How to nourish your skin from the inside

No matter what time of year it is, your skin should always be in excellent condition. Every day new “magic pills” appear that will supposedly make your skin flawless and radiant. But we know that there is not a single product that would solve all problems at once, and even suit everyone. There are some universal skin care tips that everyone can truly use to make their skin truly healthy and beautiful.

It is important to remember that the skin is the largest organ in the human body. The better you take care of yourself from the inside, the more beautiful you look on the outside - the skin reflects everything that happens to the body.

Follow these simple rules, and your skin will thank you!

Many skin problems, be it dry or oily, can be explained by a deficiency of any nutrients. Now we will tell you about those nutrients that our skin absolutely needs for beauty and health.

  1. Essential fatty acids.
    You've most likely already heard of them and are aware of their incredible health benefits. And they are truly irreplaceable, because the human body does not know how to produce them on its own; it has to be obtained from the outside. They are important not only for health, but also for the beauty of the skin. Essential fatty acids strengthen the skin, reduce the number of free radicals, and support the hydration of the sebaceous glands.
    Include more nuts, legumes, sprouted seeds, green leafy vegetables and cold water in your diet to nourish your skin from the inside.
  2. Vitamin C.
    The main antioxidant! One of the most important vitamins for prolonging youthful skin. Vitamin C reserves must be replenished every 4 hours, because it is not only the skin that spends it, but the entire body! Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits (especially citrus fruits).
  3. Vitamin E.
    It is this vitamin that protects our skin from damage and accelerates wound healing. It can be found in many vegetables, seeds, nuts, and can be used in its pure form as a lip balm or moisturizer.
  4. Zinc
    Skin problems such as dermatitis and acne indicate a lack of zinc in the body. Zinc keeps the sebaceous glands in order and is a strong antioxidant. It can be found in meats, as well as whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  5. Water
    Technically, water is neither a vitamin nor a mineral, but it plays a huge role in the functioning of the body. Lack of water is always visible on the skin - there is nothing surprising here. Water also helps eliminate waste and toxins.
    The usual recommendation is to drink water! Calculate your norm (30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight) and consume throughout the day. If you are very physically active, increase the dose. If it is very hot outside, add caffeine or salt to your diet to retain water in the body.

Even if you get enough of the nutrients mentioned above, it never hurts to treat your skin on the outside with natural ingredients.

  1. Why do you need to brush your skin?
    Cleansing your skin with the right brushes and washcloths improves blood circulation, stimulates the lymph nodes, reduces cellulite, and removes dead skin cells. When you use a brush while showering or bathing, you scrub away all the dead particles, which prevents dry skin. By doing this procedure regularly, you will notice the result - smooth, beautiful, breathable skin!
    Start the “massage” from the legs with smooth movements, gradually move up, paying attention to each part of the body. In areas where the skin is thinner, rub more gently. Use circular motions when treating elbows and knees. It is better to carry out the procedure every morning.
  2. Coconut oil.
    Coconut oil not only perfectly moisturizes the skin, but also removes makeup perfectly! Works great both inside and outside.
    If your skin is prone to oily skin, wipe it with coconut oil, leave for a few minutes to act, rinse with warm water and dry gently with a towel. This trick will help eliminate oiliness and also make an excellent base for makeup.
    To remove makeup, apply coconut oil to your palm, rub (oil hardens quickly at low temperatures), apply to face, rinse with warm water. Makeup will easily come off your face, and your skin will become moisturized and beautiful.
  3. Ayurvedic treatments
    Ayurvedic procedures have been used for many years, now in our regions they are gaining momentum and are included in the skin healing program. For example, a very nourishing Abhyanga massage for the skin. Essentially it is a full body massage, from head to toe. To perform a massage, you need to boil unrefined sesame oil (in winter) and coconut oil (in summer) twice, and cover your entire body with it. You can start with your hair and head, smoothly moving to other parts of the body, and finish with your toes. Once you have massaged your entire body, wait about 15 minutes for your skin to absorb the oil, then take a shower. During this time, you can meditate, do yoga, and stretch. As a result, you will get soft, elastic skin that will literally glow with health. The procedure can be repeated several times a week or a month.
    Sesame oil is considered warming, and coconut oil is considered cooling, which is where the dependence on the season comes from.

By incorporating these simple actions into your daily self-care rituals, you will be able to appreciate all the wonderful metamorphoses that have happened to your skin.

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In this article I will try to talk about how to properly moisturize the skin outside and inside to preserve youth, beauty and health.

A person can live without food for up to 40 days, and without water for no more than 7 days. It turns out that the role of water in maintaining life is almost 6 times more important than all the nutrients contained in food. And this is not surprising, because we are mainly made of water. Water keeps us alive by delivering nutrients to our cells and removing waste. It is thanks to it that the body maintains a constant body temperature. Water is life, dehydration is death...

