General discussion about viper bites and their qualities

The worst vipers and dragons are the males, but as for the females, they are safer. The bite of a female is recognized by the presence of pits from more than two teeth in the place where the snake bit. First, blood comes out from the site of the bite with two or many teeth, then ichor the color of slop, sometimes the ichor is watery at first, then the color of olive oil, then verdigris, because it has already turned into a poisonous substance and has taken on its color.

The bitten area hurts and the pain spreads like ants, then a red hot swelling appears with many pimples and blisters, similar to fire burns, which sometimes spread further. Then this tumor near the bite turns blue, the patient’s mouth dries out, there is a burning sensation in the insides, and in the body there is a fever with chills, cold sweat appears, the complexion deteriorates to blue, dizziness occurs, breathing becomes more frequent and decreases, nausea and hiccups are observed. Sometimes the patient vomits bile juice, has difficulty urinating, feels heaviness in the head and often bleeds through the nose, heaviness in the spine and then cold sweat, severe shaking and fainting. If the patient dies, most often in three days, and sometimes remains alive until the seventh day.