Folk remedies for lips

Lips, like facial skin, require careful treatment and regular care.

Author: Svetlana Ivanova

Agree that dry lips, especially those with cracks and ulcers, don’t look very nice

What causes cracking and peeling of the skin of the lips?

Before you begin treating chapped lips, you must understand the root causes of this phenomenon. There are many factors that have a bad effect on beauty and among them:

  1. Allergy to facial skin care products
  2. Dehydration
  3. Excessive licking and biting throughout the day
  4. Long exposure to the sun
  5. Excessive smoking
  6. Mouth breathing
  7. Lack of vitamins

Video. Why do lips dry out? Alarm signal about possible health problems

Now you know your enemies by sight, and krauzer presents to your attention a guide on how to quickly cure dryness with simple home remedies, which will certainly restore their softness and healthy appearance.

There are a lot of care products on the market, but why spend money on them if you can find the best options, including those recommended by traditional medicine, in your kitchen?

Restoring healthy skin on the lips: the best home remedies and traditional medicine recipes

Sugar and Honey: Home Remedies for Softening

This scrub makes your skin softer and healthier.

The easiest way to treat lip skin is a scrub made with your own hands from sugar and honey.

To prepare it, mix 2 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. honey Apply this mixture with gentle massaging movements and leave for a few minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Use this simple and natural honey paste at any time convenient for you.

Glycerin: magic for severely chapped skin

It is well known that glycerin is an excellent moisturizer.

Mix it with honey and apply this mixture before going to bed. Leave it overnight and in the morning they will become elastic.

Cucumber juice to treat dryness and deep cracks

Another pet favorite is the cucumber; its fresh juice will perfectly soothe all irritations.

Squeeze fresh cucumber juice and rub it in gently. It softens dry skin. For best results, repeat the process several times a day.

Rose petals: an excellent remedy for sore and dry skin

The beautiful rose flower will also come to your aid in treating chapped lips.

How? Everything is very simple. Soak rose petals in raw milk for 3-4 hours. Make a smooth paste. Apply this composition 3-4 times a day. Glycerin can be used as a substitute for raw milk.

Benefits of Castor Oil for Dry Lips at Night

Mixed with other natural ingredients, it is an excellent treatment for chapped lips.

You can use castor oil alone, but the best option is to mix it with 1 tsp. glycerin and 1/2 tsp. lemon juice. Apply this mixture before going to bed and leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse your lips with warm water. It is recommended to repeat this process as often as possible.

Video. Protecting lips from wind and cold: recipes for lip care in the autumn-winter period

Natural oils are great for care

Natural oils can be pure coconut, mustard and olive. Any of them can be applied several times a day with massaging movements. The result will not be long in coming.

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Fast Treatment of Chapped Skin

Aloe Vera, Krauzer is sure of this, is found in almost every home. Take a small leaf and squeeze out the medicinal juice, which you apply to your chapped lips. At first it will be unpleasant for you, but then you will notice that they begin to live

Aloe Vera may taste harsh, but this does not deny its beneficial qualities. To get rid of the soreness, simply tear off a leaf of the plant and apply the gel from it.

Cream for healthy pink color

Cream may contain a high percentage of fat, but this also makes it an excellent moisturizer.

Apply fresh cream to flaky skin. Leave on for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. Their daily use promotes rapid recovery.

We treat with Vaseline

Vaseline is also quite effective for treating chapped lips.

Apply it 2-3 times a day. You can try another remedy: first, lubricate your lips with a small amount of honey and let it dry, and then apply Vaseline and leave for a few minutes, then rinse everything off with warm water.

The last but very effective remedy for pink lips is to stay hydrated.

The simplest thing is to drink lots and lots of water every day. This action will keep the whole body sufficiently hydrated, which will be reflected on the lips. Start and end your day with at least 1-2 glasses of water.

Everyone knows that a healthy body needs water, but how often do we remember this? Drink at least 1-2 glasses of water a day in the morning and evening and you will not have problems not only with your skin

Krauzer has listed all the basic and easy-to-follow home remedies for chapped lips.

For them to really help, follow them and avoid the causes that lead to dryness. Stick to a healthy diet and don’t lick your lips, then they will remain beautiful for a long time!

Lips can say a lot about a woman's well-groomed appearance. They cannot be hidden, they are always in sight. Therefore, when they become chapped and peeling due to insufficient care and weather conditions, no makeup will save you. Their skin does not have sebaceous glands and is therefore extremely sensitive and prone to dryness. Therefore, lip care is extremely important for women who always strive to look young, attractive and sexy.

Let's look at some of the secrets of such care, talk about special methods for dry and cracked skin, and find out what to do if they become chapped. And with the help of special masks we will make our lips soft, tender and desirable.

First of all, you need to know that proper care for this very important part of the face consists of regular nutrition and moisturizing the skin. After all, it is very thin and often cracks. It dries quickly due to lack of moisture and nutrition.

If they dry out and crack...