First of all, dehydration is detrimental to brain cells, which constantly need more fluid than the rest of the body.

In addition to dry skin, early wrinkles, poor condition of hair and nails, cracking and joint pain, dry mouth and constipation, signs of “drought” in the body are energy deficiency, fatigue, headaches, swelling (yes, don’t be surprised : swelling is not an indication of excess water intake, but a sign of its lack) and lack of desire to drink water.

The desire to drink a lot of water may not appear until the body has been allowed to drink to its heart’s content for several weeks in a row.

You need to drink 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. Using this simple formula, everyone can calculate their daily water intake.

1. -It is useful to drink about a third of the daily norm of water before breakfast, and not in one gulp, but for at least 30-40 minutes. This water should be warm (38-40 degrees).

2. -We drink another third from breakfast until 17-18 hours.

3. -The last third - before bedtime.

4. -You need to drink water (preferably warm) 10-15 minutes before meals.

5. -An hour after eating – you can’t drink! This disrupts digestion. And after an hour, it is advisable to drink to eliminate dehydration caused by the process of breaking down food.

6. -If you feel very thirsty while eating, you can drink some warm water in small sips. But its volume should not be more than 1/3 of the volume of food eaten.

At the same time, I emphasize that you need to drink water! Not coffee, not wine, not even tea. A big mistake is to equate the water you drink with the liquid you drink. Naturally, tea, coffee and even vodka contain water, but they also contain dehydrating substances. For example, coffee and tea contain caffeine, and vodka contains alcohol. Therefore, as a result, the body gets rid of significantly more fluid than what got into it with the drink. Measure the volume of urine that the body eliminates after drinking the drink, and you will see that it exceeds the amount you drank. Another way to remove water after drinking strong drinks is through increased sweating of the body in order to cool it down.

Water is the source of youth for our skin, because it is with the water we drink that the skin receives the moisture necessary for biochemical processes and regeneration. Proper and effective hydration is the key to the success of all other skin care procedures. Maintaining youthful and beautiful skin is not a one-time procedure, it is a whole lifestyle and simple actions that need to be performed daily.

To prevent your skin from looking dry, tight and flaky by autumn, it needs to be sufficiently moisturized in the summer.

To do this, in your cosmetic bag, in addition to regular skincare products, you should have:

-A can of thermal water;

-Matifying sunscreen, for example, Mizon UV Mild Sun Block SPF35/PA+++, or BB or CC cream with SPF no lower than 10.

-Scrub or oxygen cleansing mask, for example The Saem Gem Miracle Black Pearl O2 Bubble Mask;

- Mattifying wipes for the T-zone, for example, Missha Oil control Film, if you periodically need to powder your nose.

The skin consists of two main layers: the skin itself (dermis) and its outer layer (epidermis). So, the dermis contains 80% water, while the epidermis contains only 10-13%. Due to its lack, the epidermis ages faster, loses elasticity and becomes covered with wrinkles. Water, penetrating from the dermis (and not from the external environment), helps to moisturize it. A natural hydrolipid layer retains water, which also performs a protective function. If it is disrupted, rapid loss of water and dehydration of the epidermis occurs.

The hydrolipid layer is formed during the process of keratinization (maturation of epidermal cells), and is a hygroscopic substance. It retains water and swells, making the skin less tense and smoother. And it decreases after illnesses, as a result of aging, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun.

Everything that we apply to the skin is an addition to the hydrolipid layer, which does not allow water to evaporate from the vessels of the dermis. In addition, active cosmetics help the epidermis in its fight against one of its most important enemies - photoaging. This is why facial skin moisturizers become especially important during the hot season.

It is better to avoid deep cleansing procedures, such as chemical peeling, altogether in the summer - the skin becomes dehydrated very quickly!

-After washing, morning and evening, moisturize your skin with a suitable moisturizer;

-1-2 times a week, make a moisturizing mask;

-Wash your face with cool water and avoid hot water in the bath and shower. Hot water disrupts the hydrolipidic barrier of the skin and thus dries it out;

-Do not overuse tanning. Direct sunlight dries out the skin of the face and body, and sunburn is traumatic, which causes the appearance of fine wrinkles and age spots. Tanning has a particularly negative effect on areas with thin and dry skin - and these are such important areas for female beauty as the chest and skin around the eyes!

-Drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily!

How are facial beauty and what we eat related? If cosmetics and skin care treatments don't help, it's time to think about your diet. Together with nutritionist Natalia Afanasyeva and cosmetologist-aesthetician of the Alexander Todchuk Studio chain of salons, Oksana Zhuravleva, we analyze the most harmful eating habits and tell you how they affect the condition of the skin.

