinfecting properties.
  2. It is an excellent stimulator of vitamin D. And in the fall and winter, this is especially necessary for everyone, and during pregnancy it is doubly useful. Ultraviolet light also helps produce calcium, which is also important during pregnancy. Since most of the calcium in a pregnant woman’s body goes to the baby, the woman may be deficient in it. This can cause bad bones, nails and teeth.
  3. There will be no burns or sunstroke from tanning in a solarium.
  4. It is believed that during pregnancy, some will benefit from such a procedure. This is due to the fact that with the help of ultraviolet radiation the body is generally strengthened and protection against viral diseases and infections is enhanced.
  5. Plus, the opportunity to get a good mood, and a happy mother, a happy baby.

You can only go to the solarium during pregnancy with your doctor’s permission!

No matter how beneficial a solarium may be, pregnancy is an important process in a woman’s life, and she should take maximum care of her health and her baby, so you need to listen exclusively to the advice of doctors.


Harm from solarium during pregnancy

Solarium during pregnancy is harmful both in the early stages (that is, the first trimester), and during the second and third trimester. It is worth excluding solariums in the very early stages of pregnancy to avoid harm.

Why is solarium harmful for pregnant women? There is no particular danger for the baby if you follow the rules. But in case of violations, dire consequences are possible.

  1. The fetus, while in the womb, is very sensitive to external factors, be it extreme cold or heat. Naturally, for obvious reasons, he will not be able to resist this. Therefore, temperature changes are extremely dangerous for the embryo.
  2. The harm of a solarium during pregnancy can be expressed in the fact that it can have a detrimental effect on the nervous system of a brain that is not yet fully formed. Overheating will also affect the general health and condition of the pregnant woman herself.
  3. Using a solarium can cause excessive pigmentation. Getting rid of it later will be difficult, and in some cases impossible.
  4. Ultraviolet lamps tend to increase the production of hormones, which can have a painful effect on health. This condition can cause premature birth.
  5. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before visiting a solarium, as the woman may have a chronic disease. There is a specific list of diseases for which it is strictly prohibited to visit such places.


  1. Pregnant women are often interested in the question of the dangers or benefits of a solarium, because a situation could arise that a woman went to a solarium and did not know that she was pregnant. And this concern is not unfounded; at such an early stage, all kinds of procedures are really dangerous, including solariums. Therefore, if such an incident occurs, you need to discuss it with your doctor! In general, it all depends on the embryo itself; if the fertilized egg is quite strong, then there is no need to be afraid. But it’s better to refrain and not take risks!
  2. A woman, having an early stage of pregnancy, is unlikely to have done all the tests and gone through all the specialists, so she will not be able to know exactly what she can and cannot do. After all, the body changes throughout pregnancy.

Doctors do not recommend going to the solarium during pregnancy!

Doctors suggest that the tanning process reduces folic acid levels. And for women in this position, this is extremely unacceptable! Since it is folic acid that helps your baby grow and develop, and a deficiency can lead to physical and mental pathology.

That's why pregnant women can't go to the solarium!


How to protect yourself?

There are several types of installations with which tanning is obtained. You can choose any one depending on comfort and functionality. But for pregnant women, the main condition should be the safety of the procedure!


Therefore, you must comply with the following conditions for solarium use during pregnancy:

  1. The cabin should be well ventilated. With a lack of air, blood pressure may rise, slight dizziness and even fainting.
  2. After each client, sanitary and disinfection treatment must be carried out. It is advisable that these procedures be done in front of you; you should not take their word for it. The result of such negligence can be various infections.
  3. Availability and functionality of all standard-compliant ultraviolet lamps. They must be replaced regularly, as they only work normally for a certain amount of time, and then can have harmful effects. Good salons keep a replacement diary, so don’t be lazy and check.
  4. Availability of a working stop or help button.


When performing a solarium procedure during pregnancy, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Before using a solarium, you must find out what phototype your skin belongs to, and they will select a program suitable for it.
  2. Pregnant women are prohibited from violating the regimes and times established according to the individual program.
  3. Before the session, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.
  4. A prerequisite for pregnant women in a solarium is protection of the mammary glands, a bathing suit, and a headdress.
  5. If there are areas with tattoos on the body, they also need to be covered.
  6. The use of tanning creams is not recommended. Pregnant women may develop pigment spots from the substance included in the cream. Since the cream, when absorbed, enters the bloodstream, and subsequently into the placenta to the baby, which is extremely dangerous for the developing fetus.


  1. But sunscreen, on the contrary, is recommended for use and not only in the solarium. Even when just going for a walk on a sunny day, try to treat bare skin. You need to choose the highest quality sunscreen without aggressive substances.

Consult your doctor when choosing a sunscreen!

  1. After tanning, it is recommended to treat the body with moisturizing cream or lotion.
  2. Do not forget about drinking water, since after a solarium the body lacks fluid.
  3. Use special safety glasses to protect your eyes.
  4. Pregnant women are extremely contraindicated to visit a solarium if they feel unwell, have toxicosis or have a fever.

Whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy should only be decided by a doctor! Under no circumstances should you make a decision on your own, otherwise you may harm your baby or your health. In any case, a solarium for pregnant women is not the best idea; it is much better to just sunbathe in the sun!