You can eliminate this problem with the help of pharmaceutical products, or you can prepare a very effective healing mask at home. To do this, mix ½ tsp. fresh low-fat homemade cottage cheese with 1 tsp. heavy cream. Beat everything until smooth and lubricate your lips with this mixture, touching the upper and lower outline. Remove the mask with a damp cloth after 15 minutes. After the mask, it is useful to lubricate your lips with hygienic lipstick. This will help your chapped and dry lips.

And here is another very old folk remedy that helps solve this problem. Grate a slice of juicy green apple on a fine grater, mix with fresh softened butter to make a paste, and apply the mixture to the damaged areas, leave for 15 minutes. Then wipe off with a damp cotton swab.

In addition to apple, you can use similar masks using cucumber, red beets, and carrots. Banana mixture has an excellent softening effect.

For severely chapped lips, many cosmetologists recommend caring for them with tea tree oil. Lubricate cracks with this oil.

If you don’t have time to make a mask, you need to take action quickly, use a regular, sleepy bag of green tea. After brewing, let the bag cool and apply it warm for a few minutes.

In addition to using various external remedies to get rid of dryness, drink more fluid, at least 2 liters. in a day. Try not to lick your lips in frosty weather - this is the most direct path to dryness and chapping.

For chapping and peeling

If there are signs of chapping and problems such as flaking of the skin are observed, a honey mask will help. Using this tool is very simple. It is enough just to regularly lubricate problem areas with natural bee honey. Moreover, it is not necessary to delete it after that. To enhance the effect, massage honey into the skin with your fingertips or using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

In addition to honey, to combat peeling, you can use the same massage, but with softened butter.

A product made from fresh sour cream gives a good effect. To do this, mix 1 tsp. sour cream and 2-3 drops of lemon juice. Add the same number of drops of olive oil. Mix everything well and lubricate the damaged skin for 15-20 minutes. Then remove with a damp cloth.

Useful care tips

— Don’t forget to lubricate your delicate skin every day, at night, with a cosmetic cream containing vitamins E and A.

- Use a mixture of fresh carrot juice and cottage cheese 3-4 times a week, lubricate your lips with it for 10-15 minutes.

— If there is severe inflammation, apply a warm compress from a strong infusion of chamomile flowers. Soak a cotton swab in it and apply to the inflamed skin for 10-15 minutes.

— When removing makeup, do not forget about your lips. Remove makeup from them using cleansing cream or milk.

— Don’t forget to regularly use protective balms, and not only in summer, but all year round. Just choose a product based on the season. In summer, you need to use a balm containing a sunscreen and moisturizing ingredients. And in winter it should protect delicate skin from frost.

— To give your lips a bright color, this remedy will help you: Combine 1 tsp. rice flour and olive oil to make a paste. Apply the mask, rinse after 20 minutes. using a damp swab. Then, immediately lubricate the skin with a thin layer of bee honey.

— This remedy can add tenderness and softness: rub 1 ripe strawberry with honey and lubricate your lips. This mixture should remain on the lips for at least 20 minutes. After which you can simply eat it. Then grease with rich cream.

Complete care will not be complete if you do not eat properly. Pay attention to your diet. For the beauty and health of this important area of ​​the face, eat more foods containing vitamin A. You will find it in carrots, beets, salads, and liver. Also eat more orange-colored vegetables and fruits.

To avoid jams and cracks in the corners of your mouth, add foods containing vitamin B to your diet. It is found in garden herbs, legumes, green vegetables and fermented milk products.

It must be said that sometimes even regular toothpaste containing fluoride can cause inflammation of the skin in the mouth area and cause increased dryness of the lips. So be careful.

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Lips are what immediately catches our eye when we look at a person. This is a color accent, this is an indicator of health, this is a way to find out what a person’s character is. All these are reasons why lips should look flawless. How to achieve healthy looking lips?

The skin of the lips is very sensitive and prone to rapid fading, so it is necessary to take care of it every day. It is very easy to damage the skin of your lips, so you should not use just anything: some lipsticks contain substances that can easily upset the delicate balance of this delicate area.

On the other hand, if you want your lips to be healthy and beautiful, but are not ready to overpay for expensive products, there is still a way out. We will tell you what to do and what to use to make your lips truly attractive.

Massage for volume and juiciness of lips

  1. narodnye-sredstva-dlya-gub-MbLylC.webp

    Try regularly massaging your lips with a soft toothbrush. Slow, careful movements will not damage the skin of the lips, but will serve as an excellent cosmetic massage that activates the natural processes of regeneration and hydration. Ideally, it is better to use a separate toothbrush for massage. For thin lip skin, a brush marked SOFT or for children is perfect.
  2. A good idea is to massage your lips every evening before going to bed. To improve blood circulation and restore the natural brightness of the lip border, wet the brush in cold water before massage. Apply a little vegetable oil (shea, almond, avocado, sasanqua, jojoba) to your lips and gently massage your lips with a brush for one minute. This will provide your lips with softness and shine, without taking up any time, effort or money.
  3. Ice is one of the most popular methods to help increase lip volume at home. Massage an ice cube onto your lips and then apply a moisturizer or balm. This cryomassage is an excellent express remedy for giving your lips an appetizing swelling before an important date or photo shoot.
    Short-term exposure to cold has a shock effect to some extent, which activates all metabolic processes, increases tone, and improves oxygen saturation of skin cells. By regularly performing ice massage, you can make your lips not only more attractive, but also more resistant to external influences. And even in cool weather, without using balm, your lips will shine with health and beauty.