Cosmetic problems can arise not only due to mistakes in skin care. In many cases, it is necessary to analyze what and in what quantities we eat. Advanced cosmetic procedures, luxury serums and creams will be powerless if you do not “establish” the beauty of your skin “from the inside”. Let's look at the most common bad eating habits that are reflected on the face.

1. Excess protein in the diet

Athletes typically consume a lot of protein. Protein food is necessary to build muscles and give them relief, increase strength and endurance of the body. Those who want to lose excess weight and “get dry” also rely on a protein diet. But, despite the importance of this nutrient, it should be consumed in moderation.

“When the diet is skewed towards increasing proteins, the body needs to utilize them somehow; it cannot absorb them in large quantities,” explains nutritionist Natalia Afanasyeva. – As a response, the total level of nitrogen and uric acid in the blood increases and exactly the same condition occurs as with an excess of toxins. The systematic predominance of protein foods leads to digestive problems. And the consequences of protein diets, when carbohydrates and fats are completely excluded, is a huge load on the liver and kidneys, which affects the condition of the skin.”

“With a clear excess of proteins in the diet, the skin becomes reactive, dry and sensitive,” warns cosmetologist Oksana Zhuravleva. – Allergic reactions appear to literally everything, even if you didn’t have allergies before. Eczema, dermatitis, cracks around the mouth and nose, peeling skin and dryness are all signs of constant and prolonged protein poisoning. Of course, a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the body. If you have a strong stomach and good health, all these unpleasant cosmetic problems may not affect you right away. The accumulation effect is important.”

What to do? A balanced diet is structured approximately like this: proteins 20-35%, fats 10-15%, carbohydrates 50-60% of the daily diet. Sources of vegetable protein are beans, beans, peas, prunes, dried apricots, and nuts. Animal protein is found in all types of meat, fish, seafood and dairy products. Do not overuse protein foods and remember that animal protein is absorbed by the body by 90%, and plant protein by 70-80%.

2. Lack of protein foods

It’s not for nothing that a proper diet is called “balanced.” The balance is disrupted not only when there are too many proteins on the menu, but also when there are too few. If you decide to give up protein foods, you simply won’t have enough strength and energy to exercise. The negative consequences of the lack of protein will also affect the condition of the skin.

“Quite often, people who try to fast, as well as those who experiment with temporary vegetarianism, do not get enough protein in their diet,” says nutritionist Natalia Afanasyeva. – Vegetables and fruits are eaten, but meat, fish, poultry and dairy products are completely excluded. There are many products that are sources of plant protein, but not everyone knows about it. The consequences of an unbalanced vegetarian diet are dangerous. Protein is the only nutrient that is not stored in the body as a reserve.

Our fats go into fatty tissue, carbohydrates into glycogen, but protein is not retained. If you don't eat it, your body has nowhere to take it. Even a short-term protein deficiency leads to significant disruptions in the functioning of the entire body. Protein is the building material for all cells and tissues. And the first thing that suffers is skin regeneration. The renewal of the stratum corneum slows down, the skin begins to recover poorly, becomes dry, dull and tired.”

What to do? Fasting and vegetarianism, even if temporary, should bring benefits and not harm to the body. When giving up animal protein, you need to get it from plant foods. The highest concentration of protein of plant origin is found in lentils, beans, soy sprouts, oat and barley groats, rice, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax, nuts and herbs. Protein “champions” among dried fruits are dried apricots and prunes.

3. Lots of sugar in your diet

Sugar is a killer not only for a slim figure, but also for the beauty of the skin. And if active physical activity can somehow burn off the extra calories that appear as a result of your “sweet” sins, then they will not solve cosmetic problems.

“It’s not difficult for an experienced cosmetologist to identify those with a sweet tooth,” says cosmetologist Oksana Zhuravleva, “they have dry, almost dehydrated skin. Like parchment, it instantly absorbs literally everything you put on it. In addition, sugar is built into the collagen cells of the epidermis, which is responsible for elasticity and firmness. Changes occur not only on the surface, but also in the deep layers of the skin. In this case, moisturizing and nourishing treatments, as well as injectable medications, will only temporarily smooth out the consequences of the problem. But it needs to be solved from within!”

What to do? Try spending a week without sweets - you will immediately see how quickly your skin condition changes! Just keep in mind that sugar is not only found in desserts, sweet baked goods and candies. Also be careful with sweet and dried fruits: grapes, bananas, figs, cherries and mangoes. In terms of its effect on the skin, fructose is equivalent to glucose. Eating a kilogram of grapes will give you the same amount of sugar as a piece of cake.

Among the record holders for the concentration of hidden sugars are freshly squeezed juices. In an effort to replenish the body with useful vitamins, many drink liters of them, and this is a huge mistake! One sweet orange doesn't contain much sugar, but imagine how much there is in 3-4 fruits! That is why nutritionists always recommend diluting freshly squeezed juices with water in a 1:1 ratio.

