Oculostatic Phenomenon

Oculostatic phenomenon is a phenomenon that occurs during visual work at close range, when the eyes are under constant tension. It is characterized by a feeling of fatigue and discomfort in the eyes, as well as a decrease in visual acuity. Oculostatic phenomenon can lead to the development of various eye diseases such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

The causes of the oculostatic phenomenon can be different. For example, insufficient lighting in the workplace or incorrect head position during work can lead to overstrain of the eye muscles and the development of oculostatic syndrome. Additionally, improper use of glasses or contact lenses can also cause this phenomenon.

To avoid oculostatic phenomena, it is necessary to properly organize the workplace and ensure correct posture. It is also important to choose the right glasses or contact lenses that will suit your individual vision. If oculostatic syndrome nevertheless develops, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.