Regular moisturizing for fresh lips


Saturation with moisture is the key to ensuring that your lips will look young and healthy for many years. Many people mistakenly believe that constant use of lip balm is a proven remedy for maintaining their youth and health. Therefore, apply your favorite balm again and again throughout the day. Still would! After all, without balm, the skin begins to dry out very much and even becomes covered with painful cracks. But it is the regular use of balms that causes a similar, very uncomfortable condition of the skin of the lips.

The balm covers the lips with an oily film, disrupting the normal processes of regeneration and moisture evaporation. Gradually, the skin of the lips becomes like easily damaged parchment. Using lip balm helps temporarily relieve the condition, but after a while it gets worse. The way out of this situation is simple:

  1. For complete care, combine moisturizing and nourishing the skin of your lips. When applying cream to your face, do not forget to apply it in a thin layer to the skin of your lips. But use fatty wax-oil-based balms only as protection before going outside during the cold season.
  2. It may take a couple of weeks to wean your lips from constantly asking for a dose of balm. Evening primrose vegetable oil will help significantly ease this period. Primrose oil is rich in vitamin E and gamma-linoleic acid, which help smooth out fine wrinkles, eliminate dryness and inflammation, and quickly heal cracks and irritations. Apply this oil 3-4 times a day on your lips, and in between applications, try not to lick your lips. After a while, you will notice that you begin to forget to apply this oil to your lips, since your lips began to feel great without it.
  3. What is applied to the lips somehow ends up in our body. Therefore, for lip care, choose the most natural products with safe ingredients. The skin around the eyes is similar in structure to the skin of the lips, so you can use the same cream for these areas. SENTIO physiological products are suitable for thin skin around the eyelids and delicate skin on the lips. By purchasing one eye cream from SENTIO, you also purchase a lip care product. This is not only economical, but also ensures that nothing harmful gets into your body.

Regular nutrition for youth and health

By making nourishing lip masks at least a couple of times a week, you can be sure that dullness, loss of volume, vertical wrinkles and other signs of aging will not affect you for many years. You can simply apply a thick layer of rich nourishing cream and blot off the residue with a napkin after 10-15 minutes. Or you can prepare special lip masks with your own hands.

  1. narodnye-sredstva-dlya-gub-VIVXpQt.webp

    Mix honey with vegetable oil (almond, jojoba, castor, argan, rose hip, avocado, shea) in 1:1 proportions. Apply a thick layer on your lips and leave for a while.
  2. Mix honey with vegetable oil and enrich this composition with a couple of drops of essential oils. Lavender, myrrh, sandalwood, rose, carrot seeds, chamomile - for damage and inflammation. Mint, ginger, cinnamon, lemon balm, lemon - to stimulate blood circulation and give lips brightness and volume. Apply for 10-15 minutes, then remove with a napkin. To enhance the effect, pre-massage your lips with a toothbrush.
  3. Candied honey, applied to the lips with massaging movements, amazingly refreshes the skin of the lips and makes them smooth, shiny and brighter.
  4. Prepare a wonderful mask - a lip scrub with an intoxicating fruity aroma. Mix a quarter teaspoon of unrefined coconut oil with fine brown sugar and add 1 drop of sweet orange essential oil. Apply a thick layer onto your lips, lightly massaging and leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Want to get a natural pink lip color? Pomegranate seeds will help you. Grind the pomegranate seeds and mix them with the heavy cream. Apply the resulting paste to your lips every evening, before going to bed for 15 minutes. Like most natural remedies, this composition works gradually, do not expect instant results. But your patience will be rewarded: you will like the results.
  6. A popular Ayurvedic recipe for adding brightness and volume to lips based on red henna. Brew a pinch of red henna with hot water and mix with coconut oil. Add 1 drop of cinnamon essential oil to the mixture. Gently apply to lips using a brush for 15-20 minutes. The mask slightly stains the lips in a reddish-brick tint, so when applying it, do not go beyond the contour of the lips.

Exercises for beautiful lip shape

This set of exercises will not take you much time, but will serve as an excellent prevention of age-related changes in the skin of the lips. You can do it in the morning before applying makeup or in the evening before going to bed.

  1. Pull your lips out and exhale as if you were blowing out a candle. After exhaling, relax your lips. Repeat 8-10 times.
  2. As you inhale, puff out your cheeks and begin to exhale - slowly and evenly, starting to push out the air as you exhale. The eye area should be relaxed. Repeat 8-10 times.
  3. Articulating as expressively as possible, pronounce the vowels A, I, O, U, Y. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Pull your lips forward as far as possible, opening your mouth slightly. Relax your lips and close your mouth. Repeat 15-20 times.
  5. Move your lower jaw left and right along with your lips so that the movement begins from the lips. Repeat 20 times.
  6. Stick your tongue out as far forward as possible, hold at the extreme point for a couple of seconds, then retract your tongue and relax your lips. Repeat 5 times.