4. Omega-3 acid deficiency

It is no coincidence that beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids are always included in dietary supplements for the beauty and health of the skin. The benefits from them will be much greater if you supplement your diet with natural sources of these acids.

“In an effort to lose weight, people thoughtlessly exclude all fatty foods from their diet. But fats are different! – says nutritionist Natalia Afanasyeva. – You can’t put on the same scale harmful saturated fats of animal origin and healthy unsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins – A, E, D, K. In addition, Omega-3 is the main building material of cell membranes. The cell itself consists of protein, and the membranes are made only of fatty acids.

When the diet is low in polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids, skin cells (as well as all internal organs!) are renewed more slowly. The skin will not become dry or dull, but its tone will decrease. Following this, fine wrinkles and all the signs of aging will appear on the face.”

What to do? Healthy polyunsaturated acids are found in avocados, vegetable oils (especially flaxseed), fatty fish (salmon, salmon), nuts and seeds. Read more about healthy fatty foods in our article “Fatty, but healthy” (approx. Gravitazia).

5. Overeating fatty foods and features of oily skin type

“Fatty, spicy, fried, smoked foods, as well as sweets in large quantities are harmful to any person. But for those with oily skin types, these dietary errors are fraught with much greater problems than for those with normal or dry skin types, explains cosmetologist Oksana Zhuravleva. – Rashes can appear not only on the face, but also on the entire body: on the neck, back, shoulders, and décolleté. In this case, cosmetic cleaning alone is not enough. Chemical peels and cleansing treatments can only help those with oily skin types when combined with a proper diet!”

What to do? If you have a naturally oily skin type, try not to overuse fatty fried meat, sausages, and smoked meats - these foods stimulate the sebaceous glands. Sweets and hot spices can also cause oily shine and acne on the face, especially in the T-zone.

“During the period of inflammation on the face, completely eliminate sugar from your diet,” advises nutritionist Natalia Afanasyeva. – And at the same time, try to increase the amount of foods in your menu that contain healthy Omega-3 fatty acids (fish, flaxseed oil and flaxseeds, olives, avocados). They not only promote rapid healing of pimples and rashes, but also regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands well.”

6. Fermented milk products + sugar

“Many people love kefir and fermented baked milk. These products themselves are healthy; they participate in the formation of intestinal microflora. The problem is that few people use them in their pure form; sugar is often added to them, says cosmetologist Oksana Zhuravleva. – And fermented products (fermented milk products) with sugar are a very bad combination. If they are also fat, it’s just a disaster. The likelihood of dysbiosis occurring increases significantly. After overeating sweet glazed cheese curds, there may be more rashes than after an entire dessert. And not only on the face, but on the whole body.”

“Recently, you can increasingly read on the Internet how supposedly fermented milk products are harmful for an adult, that they cause swelling and inflammation on the face. – Nutritionist Natalia Afanasyeva says. – This is not true and nothing more than a myth! Swelling, rashes and allergies from natural and high-quality milk, cottage cheese or yogurt can only occur if you are lactose intolerant. I am a practicing nutritionist and from my own experience I can say that this happens extremely rarely.

What to do? Fermented milk products are indispensable for the diet of any athlete. This is position No. 1 on the daily menu, because any sports activity requires a large amount of calcium in the body. And low-fat cottage cheese, milk, kefirs and yoghurts are excellent sources of this microelement. It is only important to ensure that these products are natural and without sweet additives!

7. Beauty vitamins and a reasonable approach

“With the beginning of spring, many adherents of a healthy lifestyle remember about vitamin deficiency and begin taking vitamins uncontrollably. Vitamin complexes for the beauty of skin, nails and hair are especially popular, says nutritionist Natalia Afanasyeva. – Water-soluble vitamins (for example, C, B1, B12, niacin, B5) are consumed in the body faster than fat-soluble ones (A, E). The latter stock up better and come out slowly. In addition, they have a greater effect on hormonal levels than on the condition of the skin and hair. Yes, vitamin A is involved in skin regeneration processes, but not more active than other vitamins!

At the same time, it is much easier to “drink” A and E than any other water-soluble vitamins. I do not recommend taking them without medical supervision, since their excess in the body is associated with high toxicity and a danger to health in general. Do you want to take something for beautiful skin? When taking B vitamins, a healthy glow and fresh complexion will appear faster than from vitamins A and E. And your hair will grow faster and thicker!”

And in conclusion, I would like to note that bad eating habits are not only abusing something and overeating. These are also situations when you temporarily exclude substances necessary for the body from your menu.

The beauty and youth of your skin are related not only to what face cream you use, but also to how balanced your diet is. And the main thing is to maintain this balance!